thank you,
and for the record, im considered a casual as a 3day guild in alot of eyes as well, the term is purely subjective and POV based.
thank you,
and for the record, im considered a casual as a 3day guild in alot of eyes as well, the term is purely subjective and POV based.
Why do you need gear if you aren’t competing with others? Raider’s compete with other raiders for the best gear and dps possible. Hence why you’re posting on a 56 alt. We don’t hide anything but you keyboard warriors hiding behind alts trying to belittle people that think you shouldn’t be rewarded for doing group content that requires cooperation,communication and skill.
I will admit this though the formula for raid bosses has gotten a little silly since we’re no longer bringing classes because they have useful abilities that should be encouraged over doing the top dps but sadly that’s what the current end game is about.
In mythic+ you’re forced to rush the entire time and to me that’s not a fun gameplay loop and TRULY breeds elitism. “hahaha you don’t have 3k io score you must suck”. I don’t think dps should matter as much as skill should be valued. But the current endgame is all about doing as much damage in as short of time as possible.
I think both LFR and Mythic raiding are BAD for the game and the raiding community as whole along with the constant rush mentality of mythic plus. I attribute this all to activision wanting to turn WoW into an e-sport.
You cannot be good at everything you do ever.
You can always strive to improve though.
I respect this as well and feel similarly (though, perhaps, for different reasons).
I’m not looping the entire raid community in- this is simply how the raid community has acted and treated everyone else since the game came out.
I ask you this- why when raiders so openly show such disdain and hatred for others, and never show any sort of concern for non-raider issues- should nonraiders show any concern when a rare thing occurs that raiders aren’t happy about?
I don’t think I’ve ever met a raider- in game or on forums- that doesn’t completely believe that they deserve better treatment than everyone else, and that they are better than everyone else.
Grabs bucket of popcorn
This thread is going to be entertaining…
If you can’t understand the concept of someone having better gear than me taints the competition I’m trying to have, especially considering how exponentially even a few ilvl points influences it, then I don’t know what to tell you. I’m only concerned about what others have insofar as the competition aspect.
I’m all for this. I’ve said I’d be happy with gearing existing the way it does if they just added raid templates. As I said, I’m not here for “progression = bigger numbers and new gear!” reasons. I mean that as sincerely as possible.
But, every time I bring up that idea, there’s apparently a large portion of people who disagree within the raiding community. Not surprisded, but suffice to say you’re right that it isn’t JUST the thrill of completing the raid motivating people, which I take issue with.
I’d love to never have to worry about “what else outside of blizzard’s horrible class balance and my own skill is actually affecting my performance?”
Why do you need gear if you’re only competing? Why not just have standardized ilvls when you enter a raid- everyone in heroic has 415, everyone in mythic has 430- let you pick your trinkets, secondary stats and go.
That’d be literally as competitive as possible, since everyone would be on the exact same playing field and only skill would make a difference. To me, it seems like raiding is the LAST place that should have any gear, not the first.
As for why others want gear; to make things faster, to do content easier, to get past things you couldn’t do before. Basically, the exact same reasons raiders want gear, just without anyone to turn to and say ‘hey, you suck, you don’t deserve gear’ like raiders have.
Every time you talk you strike me as someone who just wants to wave around your epeen.
Yet, despite how much you despise the casuals you consider faceroll having gear- you’re afraid they’ll compete with you if they do have gear? Seems like you’re just worried someone you’re able to call a loser now would show you up if the playing field were level.
Correct, and I do, but that’s not the point. Most of the general population of wow are just like most of the general population of the world: they don’t care to improve themselves, but they want improvements in their lives. This thread is evidence of that. People want to stay as mcdonalds min-wage workers and get the big fancy house, car, garage, etc.
That has nothing to do with it. I hate the way gear is acquired now because it necessitates I do all this low-brow garbage that I shouldn’t have to do just to be competitive.
Imagine you used to be paid 80k a year for 40 hours working IT. Then, the company mandates a policy to work an additional 40 hours at mcdonalds to keep making that same 80k. That’s what wow’s gear structure is now. Used to be able to just raidlog and be the best I could be in a raid. Now have to do tons of garbage crap outside of raid because people who don’t raid cried they wanted stuff on par with people who do raid.
