But, Blizz, Is, not what, Blizz was…
The Blizz you once knew, is gone.
Whoever these impostors who call themselves Blizzard are, they sure aren’t the ones that made this game great.
Very well said and glad there are still people like you in this game.
Do you know why people don’t like raiders?
I agree people are often toxic when unnecessary, however i think the game does a poor job of teaching new players how to be good.
World quests require almost 0 thought, nothing in the open world or stuff tou encounter while leveling is even remotely dangerous.
As a result, players reach max level and dont know what an interrupt or a dispel is.
The responsibility of teaching new players the game ultimately rests in the hands of the developers, and currently the game does a bad job of it.
When someone in your group gets a dispellable debuff, there should be a clear indication for the healer or dps with the appropriate cleanse to not only dispel it, but read what they are dispelling.
The game in its current state doesnt teach players HOW to learn.
There needs to be some sort of class tutorial that covers basic utility and how it functions in group content.
For example, a proving grounds where you dont just blast through mobs, but that is specific to your class and covers things you should be aware of at a reasonable pace.
I know tons of mages who NEVER bother to decurse, they dont even know how to tell on their party frames the difference between a poison, curse, or magic debuff.
If there was a tutorial that paused, highlighted said debuff, and explained:
“This is a curse, it is highlighted by its purple border. Mages, druids, and shamans can remove curses. Use remove curse to continue.”
The player then has to decurse the target, and has a mini challenge of decurse all these different players.
The same could be said for interrupts, stuns, teaching people to cancel a cast using imprison or incapacitate when their kick is on CD.
This is all just too much information to expect LFG pugs to have the patience to teach randoms they will never see again, and blizzard could do a lot to lessen the gap between skilled and unskilled people through class based tutorials imo.
My 2 cents on the matter.
Stop? Stop?
You fool.
It hasn’t even begun.
It’s plenty a reason, and keeping the rewards for the exact same thing for all races is something that needs to be consistent.
The purpose of raid bosses is to be varied and different with each fight.
This is the worst analogy you could come up with.
At this point your being contrarian to be contrarian.
Literally everyone in modern wow: get rid of raiding. Get rid of raiders. Get rid of raids.
While I agree that not all raiders are the problem, the ones that are seem to be very vocal. So we casuals have to come defend our gameplay, otherwise i see blizz going “no one countered the argument against casuals getting gear so lets take it away”. We all remember the start of WoD, gear progression sucked as a non-raider until well into 6.3.
So I’m not “attacking all raiders and demanding raids be removed”, I’m just stating that for the majority of players the removal of raids would not affect them. I dont want them removed, you guys deserve your gear and mounts and achievements. But not at the expense of anyone else’s progress.
First of all, any “new” 120 who isn’t already in a guild of friends–get real–won’t be invited to raid, anyway. We take new 120’s all the time, and they have to be taught. The kind of raiders who get high and mighty about who gets what gear, and the kind of raiders who lament solo and casuals getting raid ilvl gear through WQ and warfronts…are the kind of raiders who would never–not ever–take a “new” 120 into their guild.
SO…stop with that nonsense.
What we have found is that the abundant availability of raid ilvl gear from many sources allows us to take those returning players and gear them out within a week so they can join us in the raid. It doesn’t hurt raiding. It helps raiding. It doesn’t deplete the roster. It makes the roster grow. We had three people join the guild this week who haven’t played in a while, and we got the motivated new guy from 355 to 410 in one day. Guess what? That means he gets to raid with us this week. A guy who would not be a raider this week…is now a raider this week…because of M0, World Quests, Benthic gear, and the blessed warfront. Sigh.
Second, I’m a raider. I always have been. I love raiding. I began raiding in 2005. My first raid was Onyxia, and I was hooked. The day they I got my FR gear minimum and got my first invite to Molten Core? Oh, I still remember it. Raiding is my favorite part of this game.
The availability of 415 gear from solo content will never keep me out of a raid. I don’t raid for the gear. I get gear so I can raid.
I mean, the rhetoric was going before there were enough people to populate this forum. Regardless of that, and the (seemingly) more direct lines of communication between top players and Blizzard, they’ve kept the train rolling the way it’s going now for years. Today’s gearing is a result of slow evolution of the concept.
