The day Classic + turned into retail -

.02 has been deposited into your blizz bucks account!

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Can’t wait to spend it. :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:

I waited all day for this.

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If you already have every class leveled up, you don’t need to level up anything anymore, so there’s no reason for you to care how long it takes.


The community did that when they did 26-40 without ever doing a quest, sat AFK in Stocks/RFC/SM paying for dungeon boosts, and hoarding boxes and BG marks in the hopes of turning them in all the way to 40.

Why are you not content just turning off your xp buff at an innkeeper?
The choice is also part of the game

Because people aren’t out in the world actually doing any quests till 40, so by granting gold as if you were capped, people might actually quest to 40 rather than put them all off till level cap. The low level cap, as it is, almost punishes you for questing to 40 cause of all the gold you miss out on. Maybe if questing weren’t also slower, you’d have a point.

I have four 40s and they’re all fun to play. If it’s fun, it can’t be meaningless.

They’re taking you down a path that’s seasonal. They’re gonna do some other Season thing later. Maybe it’ll be a Korean MMO grindfest like you’re clearly dreaming of.


This is either “season of public beta” where they are testing out what they should do for classic+ or this is actually a NIH funded study to see how badly they can abuse customers before they quit. Like those studies where they offer to pay people $20 to do a study and have them wait in a room for the study to start, but seeing how long they will wait while being abused is the study.


i dont care how u feel


And fresh server is going to be popular. Som barely had enough players to fill raids. There were time where the server was you and 50 other people if that. Som was absolutely dead

People say this while simultaneously saying that the leveling zones were full to capacity and nobody could complete quests. Which is it?


Nice abusive post.

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Let me fix it

Man I would care to understand if there wasnt an insane lack of alts at the end game and to a point that healers are charging 10g to join runs :rofl: its a seasonal it should have increased exp boost especially with the amount leaving cause its boring to spam SM all day

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god the first few days were miserable with how many areas were just phase 1 days 1 all over again but even worse :sob:

All quests disabled all mobs give 1 exp, go go go race to 60, seems to be what some of the people looking back on vanilla with the thickest of rose colored glasses want.

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Yeah dude this is exactly how Vanilla was /s

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People want shortcuts and easy modes then wonder why they don’t care about the game and quit. We’re full of contradictions and flawed. You need the grind to enjoy the pay off at max level.

Imagine watching a 30 minute recap video for Game of Thrones and then only watching the last season. That’s the state of retail right now and SOD is starting to look more and more like retail.


I mean blizzard was pretty clear up front SoD was not just fresh era servers and that it was a sand box they’d be testing out random stuff in /shrug


SoM died for a rather large list of reasons somehow involving core craft, which is hillarous, not just one thing.

You don’t say?!

Everyone must suffer so I can have fun! This game isn’t about discovering and spending time at max level in a phase where you can actually use your runes
 ITS ABOUT GRINDING AND SUFFERING. Just stop dude. This isn’t “classic” and classic wasn’t vanilla. Nobody cares about your elitst attiude towards leveling, qol, etc. The majority of the player base wants to play the game, not fight the leveling boss. Give it up already. Andys make me sick for real.