The crusade against Raiders has to stop

Where to begin

Actually its really easy. I have 3 420s and a 425. Ive blown about 200 fishing for sockets and ill have another 425 tomorrow. Theyre not hard at all to get to 425

This is the only issue. i dont need the most broken items in the game. I want the content i do to drop the loot that progresses that content. Raids should progress raiding, M+ should progress M+, PvP, WQs ect ect

You can use that stupid argument for literally everything. “wont matter in 9.0” “wont matter in 9.1”

People know this. Theyre voicing their opinions in hopes that it gets corrected down the road. I dont think anyone expects Blizzard to suddenly change Benthic

I dont think thats true at all. Could be wrong, feel free to hit me with a source if im wrong

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Which I don’t buy for a second considering they put in RNG weekly loot crates for both PvE and PvP and then expect us to “find them”.

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they don’t like vendors. even the benthic vendors have a bit of rng.

It’s all just a backswing from years of PvP deprioritization.

Pendulousness is just so.

We can catch the thing and stop it somewhere in the middle…

…but that means no more back and forth with the power struggle between PvE/P.

And that’s part of the reason I won’t be coming back any time soon. I’m not playing the casino.

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i liked it when i could do heroics to buy normal raid gear and get my two piece or whatever with valor. and there were a few good pieces to save up for. but most of the gear i earned in heroics.

Na… I think it should be exclusive to the raiding only… I mean cause all of that other gear is ‘good enough’ for all of us slum dwelling slugs you hate so much… So it is good enough for you to not wear it out in the over world… right… I mean cause per you, you don’t need that gear to accomplish what you need outside of a raid.


So basically what you are saying is…
Give garbage to everyone so ppl WILL BE FORCED TO join the little club? Because raiding was never something the majority did.
And also… why raiding gear is on pair with pvp gear? By your view should be diferent in a way or power?
Should raid gear be used only inside a raid? I mean… if I follow your opinion that should be the case. After all… its all about wining over a fight, a boss, right?
You guys get some hate because you want to dictate what other ppl, the majority that do not raid, can get or have.

Come on dude… try harder next time.

As someone who’s generally against insta-grat gameplay, I think a lot of the kickback is due to vocal raiders who want to make changes to benefit raiding at the detriment of the rest of the game. It’s similar to how raiders are often at odds with big arena nuts who want the game retuned for more competitive arenas at the detriment of raiding.

I think things would be better if the communities built around each type of content weren’t so silo’d off from each other. It’s that sort of mentality that drives conflict because everybody thinks it’s a zero-sum situation.

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And personally I think that’s cool. I think the gear in the open world should open up the possibilities of not only raiding but the gear that comes from it. I wish they would just put away their ego for just 1 expansion and reintroduce both the Valor / Conquest system the way they were before.


That’s a false statement.

My actual response to simming, is I don’t think Simming should be the end-all be-all, because generally speaking simming doesn’t factor in everything that can happen, and most people cannot perform to the degrees that simming suggests you can pull. Also, some people treat simming like a religion, and it’s mildly creepy. (Which is much different than “I don’t believe in simming” and trying to pass my earlier thoughts on simming as just “I don’t believe in simming” is intellectually dishonest.))

Secondly, I’ve already said several times before, that if taking the “And the eternal palace” off the benthic gear would make people happy, then fine, do it.

However, I would personally prefer they simply add the benthic traits to the same slots in the raids, instead of taking things away from benthic gear.

I’d prefer gear have interesting side effects, than just be flat boring main stat, stamina, secondary, secondary, tertiary, possible trinket. On every single item. It makes items more interesting instead of a boring stat block that I’ll replace when I get a better boring stat block.


I’ll have to disagree on this one. If benthic was capable of reaching 450 with TF but without special abilities, “leet” raiders would set forums on fire.

they introduced lfr and ruined any type of casual progression outside of it. until they do stupid stuff like giving us nearly heroic raid gear for farming pearls. i think most of us regardless of what level we’re at want to work for our gear in the way we find the most fun. for me i like earning stuff with currency either through WQ or doing heroics for valor. you guys obv like raiding to get your gear.

