The day Classic + turned into retail -

The retail mantra!

We had a single way to play a progressive Vanilla-like server, and now we have zero :slight_smile:

Thanks for cannibalizing our game so you could enjoy retail but slightly different.


Everything I like is classic or classic+
Everything I hate is “retail”!


That seems out of line but from your other replies it seems you’re just realizing that you’re wrong and you’re upset. So I forgive you.

So it has changed. Got it.

And there a few people like yourself who really need this to be classic+ when it isn’t.

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Are you always this articulate?

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This isn’t a “#nochanges” version, you can go play Era if you don’t like changes.


No but when they make things like sod that’s not classic you cant complain its not classic now can you?


cya nerd thanks for the game. I am having so much fun on it and will continue to during 20 mans

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No, they’ve been pushed out. The people cannibalizing Classic aren’t the core community, they’re just there while they wait for Cata Classic TWW


Era is not progressive. It has been on its last phase for longer than it has been around. It is not equivalent.

They provide a progressive no changes server on a regular bi-annual cadence and you and I will never speak again.

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No reason to be articulate with someone who has been spewing the same nonsense for months. Give it up. Nobody cares. The andys are outnumbered. Stop using the word retail like it’s the boogeyman. I literally summed up every post you’ve ever made about wrath/sod in two sentences. You cherry pick what you like and accept it as classic, and anything you don’t like you label as “retail.” Go play Era dude. You’re tiresome and boring.


Being pushed out is a reason how something changes. Glad you understand that word :smiley:

and yet they keep making changes for them, so you’re wrong again.

Yeah, that is why blizzard makes these servers, to keep people playing with out having to keep doing content for the main game.


Ya, I can because they put it under the “Classic” moniker and base it on Vanilla, which carries certain expectations.

Put this crap on the retail client and I won’t ever see it.


Typical andy can only parrot what other people say, unable to form a single unique opinion of your own.


Trying to explain vocab when you don’t have a grasp on grammar

The fact they’re curating games to their wishes does not make them the core community for which Classic was created in the first place.

They created these servers so they’d have a legal basis by which to C&D the Nostalrius team.

wth are you talking about? Who says this?

Can you make an argument other than “hehe ANDY!!!1!”

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No, they put it under the Classic -client-. That doesn’t mean its Vanilla/Classic/Era. Its SoD, its own unique thing. Its technically “Season 2”. Just stop dude. You get shut down by the majority of the forums every time you start crying about your andy nonsense. Just give it up or go complain somewhere else.


go back to blue parsing BWL


I did not come here to argue, I came here to be entertained. Hehe Andy.


Yeah the core Classic community has been shoved out and is, at present, outnumbered by retail tourists. You guys are not long term players, and they’ll realize that when SoD subs drop off entirely after Cata TWW and they don’t have any of the people who actually prefer Classic MMORPGs left to keep the lights on.

This is precisely why No Changes was a thing, and needs to return. Given a modicum of wiggle room, you guys will shove in every modern POS you can.

Go play retail. I was enjoying the single progressive Vanilla-based server available.


Easily verifiably false. Pathetic attempt at an insult.

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