Again, add templates, make gear similar to destiny 2 where you max out fast and get BIS easily, or go back to what it was.
in that statement you literally loop the entirety of the raid community into one group, which I specifically requested and explained as to why you shouldnt. for your last paragraph, hi, pleasure to meet you, im just another player, i just happen to take one segment of content very seriously and find it enjoyable to do so. so theres that
you also speak in hyperbole quite a bit, which makes an open and calm discourse rather difficult with you. Raiders aren’t happy about alot in the game at the moment besides the raid itself, there are alot of instances of changes effecting raiders at a med-high end level that people dont even realize. most just dont puke it out all over the forums and those that do claim to speak for all of us which is an obscene fallacy, the same goes for groups of people who enjoy other things, and these interactions have created a pseudo class war within the game that has reached a boiling point during BFA. Have i showed disdain for you and your activities once in this conversation? no, no i havent, i dont intend to regardless of provocation. admittedly my one concession is i do get rather upset when people who have openly declared or shown they have no experience in a certain content, claim changes are needed or things are wrong with it, and that sure as **** goes both ways. if you see me arguing pet battles, blow me up please
I remember having to spend most of my week farming for flasks, farming so I could get enchants and repairs.
Don’t have to do that anymore, not anywhere near the same degree it was in Vanilla and BC.
Yet to fly, we have to do a lot of stuff that has nothing to do with flight. To finish quests we even have to raid or do mythics in some cases. To gear up, we have to raid or do M+s. You complain about having to do something you don’t like- but that’s been the game for everyone else forever, and still is, and you’re in the same breath complaining casuals aren’t being forced to raid to get good gear (even though that’s not even true- casual play will only get you so far unless you get absurdly lucky multiple times).
I do have to admit, I love the raider consistency though. Once again, you equate this game to being a job, because to raiders that is what this game is- a job. Every single time, and it always comes down to ‘well if you don’t WORK hard enough in this game’- that raiders always refer to raiding as a job, it’s no wonder you can’t stand anyone else having gear.
You honestly sound like a communist.
Every single competitive sport in the world is communist then? Good to know.
What has me not happy currently is the current state of PvE to PvP. I also don’t like feeling that I need to run the same simplified content over and over to play the game the way that I want, which I think is not dissimilar to the view of a lot of raiders. I think raiders should have the best PvE gear available, there should be a PvP path to gearing for PvP like there once was, and that there should be a path for progression of people who do not participate in either. I also think progression should mean more than just gear.
I think people like you should make your opinions known more. The raiding community would do better with representatives with a more moderate view.
I know you’re baiting but your communist logic is flawed. No sports player is the same as another one and they all have natural gifts such as fast twitch muscle fibers and genetics that give them advantages. So no, no sport is balanced and fair the only thing that’s balanced are the rules.
This isn’t a sport, it’s a game. They can make allowances for it if you choose to treat it as a sport, but I do not think others should be compelled to treat it similarly nor penalized for not doing so.
It’s simply a you do you, I’ll do me situation. No judgment intended, if it’s what you enjoy that’s fine.
Agreed. There is no concerted effort to remove content from “raiders”. But there are constant posts aimed at removing or nerfing content and gear from “casuals”.
PvP is indeed being treated as the stepchild of the end game, while i have no experience there, that much seems obvious to me and my opinion kinda has to stop there. Will say, Ion made a very interesting point - if you want to be the ABSOLUTE best you can be as a class (pertaining to essence), like the bleeding edge, then you should have to engage in more than your comfortable activity (looking at BOTE for melee PVE and Conflict for monks etc.), the initial acquisition isnt bad at all, but the later acquisitions certainly are and thats where i personally draw that line, but if that isnt entirely necessary for the content youre doing, just do it passively on a weekend if you decide to, or decide to not at all, you have the base essence, just not scaled up rank 3 effect. i felt that was a good point, what i also believe is they dont quite grasp the balancing of how certain classes and trinkets function with essences, but thats another tangent for another day. would we all like to stay in our lanes? ideally yes, but if youre playing at the top end, you can learn ALOT from pvpers and pve’rs if youre one and not the other.