I pretty much subbed a month ago from today and only played 1 day out of all. I’m not even interested in checking out the new stuff b/c I just feel like it’s another Argus 2.0, Which wasn’t that bad, but i’m taking a break for a bit from the casino as well lol. I also feel this Patch underneath it all was just mainly to release Flying to put a band-aid on all the hate going on

Honestly i’d have more fun if i just convinced myself to forget “item level” even existed and just BG’d on Alts not caring about my gear

I’ve done dailies in Nazjatar almost daily, and the highest items I’ve managed to get are 2/3 peices of benthic azerite armor to 420, and three peices of gear to 415, and the rest are 400/410.

Maybe your just getting better RNG pulls on Pearls than I am, because I don’t have nearly that many pearls, though I also spent pearls on unlocking my crafting focus for alchemy, and unlocking essences.

Hey raiders, I hear all the super cool elite players are going to classic. You should check it out! Raids will actually take skill and coordination! When people see your epics, they’ll know you really earned them! Release date is August 27. Mark your calendars! Be there or be welfare!


In a vacuum? Of course.

What if that same 450 gear only scaled that high in the over world? If, when they walked into a raid, it performed at 415 levels?

The idea is to give over world gear a stat budget that accounts for its equip effect. So, for example:

Mythic Leggings of the Stormborn
Item Level 445
575 Agi/Int
1,053 Stamina
126 Crit
179 Vers

Would look like that everywhere. PvP, over world, raids, dungeons.

Now imagine that in the over world we had:

Leggings of Benthic Raider Tears
Item Level 445
434 Agility/Int
765 Stamina
114 Crit
161 Vers
Equip: Deal X% more damage while in the over world, does not apply to other players.

Just in case anyone gets upset that the over world piece has more secondaries, the 445 piece is a real piece from Mythic EP. The 415 piece is a real piece from Normal EP, with an additional 30 ilvls devoted to its equip effect.

Over world players would have their own “highest end” pieces that would cap out at Normal quality in terms of actual itemization inside of dungeons and raids and PvP. The item level is inflated to accolades the extra abilities it has, which would be on a gradient.

They might scream that casuals are getting better gear, but what happens when you point out that it’s exactly the same as Normal raid gear stat wise. Maybe make it even a little bit lower, but have the equip effect a little stronger.

The point is that the only grounds for complaint would be that over world players would have gear uniquely suited to their play style. Any bonuses evaporate if they try to actually go raid.

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why would it need to be that ilevel though? you don’t really need above 385 for normal WQ or 400 to be good for naz/mech WQs.

Because of this…personally…and I know everyone’s gonna hate me for it, is part of the reason why I really dislike LFR and think it shouldn’t exist. In all honesty I think that the game has taken many steps back from trying to give everyone a quality experience. Most of LFR for the most part are just target dummies that don’t really fight back which in my opinion is pretty damn boring.

But at that point people would question where those type of players should go. And my answer would honestly be in the open world. Which is another place I think Blizzard should put way more resources into. The WQ system in my eyes is pretty damn dry.

If each zone had a level of progression like Suramar did, while encouraging and rewarding exploration (like lets say discovering a lost tomb in Vol’dun that if you have the right items open up a World Dungeon) with World Bosses that actually have amazing visuals and easy mechanics then I think that would make a good bit of people happy.

Do you mean why would it need to be set at or just below normal raiding levels? I’d argue that such a set of gear would operate like Benthic, and take hundreds of resources to actually get it to that highest level. It would absolutely start at 385 and scale up to 445 based on how much time you put into them.

The trick is that because the actual stats cap out at Normal mode level, by the time they actually get to that point most people have long since moved past that. It’s not going to be in direct competition with most of the actual raiders.

Since the gear itself is “technically” 415 gear at cap in this scenario, the additional equip effects are just part of the item level calculation. However, allowing that to happen gives two entirely separate progression paths. Over world would have one that only affects the over world, and could not bleed into actual raiding while that raiding is current.

Raiders would have little to no reason to feel compelled to hunt down this gear, either, because it’s of little-to-no use to their activity of choice, and their gear is already statted at the max that casuals could aspire to.

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