I feel the same way but I just can’t bring myself to do it. After all the growth that I’ve had while playing this game just to forget it all is just out of the question. They really screwed up on this expansion in my honest opinion. The only saving grace that I can say is the art and music team knocked it out of the park yet again. But that can only get you so far.
they don’t nerf the things they should for lfr and then people dont want to do it. do you know how many times i tried to get mythrax for his ring in uldir but was put into a ghuun group because no one wanted to do it? ofc i have to do ghuun and then requeue for a fresh run.
the gear should cap at 415 period and shouldn’t be giving raid level gear for farming pearls. if you want mythic ilevel you should mythic raid. if you can’t for whatever reason you’re not entitled to that ilevel.
But personally at that point I question if people really do want to partake in raids. A fight with 0 meaningful mechanics doesn’t really scream quality experience in my eyes.
And also G’huun was on that list that LFR players asked for nerfs on. Mainly complaining that with a 10 determination stack he couldn’t be brute forced. When all that needed to happen was someone picks up the orb and runs it to the end of the hallway.
What I’ve seen ultimately is the PvE pinnacle raider feeling essentially dethroned by the average PvPer in everything but sitting in town showing off their gear.
In other words, when PvE and PvP felt more even in terms of dev resources and general love for the work, the top raiders were still essentially relegated to hanging out in town showing off their gear since anyone with a modicum of resilience (and skill) could probably faceroll them.
That ticks “elitists” off for sure.
Imagine how irked they were to see an undergeared multiboxer using surprise aerial assaults (essentially guerilla warfare in the air) to gank whoever they pleased in the open world, no matter how deep into raiding they were…
…what I mean is, ultimately, I get the impression that the people in power right now want to establish that you should follow their way to acquire power in this game, and any other way is basically disregarded for the reasons stated.
In other words, it’s basically a game ruled by pecking order right now.
The PvP’s gone meta and PvE players (“Elitist Jerks”) run the game their way.
i don’t want to raid. except if i’m doing it with my guild. i don’t particularly care for lfr since i pugged nighthold normal in legion. it’s much easier to yolo a normal raid than deal with lfr.
i want to do WQ and earn gear that way, as i’ve said.
What about your gear just work inside a raid environment?
I mean… you dont pvp so why kill ppl fast with your nice ilvl?
The problem with what you just did is simple “I want to say what ppl should have access to it, if they dont play with my little group of raiders they should be given garbage, even if they have to grind way more them I ever did”.
And personally in the place of LFR I think a better system would be a more thought out WQ and Open World system that rewards players both in gear and noticeable changes in the zone as you progress through its story.
i’m not a raider by any stretch. lol. for me they should bring back pvp vendors with gear for pvp that is lower ilevel than pve gear that scales up in pvp and wpvp with resilience or something on it that makes it BiS for pvp but trash in pve.
i’d be happier with this as well. lfr was cool when it first came out but everything i liked to do in game was removed when they tried to force us all into lfr.
Yes i’ve even made a thread before saying they always are on top with that stuff. Scenery, Art, Music, etc. and yea as a long time veteran of the game myself, hours and hours of fun PvP times, WoW will always be my fav game no matter what lol, just not having the interest/motivation to want to sign on at all. My btag prob says off for 20+ days
I have more fun on the forums brotha lol
As do most things when they’re new. Like the WQ system in Legion was fine because it was a new thing. The problem in BFA was they didn’t grow upon the idea. What really confuses me is how backwards they are on a few things. Like with the Conquest system was pretty much a “It’s not broke so don’t try to fix it” scenario yet they changed it anyways. While the WQ system was a neat idea and it would be great to grow it but they took the stance of “well it’s not broke so don’t change it”.
Same dude. That’s why I skulk around on the forums like a gremlin
I’m just waiting for retail to get back on track and create a quality expansion that’s worth playing. Until then, I’ll be in Classic.
So that we’re clear, the hill that you’ve decided to stand on is that the number “445” means something to you.
It shouldn’t.
Item level is just a stat budget and rarity. That’s literally all item level is. Throughout all of WoW’s history, item level has determined stat budget and rarity. It’s why you see 400 pieces that are epics, and 400 pieces that are blues, but between the two you’d see a stat difference.
So, the point of the system I was suggesting was that the gear offered by mana pearls would only be “raid level” in the actual content you did while earning that gear. Which is to say that it’s only “raid level” when you’re doing WQ’s, world bosses, farming rares, etc.
In actual practice it would not have raid level stats, it would just have a raid level item level without actually being nearly as good. That would be made up for by having the equip effects that give it the power.
What I want is for you to recognize that item level is just a measurement of the stats on an item, and that if there was a 445 item that had half as many stats but gave you more damage/defense in PvP it wouldn’t be “raid level” because it wouldn’t function in raids.
That’s what I’m asking for. A progression system for casuals that is as expansive as group content, but that wouldn’t obviate the need to do group content to get gear that would be useful for group content.
Just like how PvP used to have it’s own stats and PvP had it’s own entire system for a while, I’m suggesting that over world should have it’s own “stats” and system. The three systems, while all scaling up to 445, would not be interchangeable except at the entry tiers. Meaning that a casual solo player at 445 who was wearing benthic would only be able to enter normal raids to start gearing up for actual group content. Their 445 would only matter for the solo casual progression system.
if it was like that pve gear and was 445 only in the world and dropped to 415 when entering a raid that would be fine. but it shouldn’t stay at mythic level gear. the pvp gear in WoD scaled up for pvp in bgs and stuff. so WQ gear should scale down if they took it into raids.
You act like Blizzard listens to the playerbase. You have zero worries…
100% agreed. And here’s the thing as well. I think it’s kind of bad to put forward the notion of having that kind of progression to 445. Because it’ll come across as “You’re Mythic geared but not really”.
It’s different for PvP. But in the open world and raids it’s both PvE. So I think it would confuse a lot of players.
mythic level gear should be rewarded ONLY for mythic raiding. idk why people feel they need ridiculously high ilevels when they’re not doing raids or rated pvp.
I see where the break down happened.
All I’m saying is that functionally the gear would be 415 once you entered a raid, battleground, or dungeon. Whether the item actually changes it’s item level number to indicate that, I don’t particularly care. It would function at 415 in raids and dungeons regardless of what the item listed.
I think the discrepancy we’re having is that, from my perspective, it doesn’t matter if it says 445, because the solo gear in my hypothetical scenario would already have the stats of 415 gear in every environment. It would simply have equip effects that provided over world useful bonuses that didn’t function in raids and dungeons.
Oxygen is extremely volatile. The entire class of agents known as “Oxidizers” are named after it because it’s basically the oxidizer from our perspective!
That’s not to say it isn’t essential, though. It’s just pretty flammable, can strip some things apart by oxidation, and too much of it would kill you.