The crusade against Raiders has to stop

The fact you’re comparing WoW to roulette doesn’t help your case, lol.

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The fact you don’t grasp the concept of chance and percentages is baffling.

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Do you really want me to start listing the threads?? Or you want to track that back?

Raiders have been screaming for years about welfare epics… About us swamp creatures getting gear (which arguably takes longer to acquire) because we don’t do X… Because they remember when they could sit around in Org or SW and having people wsp them about how large their e-peen was…

You’ve told us time and time again we don’t need the gear… You have pushed for harder overland content, whining that it was to easy and that you deserved more challenging mobs… Blizzard has given you guys a lot of stuff that you’ve asked for… But realized that us Joe everyday players also need gear to be able to even remotely work in their new level scaling environment… and now you guys want to take that away… I tried being a voice of reason back then… I tried telling people that scaling was going to come because of their requests… I was told I was wrong. Well I wasn’t… but gone are the days of being reasonable.

So the idealistic way going forward is to not give us your uber gears… but then you can only use your uber gears in your uber environments. I mean cause realistically you don’t need all of that additional Stam, Agi, Int etc for over world creatures right? I mean even with scaling they’re just regular every day mobs and the gear you want us to have should be good enough for you with those very same mobs… I mean why do you need gear for quests like Beachhead right? I mean its either that, or you’re just a down and out hypocrite.

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Wanna know the dirty little secret?

Overwhelming majority of raiders literally do not care what people who don’t raid do. They have their raids, you have your content, and as long as you don’t expect to jump into raids without doing some legwork there’s no beef.

A few loudmouths are no excuse to get uppity.

First off scaling needs to go. It plays against progression in an MMO in my eyes. When your character grows you should be able to feel the weight of your growth. Right now personally I have not had that feeling. But it’s because Blizz wants their WQs to be relevant. The level of scaling evens out down the line but even then I personally don’t feel growth.

The second thing is there should be a progression system for casual players. But it should never. EVER. Exceed rewards that come from high end content. Both in PvE and PvP. That makes no sense and that’s what the Benthic system is doing and I think it’s wrong. Benthic gear exceeds fully warforged Mythic slots.

People who claim to be casual talk about how it’s unfair that they’re being “forced” into raiding if they want to get gear, but we’re supposed to shut up when it comes to WQ gear being better than gear from raids at the hardest difficulty?

If there was progression in terms of the WQs getting harder and encouraging group play and rewarding gear then I’d be all for it. But as it stands right now WQs are super easy to complete. And shouldn’t reward anything remotely close to Mythic quality gear.

Still comes across as total nonsense, sorry.

you want raid gear to give advantages in all aspects of the game. what about gear you get from arena that okay to be BiS in raiding as well? since it arguably takes more effort. or is just forget WQers and let them rot?

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I think PVE trinkets being BiS in PVP and vice-versa is stupid. The idea, however, that high-end raid gear and gladiator-quality PVP gear should be made unusable for world quests is probably one of the dumbest things I’ve read on this board.

And I read a lot of incredibly stupid ideas on these forums.

ofc that’s a dumb thing. lol. i’m just saying. do you want pvp gear to be the best in raiding as raiders seem to want raid gear to be the best at everything?

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Of course not, the heck gave you that impression?

The PVP equivalent of that post is making gladiator gear not give you any of it’s stats if you do a random skirmish. It’s total nonsense.

i’m not sure what that person is trying to do a gotcha with. the whole thing could be solved if benthic gear was a lower ilevel AND the effects didn’t work in the raid. still gives us tons of ways to upgrade. plus i got the weapon from the WB which is normal raid level. which is about all we should get. this getting mythic level loot from WQ is ridiculous.

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It strikes me as a problem borne from the main-stat nerf back in WoD.

Intel and agility give half the AP/SP they used to, and no longer provide bonus crit. Of course, that’s going to lead to secondary stats outscaling the main-stat when you have huge, unreasonable ILVL jumps like we are now.

the ilevel bumps are ridiculous. dont need to be 15 ilevels between every tier. and tf from one tier to the next, or the one after that. >_>

BINGO! (you must have at least ten characters)

You’re a dense one aren’t you?

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Right back at you, shorty.

That’s not a reason. Not even a good one.

Should every raid boss be the same fight? That would be consistent, wouldn’t it?

So again, it’d be good if you had to finish the Naz stuff up until the mission that unlocks the Palace before you could do EP raid without a summons?

I see you answered on another thread now

Sure, as long as they announce it beforehand.

Well, at least you’re consistent. I’ve seen other people who at least only have a problem with it when it effects their content.

I’m still against it, I would prefer if they wanted to get people in to raids more they were a little friendlier. Less of the whole needing to do EN to get a thing for the tree to continue the Suramar campaign, more like having to kill Gul’dan to get the cat, you had technically finished the achievement, but if you wanted to get the nice reward you had to do the raid. And I’ll never agree with that about the Tauren Heritage, but that’s more because I disagree not only with it needing the war campaign, but that it’s not like the Blood Elf or Dwarf ones at least where the quests to get the armor was actually about the history of that race, and not just foreshadowing of upcoming plots.