The curious case of Shaman spells disappearing every patch

Hello there, I come here to the General Discussion forums to spread the awareness of an issue that has been happening for a little over an year now.

To keep things short, whenever a patch comes out Shamans simply lose the visual effect on a spell. This effect has been compounding without the missing spells rarely ever being fixed and if things keep going like this eventually Shamans will be left with no spells effects left no matter how many new ones get added.

I’ve been reporting each missing spell in-game weekly and keep a few threads in different forums updated weekly as well since I first started noticing this but sadly Blizzard hasn’t really been fixing these bugs.

If anyone is curious about this or would like to bring more awareness to this, here are the mentioned threads:


my shaman still has those animations you claim are gone

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Then you have either misread the bug report or are looking at the wrong spells, these effects have been missing for a while.

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It is now the 24th week after The War Within’s official launch and these same Shaman spells are still bugged and missing their spell casting animations and/or visual effects.

The Elemental Shaman spell “Earth Shock” is missing it’s special casting animation and is using a generic cast animation instead of the unique animation it used to have where the Shaman would raise a hand towards the sky (Much like the Earthquake casting animation).

The Restoration Shaman spell “Healing Wave” is missing its visual spell effect entirely, the swirling waves that moved from the player casting it to their target is no longer visible making the spell hard to track visually.

The Shaman talent “Traveling Storms” is currently bugged and removes both the spell casting animation AND visual spell effect of the “Thunderstorm” spell making it a completely invisible spell.


That’s an effect on Healing Surge, not Healing Wave. I don’t remember it being part of Healing Wave.

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It was part of both until it bugged out and just vanished from Healing Wave many many months ago.


It is now the 25th week after The War Within’s official launch and these same Shaman spells are still bugged and missing their spell casting animations and/or visual effects.

The Elemental Shaman spell “Earth Shock” is missing it’s special casting animation and is using a generic cast animation instead of the unique animation it used to have where the Shaman would raise a hand towards the sky (Much like the Earthquake casting animation).

The Restoration Shaman spell “Healing Wave” is missing its visual spell effect entirely, the swirling waves that moved from the player casting it to their target is no longer visible making the spell hard to track visually.

The Shaman talent “Traveling Storms” is currently bugged and removes both the spell casting animation AND visual spell effect of the “Thunderstorm” spell making it a completely invisible spell.

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Idk if they ever fixed it but on anniversary patch frost shock got its animation to be changed to flame shock’s, versus the old one that looked as though you were throwing something

With the new 11.1 Patch, it seems yet another Shaman spell has lost it’s visual effect entirely and is now invisible, this patch’s victim being Primordial Wave (with the Glyph of Primordial Wave), the visual effect is simply gone to add to this sad list.

It is now the 26th week after The War Within’s official launch and these same Shaman spells are still bugged and missing their spell casting animations and/or visual effects:

The Elemental Shaman spell “Earth Shock” is missing it’s special casting animation and is using a generic cast animation instead of the unique animation it used to have where the Shaman would raise a hand towards the sky (Much like the Earthquake casting animation).

The Restoration Shaman spell “Healing Wave” is missing its visual spell effect entirely, the swirling waves that moved from the player casting it to their target is no longer visible making the spell hard to track visually.

The Shaman talent “Traveling Storms” is currently bugged and removes both the spell casting animation AND visual spell effect of the “Thunderstorm” spell making it a completely invisible spell.

The Elemental and Enhancement Shaman spell “Primordial Wave” is now completely invisible when the “Glyph of Primordial Wave” is being applied to the spell.

It is now the 27th week after The War Within’s official launch and these same Shaman spells are still bugged and missing their spell casting animations and/or visual effects;

The Elemental Shaman spell “Earth Shock” is missing it’s special casting animation and is using a generic cast animation instead of the unique animation it used to have where the Shaman would raise a hand towards the sky (Much like the Earthquake casting animation).

The Restoration Shaman spell “Healing Wave” is missing its visual spell effect entirely, the swirling waves that moved from the player casting it to their target is no longer visible making the spell hard to track visually.

The Shaman talent “Traveling Storms” is currently bugged and removes both the spell casting animation AND visual spell effect of the “Thunderstorm” spell making it a completely invisible spell.

The Elemental and Enhancement Shaman spell “Primordial Wave” is now completely invisible when the “Glyph of Primordial Wave” is being applied to the spell.

It is now the 28th week after The War Within’s official launch and these same Shaman spells are still bugged and missing their spell casting animations and/or visual effects:

The Elemental Shaman spell “Earth Shock” is missing it’s special casting animation and is using a generic cast animation instead of the unique animation it used to have where the Shaman would raise a hand towards the sky (Much like the Earthquake casting animation).

The Restoration Shaman spell “Healing Wave” is missing its visual spell effect entirely, the swirling waves that moved from the player casting it to their target is no longer visible making the spell hard to track visually.

The Shaman talent “Traveling Storms” is currently bugged and removes both the spell casting animation AND visual spell effect of the “Thunderstorm” spell making it a completely invisible spell.

The Elemental and Enhancement Shaman spell “Primordial Wave” is now completely invisible when the “Glyph of Primordial Wave” is being applied to the spell.