Ignorant and a fallacy. Why, when the worst part of the game for me is the farming, would I do something that necessitates a lot more farming, and a lot more dependence on good team members to succeed?
Dropping 20k in potions for one night sounds stupid.
I’m just fine looking at the level of competition in heroic and ignoring mythic. You don’t have to be a pro tennis player to take pride in beating someone or having a good record.
Historically, I’ve parsed orange when I was allowed to raid log and when gear wasn’t as RNGfest as it is right now.
Also, clearly plenty of competition around heroic, considering how many logs get posted. If no one cared, it would be like LFR logs, where they’re basically nonexistent, because everyone thinks they’re pointless.
but gear doesn’t effect your parses though? they compare you to people of the same ilevel?
Still ignorant AF. Even when comparing just your ilvl, there’s far more to gear now than just that. Casino stats, azerite traits, neck levels, and essences have all but removed that part.
Besides that, what feels better and has more clout:
"well, I parse dem 90s… if you consider "
“I parse 95ths+ , no if, ands, or buts”
why are you still playing if you hate everything about the game? they’re not going to change it because it’s doing exactly what they want it to be doing. which is getting everyone to play more and not unsub.
Nobody stops anyone from doing anything
casuals want progression too. and mostly it’s been lfr or die since it was implemented. not everyone who plays this game wants to raid.
And theyre free to progress. Nobody stops them
Ehh this goes both ways though. Why does a raider have to partake in casual content which just feels mundane and boring?
Because it’s the only game that offers raiding in the capacity I like, and if the choices are:
Put up with 99% of everything you hate to still get that one thing you love
Never get that one thing you love
Well, let’s just say I don’t think I’ve ever given something up that I like just because I dislike everything I have to do for it. That’s weak. I will complain about the things I hate the entire time, though, just to share my misery.
…wow…you take alternative activities to gear as trying to kill raiding. Man are you skewed in perception big time.
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but when we do get stuff to progress like benthic it’s non stop crying from raiders.
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Except the problem is some of the Benthic pieces surpasses Mythic gear.
i’ve said mutiples over the last few weeks that i think benthic should stop above lfr but below normal. i wouldn’t care if it couldn’t have sockets either. i just want to be able to QUEST to make myself stronger. and i hit my goal for the patch which was above 410 so now i’m working on gearing my alts through WQ.
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not at all what im seeing. Raiders are upset that their BiS items were obtained before the raid even drops. Theyre upset that 425 items are outsimming 455 w/ sockets
You say casuals want progression? Well geuss what? So do raiders. And that crap hinders raid progression when such op items are sitting in WQs
Ive seen almost nobody say theyre upset that casuals are getting it. most of them are upset because it hinders their own sense of progression
Because raiders clearly don’t want to do the garbage content required to get benthic gear to max level, yet we’re forced to if we want to be competitive. How is that hard to understand?
Imagine being required to drive a honda civic in stop/go traffic for 40 hours before you could take your lambo to a track and cut loose.
it doesn’t make sense that WQ gear is BiS for raiding. the effects should only work in naz and not TEP. also i think if it was a lower ilevel it wouldn’t be so much of an issue. i won’t grind to 425 on any of my toons. i got where i wanted to be and am happy.
Ilvl isnt the issue at all. Again. i have a set of 455 gloves that cannot beat 420 benthic gloves. it would take 40+ ilvls to beat those broken abilities
only the sentence before this one i was saying the effects shouldn’t work in the raid. but pls continue to quote me out of context so it appears i’m arguing with you.
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But lets roll back to what you said.
Lets be factual here. Nobody cares if Blizzard made a progression path for casuals like the Benthic system. The problem starts when we start seeing gear from casual content step over the gear that drops from the hardest raiding difficulty in the game. Hell it shouldn’t even go past Heroic in terms of usefulness in its current form.
That’s what raiders are complaining about.
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the abilities shouldnt exist. The only thing they should do is progress WQs since thats where they come from