The day Classic + turned into retail -

hardcore is NOT that.
sod is NOT that.

stop treating them like they are, you will arrive at the same disappointment every time.


Good thing your sub pays for all game versions so that people can all play what they want!

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Sod absolutely was that until they stuffed in as much modern MMORPG design as they could today.

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Itā€™s seasonal dude.

Let them have a seasonal server that adds a couple of raids to the endgame.

Then they can build fresh servers around what the seasonal server looks like at the endgame and charge us money to develop more of that stuff.

Then we can give them money. For the stuff that we want. And then they give us more stuff that we want.

See how this works now???


keyword on UNTIL. it was never intended to be your ā€œprogressive serverā€. you deciding it was does NOT mean that the people developing the game agree with you.

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Just because the car has been following you for 10 minutes down the highway doesnā€™t mean itā€™s going to the same place you are


so do you all admit that SoD is retail- now :expressionless: because the way youā€™re arguing it sounds like it


no some of us are capable of thinking outside the retail/classic binary :rofl:


SoD is not retail. Theyā€™re two entirely different games. Why do you have it stuck in your head that retail and classic are the only two versions of WoW?


Blizzard shilled the game as such. Anything said to the contrary is a lie or bad faith arguments.

Blizz wanted to build a new game base out of an existing games base.

"Why are you upset you got hoodwinked. Iā€™m having fun why arenā€™t you? Wait why are you leaving stop being babies.

Wait come back. I donā€™tā€¦wantā€¦toā€¦beā€¦aloneā€¦"

The cope is in the air.


It sure is buddy, Iā€™m glad youā€™re able to recognize your problem so you can start working to move past it :slight_smile:

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And the level boost isnā€™t going to do anything about it.

The players who quit arenā€™t quitting cause the leveling is too slow. Oh noā€¦


pvp actually but sure

Notice how these purists have moved from ā€œfreshā€ to ā€œprogressiveā€ because their locust mentality has been called out.


Som had great popularity at first, even against odds of tbc being the big dog at the time

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shoving retail stuff into classic isnā€™t ā€œan entirely different gameā€ :expressionless:


Ahh the meeting of the minds. Glad to see gangs all here


shut up nerd.

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The best thing about season of discovery is all the tears it brought about on the forums. People get SO EMOTIONAL about a game mode they apparently do not play.

SoD is now an MMO that espouses modern MMO design philosophy, rather than Classic design philosophy.

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