Shaman Earth Shock animation bug

In the 10.2.5 patch, the Shaman spell Earth Shock has had its animation bugged and removed, instead of keeping the unique cast animation it had before the patch in which the shaman would raise a hand up to the sky (the same animation earthquake uses) and the enemy would be crushed by rocks, it now uses the same generic spell cast animation most other spells use.


It is now patch 10.2.6 and this bug has still not been fixed.

Please Blizzard, I urge you to fix this as soon as possible.

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It is now Dragonflight Season 4 and this bug has still not been fixed.

I have also noticed that the Glyph of Primordial Wave added in the 10.2.6 patch is also missing some spell effects, and that is the swirl of shadow energy that would spin around the player after casting the spell.

Please, those two issues need to be looked at.


It is now patch 10.2.7 and Earth Shock and the Glyph of Primordial Wave are still bugged.


It is now pre-patch version 11.0 and the Glyph of Primordial Wave bug has been fixed but the Earth Shock animation is still missing, and to add into this the Healing Wave animation is now also bugged and is missing the water swirls that travel from the shaman to the target they’re healing.

Bump - this still has not been fixed and it bothers me. All of my Shaman’s casts look the same now, the hand to the sky animation felt powerful and stopped it from looking repetitive.

It is now patch 11.0.2 and the spells Earth Shock and Healing Wave are still bugged and missing their animations.

It is now The War Within’s official launch and Earth Shock is still missing it’s correct animation and Healing Wave is still missing it’s visual effect.

Bumping this as well so this can be addressing finally. Crazy how many months it has been.

It is now the first week after The War Within’s official launch and Earth Shock is still missing it’s correct animation and Healing Wave is still missing it’s visual effect.

It is now the second week after The War Within’s official launch and Earth Shock is still missing its spell casting animation and Healing Wave is still missing its visual effect.

It is now the third week after The War Within’s official launch and Earth Shock is still missing its spell casting animation and Healing Wave is still missing its visual effect;