The crusade against Raiders has to stop

raiding has never nor will ever make this game great.

only fun, engaging class design/gameplay can do that

yes ive raided every expansion since release

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Wat? It’s one of the cornerstones of what made the game great.

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for raiders yes

for the game in general?


BFA mythic raiding is actually very good

yet majority dislike the expansion very mucho

see what im saying?

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I don’t think players have really liked the last 3 expansions. The current game doesn’t feel like a social MMO anymore due to the poor design decisions, which includes class design.

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I getcha but I still disagree. I believe part of the reason is that we’ve had 2 raids where people had to meet AP requirements to use abilities on RNG gear pieces that dropped. And we’re also working with a loot system that’s catered to the individual moreso than trying to have a loot system that’s team oriented.

So by the time we hit Eternal Palace people are burnt out and don’t care anymore. The raids themselves are good, but the core and the systems in place stop them from being top tier.

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One of my favorite attunements was for Naxxramas, because it was something you could do in a day, but I was exalted, so it was free. :slight_smile:


i agree with pmuch all of this

they have made such a mess of BFA

seems like they are taking all this negative feedback to improve next expansion

we shall see…


Yes raiding isn’t the only factor that make an expansion good. And probably people don’t really look at it that much since Blizzard always made it their best content. So for sure when we talk only about wow expansion, raiding hasn’t been really the issue.

But disreguarding raiding because of that is a mistake when you compare with other games. What sets wow over other mmorpg is its raids. No other game can claim to have that much content and time put into that facet. Lot of games can claim to have better class design, better professions, better casual content, better pvp and etc. Raiding is what made wow great from it’s beginning and even if people don’t like LFR, that feature has made raiding more acessible not making gear rains from the sky and titanforge.

Yes we shall. I’m trying not to be frustrated and angry for when they announce the next expansion but be more open minded. But there are things that I want them to change and if none of the issues are addressed it’ll be the first xpac I won’t preorder.


i understand this point but i fell in love with this game back in 2004

and anyone that tells you vanilla raiding was “fun” is either a liar or a masochist

molten core clears took hours and hours and 90% of that time was slogging through endless trash

same with zg

same with aq

but that expansion (imo) is the pinnacle of immersive mmo for this particular game

raiding is important yes

but good raiding doesnt make the expansion good (see bfa)

also, cata (pre dragon soul) had great raiding but it was a very unpopular expansion where subs plummeted.

my .02 copper

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Same here, I’ve bought every pre-order since Vanilla. I will be sitting this one out. I honestly don’t think the current team can fix the game and turn this game into what made WoW fun in the first place.

Even if Classic lasts 6 months, it is going to show that a lot of those old ideas still have merit today.

they will likely dangle some carrot for preorders so ill buy it like the cuck that i am

Hey, I still think it was pretty cool when I got to be in the Throne room when someone was doing that portion of the Onyxia attunement.

I just like there to be a balance of activities and feel that a bit too much stuff is getting pushed into dungeons and raids that doesn’t need to (some of it I think due to a bit of laziness) Just let me finish the whole of the open world story quests without needing to dip into an instance. Stuff that branches off but doesn’t interrupt it, that’s fine by me. Put an awesome reward to do it, I’m good with that too.

I feel kind of torn, I think that the dungeon quests for professions were a catch-22 for me. They were either just a little trinket to get at the endboss. Or, they were actually interesting quests that you had to luck out to get done. Stuff like use this potion you just learned to make which will allow you to get to an extra boss in this dungeon. It sounds good on paper, but a lot of people hated to do any extra bosses, so it became a major source of frustration for people who didn’t normally run many dungeons (especially combined with the way legion made it hard to line up all your dungeon quests, like order hall needed dungeon 1 then 2, but your profession needed them 2 then 1) I like that idea of using the profession in a dungeon, kinda like arch in cata dungeons, but it runs into problems if you need to rely on other people.

The game was different back then, and people enjoyed that raiding back then. Judging vanilla with today standards considering it’s sucess for the time I feel is a bit hypocrite.

Yet wow is still the biggest mmo on the market.

honestly, its the only one imo

i log in every day dont get me wrong i still enjoy the game for what it is

I think what you are seeing now is a culmination of poor choices over the years to streamline the game to more actiony. (sorry terrible description) Like I have been arguing in another post, the developers have gone out of their way to make the world content way too easy.

It is solely aimed at the solo player with player interaction taking a back seat.

I never understood why people would want to play an online game and never interact with other players both directly and indirectly? I’m not talking about forced grouping for dungeons either.

The game as far as a MMO goes feels dull and sterile. The content was never intended to be held to the same standards of a good single player RPG. But that is what people want nowadays, which is silly because when you play an online game you make a load of sacrifices in order to be able to play with others.

The single player content will never be like that of a good offline single player RPG. People were always the content for MMOs.

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I personally believe that it’ll be much longer then that. Because something that I’ve learned about this population is that when you put them in a setting where we can act as a community, we’re one of the best ones on the gaming market. When we can thrive and grow, we tend to explode and exceed a lot of expectations.

I’m just sad that Blizz has forgotten that

I honestly think they are too afraid to embrace systems that made this game popular because they afraid of alienating a very fickle group of players that want a very curated, controlled and positive experience every time they log in.

The MMO market is changing and I’m telling you we are going to see an emergence of more classic MMOs. Old School Runescape is killing it right now. EQ progressions servers are doing well too. I mean that game is 20 years old.

Plus, all you have to do is look at the popularity of battle royals, mobas and games like Destiny to see that people enjoy playing and interacting with others in online games.

I don’t mean to be disrespectful in any sense, but that just sounds equivalent to a bad marriage.

did i mention im a masochist?