I actually disagree with this. Some sure but definitely not all. Many people’s motivation was often just to see the raid. Without LFR you’d certainly have some attempt normal. But because it exists, people will take the path of least resistance to see the raid, bosses (even if 80% of the mechanics are cosmetic), story etc.
There is no crusade against raiders.
Your point of view still assumes that they would want to raid. Or find raiding fun after the first time. Or that they have the time to raid.
It’s hard to recruit raiders because raiding is and always has been a niche portion of the game.
Not to mention that BfA in particular has had some of the most boring raids and it’s been a struggle just to keep a group through an entire raid tier.
You must have schizophrenia. I don’t want you to do anything. I don’t want to force raiding at all. I think all forms of gameplay should provide gear. I just want the calls for raiding to be broken down or made insignificant to be reduced.
That really depends, I think.
Pet Battles give rep, for certain, but they don’t really give anything you can’t get elsewhere (well… pet charms are somewhat restricted, but that’s “pet stuff” for “pet content”). If you’re interested in pet battles, you can do pet battle content. If you’re not, there’s nothing they have that you’d need for other content that can’t be acquired elsewhere.
I think the question shouldn’t be “Why can’t you do content outside of your preferred play style to get stuff you want?” but rather “Why would you design rewards for one type of content but place it behind a completely different type of content that most people don’t do?”
If you can answer that with a good answer, that isn’t just “to try and get more people to do that content”, then we can talk. For now, the only reason I see is to try and funnel people into doing content they don’t want to do.
The problem is that no matter how much you, or Blizzard, or anyone else, bleats into the dark about how that will convince some people to raid long term, the truth is that it upsets far more people than it ever helps. People are rarely, if ever, converted to a new type of content by being forced to engage that content. It’s just not really how we work, if we wanted to be doing it we would, and putting stuff we want behind it only angers us because we don’t want to do that content.
If Cartman made a WoW forum post…
class identity is fully in service to parse culture now and immersion is gone in service of hashtag esports so yeah no more raids, ban all raiders lmao
You don’t need them to get to your goals, you just do them to get to the goals faster. If you don’t like doing them, then don’t do them.
Nvm. You were found. You are an LFR raider
So you have raided “lfr” and are bashing everyone that “big boy” raids because you can’t or wont? Got it.
Bye felicia?
Yeah, pretty much this.
One final note: the Hardcore, old school game catering to the top tier players? It flopped so hard the company shut down completely.
The same could be said about completing the heritage questline now vs. doing it when it’s easier and everyone is higher ilvl.
Yes, you do. You want me to raid if in order to improve my character. This is forcing me to play the game you want me to if I want to get anywhere within it.
And my evidence is…your own post (emphasis mine):
You are mandating that players should not get gear because it should be locked behind raids, forcing people into a single playstyle. YOUR playstyle.
If it’s so hard to get recruits for your raids when people have gearing options…perhaps raiding isn’t as popular as you think it is?
A lot of entitled people want the game centered around themselves and how they play it.
As long as Blizzard doesn’t completely cave-in to these entitled’ peoples’ demands, I’m fine with them complaining on the forums.
If you want raiding gone, that’s nice. If not, that’s cool, too. It has absolutely no effect other than bringing discussion to a forum; and should remain that way.
It’s like a I don’t have time or skill to do that content so I don’t want it to have good rewards…
It could but it shouldn’t. We should be speaking to current content and how it’s handled. Outdated content is a completely different beast and we shouldn’t bank development design on it.
You’ve not answered my question, but I guess we’ll move on.
You can ignore pet battles and you’re delayed by only a few days at most. You’ll still unlock everything you want while content is present, current, and relevant.
And sometimes you can just be a paranoid loon and nobody is really out to get you.
Or are they…?
Well no, it can’t be said. You don’t need to Pet Battle to raid. But I need to raid to get my heritage armor. Since I don’t raid, I’m not getting the armor. But if you don’t pat battle, you can still raid. See the difference there?
I don’t raid period, sweetness. outside of doing LFR ONCE and ONCE ONLY per tier to see the storyline.
What burns my buns is that people who do want to dictate what I can do in this game.
Like I posted before; want us “filthy scrubs” to stop complaining about raiding? Then stop complaining about our content.
I am an old paranoid dude, yes.