The day Classic + turned into retail -

retail doesn’t have a 100% exp buff up to its current level cap


Damn, you guys are the actual locusts tho. You run out of stuff to do in the lesser modern implementation of the game, then come over to where we are enjoying Classic gameplay… in Classic… and demand it be modernized to suit you before you quit to go play your next phase or expansion of retail.


The only one demanding anything here is you angry at the changes that have already been decided on…

At this point I just have to assume Aguy is a very dedicated troll, I don’t think my brain could handle the idea of someone being this delusional


Yeah dude not the incessant complaining about 40 man raids and Classic leveling speeds and “is it 2 late too staert?!?!”. MHMMM


There is no such thing as content locusts. Was waiting for this. You are def a paid shill.

Content locusts is a buzzword created by imagining agencys to explain away poor development. People spam to get to the end of a lot of games. Games with good content never seem to have this “content locust” prolem. Weird huh?

Sorry. Please see yourself out, you’re glowing just like a glowie, blowie.

.02 has been deposited in your account for this post!


“No, u.” isn’t a valid argument. Try again.

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Agreed, just not on who is doing the misunderstanding.

That isn’t what that was said for. It shows players would rather pay for a boost in game then to go out and level.

I don’t disagree but they want people to play and if there are more players who don’t want that than those who do, they’re going to make changes.

I don’t think the core community is who you believe it is anymore.

yes, the ones who even in era were asking for retail changes. The core people who want it no changes are not the majority I’d wager.

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Your entire response can be summed up in “conspiracy!”.

It’s not a good look for your argument.

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If a member of the SS called me a fascist it wouldn’t invalid to say “no u”


We know this.

People always show their true colors and bring up that group to try and boost their argument.

Congratulations, you’ve just lost.

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The core Classic community has remained the same. They’ve been pushed out by Blizz making anti-Classic changes like paid boosts, cash shop, RDF, etc. so they’re naturally easier to outnumber than they were in 2019.

Retail is in a lull and there’s a ton of players who actively abhor Classic and what it stands for playing SoD right now.

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Sources needed.

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Are you still yapping?

Go back to Era you loser. Cry over there about the big bad sod changes :frowning:


He can’t. Barely anyone who shares his opinion is over there.

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.02 has been deposited in your account for this post!

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Reeks of Jealousy. Peeyew!

Uhuh, core community has been pushed out so you guys can cannibalize more versions of Classic.


Dog brain take


There’s a version of Classic available to you right now for you to enjoy but because of your Locust mentality and inability to be satisfied, you want everything for yourself.
