The crusade against Raiders has to stop

I don’t remember doing any of that because the entirety of the wow community hated ret and I didn’t get to raid till Wrath. Which I loved. Just buy flying outright, and got vastly more gold from raiding than anywhere else, to the point where I could just buy everything I needed, enchants, consumables, etc, off the AH for whatever the going rate was and still have a surplus. This is how raiding should be as far as raid prep goes IMO.

I’m not down for this, and I hate it. I want to buy flight a’la wrath, so I sympathize.

Right, so why did people with single player mindsets ever stick around? I would have quit long ago if I had to stomach BFA levels of stupidity for my raiding. I’m already on the edge and we’re just barely half-way.

Where did I ever say this? I said raiders are being forced to do content below their skill, which is counter-intuitive to basically EVERY game ever made. You don’t get stronger just to go back and do old crap you’ve done 100 times even fast than you previously could. That’s not progression. That’s my type of progression, if anything. I want to progress out of the need to do the same thing I’ve done before.

Raiding isn’t a job, but jobs and rewards are something everyone gets the concept of innately just because that’s how life works and it’s how we all know it has worked for a long time, so it’s easy to use to impart the concept of how basically anything similar should work.

The basic premise of life is and should be, in all facets, GitGud if you want to git gud stuff.

Notice you said gear for the casual piece but didn’t mention gear for the non casual piece. That’s the difference. Raiders aren’t asking for the death of WQs. We’re not asking for the death of islands. We’re asking for what you people are asking for:

Our rewards to be removed from your content.

You’re asking for your rewards to be removed from out content. The only difference is, we have historical precedence of “your rewards” coming from our content. Here’s the thing: they were never your rewards, you just wanted them and wished they were. Now blizzard is changing their mind and saying “yeah, you know what? they are your rewards. Here you go!” BUT in doing so they are effectively removing our raid rewards because the stuff you’re getting is better.

If 425 benthic was on par with 425 raid gear, none of this would be happening. If titanforge didn’t exist, none of this would be happening.

What is happening is like this:

Black people were slaves.
Now white people are the slaves.

What should be happening is that slavery is outlawed (which is what happened in real life).

Yeah, they have NATURAL GIFTS, and their own skills and genetics. You know who else has natural gifts and skills? Video game players.


I apologize to Cheezedot- but this is what I’m talking about.

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Sport and game are two sides of the same coin. The GAME of tennis is just that. The SPORT of tennis is a league of elites within the game who take it seriously. The SPORT of tennis isn’t affected or influenced outside of the sport aspect, though. It’s not like Roger Federer is going out and winning a bunch of non-competitive tournaments to get higher ATP rankings. That IS what’s happening in wow, though.

Pro players are going into scrubsville and coming out with higher rankings.

What’s wrong with that assertion? It’s the case? Or do you think that, because “your people” had to suffer that long, that it’s fine to make “my people” suffer the same way instead of just removing that suffering altogether since you know first hand it’s garbage?

You’ve made it pretty darn clear you want casuals treated like second rate citizens, so don’t pretend you want the suffering removed while also saying you think casuals don’t deserve anything since they aren’t doing the content you consider the greatest job in WoW.


Dude how many times have I stated that I want this garbage removed from both sides and proposed 2-3 solutions that would do it.

Barring either of those being done, yeah, I’ll go back to being the first class citizen with the second class citizens continuing to be the second class citizens since that’s how the game has always been and I’m personally affected by it and I don’t like it.

Well grats, right back at you- I hope Blizz makes raid gear the worst gear next xpac, and keeps buffing up casual gear so you can see what it’s like.

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We’re not on a pro tour, most people are playing to have fun. In RPGs in general, there is no real winning. If they’re reduced to win/no win then they don’t last very long in my experience. No one wants to play with players that yell at you if you make a mistake or try to get more than the rest of the group. Some people are only competitive with themselves and happy with their achievements for lesser goals.

“You dare suggest something that personally benefits you the most when your ideal situation doesn’t get realized and the only alternative is ‘them or me!’ HOW DARE YOU!”

Yeah. All you’re doing is the same thing I’m currently doing, but the difference is you don’t even seem to want my ideal solution. You just want your vengeance on people who had no hand in creating the game or setting it up the way it was.

You’re like someone complaining that sekiro doesn’t play the way you want, but you really want to play it for some reason, and stuck in the game, despite it being not what you want, and wishes the devs just gave you what you wanted and screw the faithful who actually enjoyed the game from the get-go.

I do hope you receive the best gear for your efforts and that the system supports your play style. I also hope that other players are happy with the goals and given a path to progress (even if it’s not necessarily gear) to be happy, because at the heart of an RPG is the concept that your character progresses.

I know there’s more to tennis than ATP tournaments. Millions more people play tennis “for fun” than pros play for seriousness.

There is no real “winning” in tennis, either. They’re all ultimately just games. It’s individuals who take them seriously and attribute more. The same thing happens in wow, and in literally anything where competition can be had.

I’m not asking for people who just play the game to be removed from consideration. I’m asking for the two aspects to be properly separated like any other sport has done. Again, the ATP isn’t telling its pros to go to random noob tennis tournaments and win them to get rank 1. Wow IS telling its pros to do that.

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And you want your vengeance on people who you will never have to play with because… well, no reason, as you’ve always been the focus of Blizzard’s design, to the point where a piece or two of casual gear being good is such an anomaly you can’t handle it.

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Are you sure you get that ego puffed up enough?


Hard to want vengeance on people when you’ve always been the star child and had nothing to be vengeful about.

No such thing IMO :slight_smile:

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I am oddly enthralled by this topic. I play how i want to play, when i want to play, i earn stuff cuz it’s fun. I Just don’t understand what the big deal is. You like to Raid, Pvp, Pve, Pet battles…etc. So much for everyone.,

If i am getting gear that someone thinks is not right for how i play. WHY are you mad at me? I’m not the one who made it. I like it because it helps me stay alive whilst out and about killing badddies so i can finish my quest.

I’m not doing it to make someone feel i have “stolen their thunder”. I’m just playing a game, having fun. Then i log off…and go have a fun time with my kids and grandchildren.

I don’t really worry if my bracer loot, or whatever i won, earned, bought, etc, ticked off someone i don’t know, who plays different than i do.

I know if i say it’s just a game, it will make someone upset…however…POV, it is JUST a game to me. On that note, have a great & safe weekend.


They are not your rewards, they simply are the rewards for doing world quests. What you want is WQ rewards to be nerfed… so nothing has changed. Raiders don’t want casual players to even have a chance at anything nice.

If you don’t want to do World Quests then don’t do them, you do not need BiS to be a successful raider and to enjoy mythic content.


This is literally a troll post.