Then that part isn’t directed at you but is the theme of most raiders comments about Benthic gear.
And you know what? I think a lot of other players would agree with wanting Valor back. For me personally my message is not paying a sub and giving feedback that more anticipated rewards are much better than random ones. And that we need a proper gear progression system within the game. In my eyes, it’s all over the place right now.
I don’t think this has anything to do with the 1%. If anything I believe it’s just Blizzard trying to keep everyone playing by never telling them they’re done with gear progression due to several layers of RNG. I’ve not heard 1 PvPer say that this is what they wanted. Same with PvEers on Valor points.
But it is a problem that should be looked at.
they should just remove the effects from being usable in the raid. and leave it for WQ stuff.
I didn’t say that it was a problem…?
I’m just pointing out the moment this raid is over, and this isn’t the last raid of this expansion, benthic gear isn’t going to be active, and instead of walking into the next raid with 440+ gear, you’d have a 425 with a socket gear instead. Which is much weaker.
Next raid isn’t gonna be the eternal palace, but people also act like the benthic gear will never be replaced ever, and it invalidates their entire slots… which it really doesn’t… The game will continue to march forever onwards.
You’re talking about the future when we’re stuck in the current. Benthic gear steps over fully warforged Mythic gear slots. It doesn’t matter if it’s going to be replaced in the future. It’s a problem right now.
a 425 with a weird effect shouldn’t ever be better in a raid than a 455 with a socket for the same raid. idk why blizz is doing it this way but it’s just making an us vs them thing that isn’t really necessary.
I see, then we’re talking about completely different stages of progression.
You’re talking about future raid progression, which I agree with. As to which I’ll probably save high level pieces in those slots (was going to do this for M+ anyway).
I’m talking about current raid progression. The current raid progression, where there’s currently only 2 guilds in the world who’ve completed such. And right now, these pieces certainly do invalidate entire slots. EP Boots may as well not exist for me, same with wrists, and belts, and hands… Maybe, just maybe, there will be some perfect unicorn piece that maxforges, with socket, and leech/avoidance that may be slightly better… But such a piece is highly unlikely to be seen and is definitely not going to be expected.
I can only hope that they don’t repeat this in 8.3.
i think mostly we’re agreeing about the important stuff.
Personally I’ve always hated those arguments because we’re all playing the same game. I do my best and even slip up some times in looking at people as WoW players first. But it’s crazy to me how many arguments have sparked up that have caused this “us vs them” thing.
The only thing that reduces raid participation is the raiders that won’t let semi-casual players join a Normal raid because they don’t have AotC or some other BS
It’s amusing watching hardcore raiders lose their crap because someone with patience chronologically can get gear the equivalent to those who have patience in getting OHKO’ed hundreds of times.
i think it shouldn’t be this way. it is good for the game for all of us to play. if the game was only WQ it would be boring. same as raiding. same as arena. we’re all in this together. trying to make wow a game we’ll all love.
Where is this crusade? I can’t find them. Could it be elitists complaining about fictional boogymen again?
That’s it! I’m cutting back your caffine intake!
It’s more amusing to watch someone completely misunderstand the point.
I don’t care what you’re wearing. You could be wearing gear that ilvl 1000 (not joking) and I would not care. So long as your ilvl 1000 gear didn’t work in the raid… It would not impact me in the slightest. Heck I’d probably be right there along side you building my own ilvl 1000 world set.
What I think is stupid… Is you asking for ilvl 1000 gear… then stating that, even though you don’t want to do my content, you want the gear to work in my content. Thus making the gear rewards useless in my content. And why? Reasons.
Obviously I’m exaggerating, but that’s the point I’m making. I don’t like that 4 of my gear slots may as well not exist when it comes to the EP gear table.
They’re as useful as cloaks were in SoO (legendary cloak raid in MoP).
I just simply don’t see the issue with it honestly.
The other items still exist. They are still useful, the benthic stuff might have a slight edge, but it’s not absolutely mandatory, unless your that person that -really- needs to squeak out that extra less than 1% dps increase.
I’m personally glad to see items with actual effects that isn’t just. Mainstat, stam, two secondary stats, and maybe a teriary stat and maybe a socket.
Gears been so bland for such a long time, the Benthic stuff feels like a breathe of fresh air to me.
I’d almost think people would be happy they had a way to make sure they get a few slots of gear (especially low stat weighted items) from something besides just getting lucky with a weekly boss kill.
I’d have personally thought, the idea that people can get these peices outside of a raid if they wanted to, and still raid and get items inside of the raid as well, would do nothing more than bolster the raiding scene as a whole.
I just personally cannot see benthic gear as a negative thing. If anything, it’s a combination fix of a ton of different complaints that have been leveled at the game for the entire expansion (No way to target slots you want to upgrade, stop giving away literally zero work high item level gear, give solo players the ability to get gear outside of raiding, player progression even without raiding, ect.)
Then you haven’t been paying attention.
Those rewards should really only work within that content though right? I mean it isn’t truly needed for anything over world… So sure you can keep your little trinkets and set pieces etc et al… but it only works once you zone in… A totally AWESOME idea.
i don’t think that benthic should be such a high ilevel. i’ve said before it should be above lfr but below normal raiding. if it stopped there it probably wouldn’t be BiS for mythic raids right?
i think it’s ridiculous that some casuals want a mythic raid ilevel for doing WQ. it’s a bunch of bull.
I’m not trying to. I can see the crap slinging fest from over here.
I’m just over here with my popcorn.
Tossing a couple bones and watching some of you go for them.
I can tell