Gear pretty much sucked in WoD. It sucked as a raider, it sucked as a non-raider.
I don’t think you have to worry about that, going by the development trend.
I’ll say this…
They could probably stand to respond to the feedback a little, otherwise it’s akin to someone just nonresponsively sitting there being verbally torn to shreds while they don’t appear to be registering anything.
In other words, there’s a sort of active listening you can engage in to assuage the discontentment of someone.
If you don’t engage at all, you can actually make things worse because you only have the sort of pseudo-apparency of concern, which is actually one of the most frustrating things to deal with when you’re trying to give someone feedback.
It’s human nature 101 but the one-way mirror is all they care about.
they clearly do not like to do this which is sad
i will say this. blizcon better knock my socks off with the coming expansion announcement
its a dealbreaker for a lot of people
You’re assuming they’re going to even announce an expansion at BlizzCon to begin with.
After this disaster of an expansion (among other disasters in other Blizzard games), I wouldn’t put it past them to close up shop completely…
i mean they have to
Because not everyone likes to do the same things. If the game is structured such that the rewards for doing a particular thing are too high relative to the difficulty/time required to do it, then players feel obligated to do it. Those suggestions don’t remove the rewards for raiding. It just gives other people access to things they’ve had access to since TBC.
In TBC/WoTLK, raid only mats were made BoE not too long after a raid tier dropped, which let raiders get ahead initially on that crafting, but allowed even people that didn’t raid to buy the mats off the AH, and the plans dropped in raids were always BoE. Now, the stuff from Uldir/BoDA is still BoP, and practically nobody does those raids anymore because there’s no reason to with better gear being available from easier content.
Devs are pushing a design around pushing more people to do more content by increasing gear/character power rewards (And they’ve practically said as much outright). That’s bad, because it alienates the communities that don’t want to do everything. Some people only want to PvP; they don’t want to feel obligated to go into other content, so when Blizzard gutted PvP rewards in legion, and made PvE way more efficient for gearing, what do you think happened?
Personally, I think the current gear rewards from mythic raiding are too high (a 25 ilvl gap between mythic and heroic is too much), but I understand the necessity of that because of M+ and titanforging letting players out-gear heroic relatively easily… Frankly, all item level jumps are probably too high right now for the same reason. If they cut titanforging, and reduced ilvl gaps between content tiers by 5 (to 10 from 15), I think things would be a bit better overall, and character power growth wouldn’t be so ridiculous.
Also… as others have said, they could just cut the “normal” raid difficulty at this point. Mythic raiders skip it entirely, and even heroic raiders from the previous tier will pretty much out-gear it from the start. Practically everyone can outgear it absurdly quickly really.
Careful now, you don’t want to clutch your pearls too tightly lest ye might unstrand them!
Three posts in the forums vaguely pertaining to some people not caring about raiding and suddenly it’s a vast conspiracy to remove raiding from the game? Like raids are going anywhere? Seriously, you think they might remove raids due to a couple of forum posts? You haven’t been paying attention. There has been a massive outcry from the community a number of times that fell on deaf ears at Blizz: flying, pruning, gating, grinding…
You needn’t worry, raids aren’t going anywhere.
Stats please, when i looked i saw something like over 60% of players do raids.
Casuals are a majority of the playerbase, this is true. But, many of these casuals are doing M+, pugging normal or heroic depending on their skill level.
Maybe they are in a weekend raiding guild that raids normal mode 1 or 2 nights a week.
Maybe they just do LFR and enjoy that.
The super extreme will not touch any group content or any content with mythic in the name by no means makes up a majority of the playerbase. They are a very small and very vocal segment of players who like to argue on the forums.
Source: worldofwargraphs
That doesnt seem right
How is raiding time gated? Normal and heroic are available at the start. Cause these LFR cry babies can’t see the content at the start. Not our fault they can’t better themselves to do semi harder content. Rant over
OP: Every expansion has had an focal point to finish the story line. Expanded upon that with BC and onward with us working to beat Illidan (with very little backstory to why) and eventually Kil’jaeden in Sunwell and than Arthas in wotlk etc. What raids are for is finish the story line that has been created from the start.