Problem is I hate menial high effort, high time, low skill ways of doing things. It’s the antithesis of my being. I always exchange higher skill for faster, better rewards. Not being allowed to do that in a game pisses me off.
Then raid / do mythic+
Problem solved.
But there’s a piece of gear better than anything I could possibly get from either of those two sources that necessitates I regress to a mcdonalds worker again.
Not really there isn’t.
If your referring to the benthic gear, the only place they over perform, is the zones they were specifically made for.
Considering my prime concern is performance in raid, and that raid is one of those zones…
Inb4 you concede and just say “Well that sucks, suck it up or quit!”
Nop. Blizzard should undo and ensure they never REDO this dumb mistake.
The raiding community, way back when that was the ONLY way to “good gear”, has ALWAYS maintained that they “… were not doing it for the gear, but the social aspect, the camaraderie, etc…”
Then they give other avenues to “good gear”, which makes the raiding community complain and say “… but now not as much reason to raid!”
No, your original claimed reasons still exist!
You are not required to get the benthic gear. Even if they do sim better in a single raid tier (and nowhere else) than gear higher than them, it’s not a big deal, especially due to the fact they are low priority items (Belts, boots, gloves, bracers, really the pinnacle items people chase after)
The items you’ll get from the eternal palace while raiding is more than sufficient, if you can’t be bothered to do anything besides show up for a raid night.
You’re an idiot if you think that raiding will be removed. Additionally, the threads you’ve highlighted aren’t even targeting the existence of raiding.
One is targeting the mindset of raiders, another is targeting the fact that they have to PvE to get an essence to be BiS in PvP which is analogous to raiders having to PvP for an essence that’s BiS in PvE, and finally, one tries to mitigate the voice of raiders by trying to tie the raiding demographic to a small population.
Nothing to see here. Troll post is troll.
I should be able to show up for raid night and have skill be the only factor I need to worry about as far as my performance goes. I don’t have to do a bunch of non Summoner’s Rift crap to be as strong as possible when I queue up for an LoL match. I just have to log on, hit queue, and have the skill.
Same goes for any competitive game, and I’m sorry to say, that’s what makes wow raiding the best: the fact that it’s such a highly competitive-cooperative environment.
If it were just cooperative, I’d be gone already.
In the past, I accepted the gear acquisition stuff because I knew at SOME POINT I’d have everything I wanted and could do as best as I possibly could expect to without gear being a consideration. Those days are gone and wow is far worse for it.
Wow isn’t league.
Also, people who actually care about progression, don’t just show up for a raid night and then leave.
Sounds like your just going through the motions to me personally.
There’s still nothing wrong with the current system. If you cannot be bothered to do more than just show up on a raid night, then youll make due with what you get.
And then, when the next raid tier comes out, you’ll have the higher item level items, that are better for the 8.3 raid tier, which will be far better than the Benthic gear.
So future proof.
Vehemently disagree on all fronts, except the “wow isn’t league” comment and “you don’t actually care about progression”.
Wow isn’t league, but the reason I play it is the same: the feeling of superiority by beating someone at something. Ergo, you’re right. I don’t give two ships about progression. I play the game in spite of the fake illusion of progression (which just gets reset every new tier, ergo it’s pointless and meaningless since it’s a never ending, ever moving bar).
People who play this game to feel their character growing are all tricking themselves. You’re not growing at all, unless you’re considering old content or facerolling overworld stuff in .85 seconds instead of 1 second. In nothing that actually matters do you ever feel stronger than you did in the previous tier.
Then your entire complaint has no merit, and holds no water. And your just being a troll to argue for the sake of arguing.
Got it.
“I don’t like your train of thought, as it is different from mine. Must be trolling!”
-2019 argument ender
You literally just admitted you didn’t care about the thing you were just complaining about.
I don’t really know what I expected from a HMP.
I literally just said I do care about something: my performance in raid versus the other people in my raid and all over the world… or did you miss that part?
I guess my backing you up didn’t come through correctly… Basically nobody else thus far has had to jump through those hoops… and I don’t feel anyone should.
Raiders have constantly had best gear for world content, pvp, questing, etc… even though they just raid- it’s about time the best raid content comes from somewhere else.
It’d be more ideal to see raid specific bonuses on raid gear, and zone boosts on WQ gear- but perhaps this taste of raider’s own medicine after 15+ years of hearing raiders go ‘well if you want better gear, just do this raid content nobody likes’ will be a bitter enough dose you’ll finally realize most people don’t like doing raid content, just like you don’t like doing other content.
Benthic gear is like karma for raiders. Couldn’t have happened to a more rotten group.
And your performance will be just fine, with or without benthic gear.
Or are you one of those DPS people that literally ignore everything but the DPS meter, and if you don’t have the absolutely highest first place spot, you’ll get grumpy?
This is another obligatory anti-LFR/anything QoL thread isn’t it? …Show’s over folks nothing to see here.
I see an awful lot of raiders whining lately that they don’t want to have to do world quests for a few days to get BiS gear for the current raid.
I haven’t seen hardly any complaints about people being forced to raid or do dungeons lately. There were a few complaints about the mythic only dungeon recently released, but they were roundly shouted down by raiders who thought it was perfectly fine to force casuals to run mythic dungeons. Are they the same raiders now whining about benthic gear?
I think those casuals all quit.