The raider community of WoW, Aka “link me your achievement” or get rejected. Yeah some flourishing community. Raiders do not care about the community they care about exclusivity and elitism.
Oh and since I know it’s going to be said, LFR isn’t to blame for this behavior. Unless you’re specifically stating you do it out of spite for LFR, then grow up.
No heritage armor should be locked by a raid or dungeon.
I’ve gotten 445 on a few toons from world quests and they drop a minimum of 415 loot
Agreed. But I think a dungeon is reasonable enough. A raid however is not.
The reason they ask for achievements is because they don’t want to carry bad players. If you want to get the achievement yourself just raid lead your own raid. If you look at my achievements I don’t have any recent AoTC and don’t need it or care for it.
So don’t complain about not being invited because you want to get carried.
I have my BfA raid achievements, I’m just saying the raider community doesn’t care about community or building one. It’s bull.
The fact that you just assume someone is looking to get “carried” is proof of that.
If there was server identity this wouldn’t be a problem but all the servers are fractured and have ZERO identity and you make no meaningful connections with people because you’ll never see them again thanks to sharding and phasing.
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In all honesty I wouldn’t even want to attempt to raid on some of my characters because of their realms. I’d have to move them for sure if it weren’t for the fix.
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Lmao. Russians. That was the best part.
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There is a reason.
It’s called con-sis-ten-cy.
Which is plenty enough reason.
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The worst part of raiding is when you actually put in the effort to read all the mechanics, watch videos prior, and study in general only to get rejected because you aren’t in some special society or group.
If only there were a achievement to prove I read up on mechanics. 
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Always the case, and the more someone gives the more they expect. The more they complain and get what they want the more they complain and expect to get what they want.
There is a reason we have 4 raid tiers and an infinite number of dungeon levels, one group of players said it was too hard to raid, so they nerfed raiding. Than the old group said it was too easy, so they have heroic, than LFR and mythic.
And than players who could not find time to raid or find a raid group came about, hence the birth of M+. Further gear options were asked for, we got world bosses and emissaries and very easy to obtain PVP rewards, no more farming needed for honour levels and marks of honour, just go into random groups and you get gear.
And it’s not just here, it’s everywhere. The previous generation wanted a participation award for everyone, this one wants rewards for everyone and the minute anyone says no, they lose out.
Why are you trying to be a contrarian for internet back pats because others are lazy and refuse to try something that requires group effort.
I was not arguing that other race’s heritage armor should be locked behind a raid or dungeon.
I was pointing out Tauren should be be the -only- race whose heritage armor is. This is not consistent with other heritage armor sets, yet for some reason the Tauren are made to jump through additional hoops that no other race is.
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Why are you being so assumptive? I’m just stating my genuine opinions on the raider community. Or lack-thereof.
I really don’t believe raiders when they say they care about the “community” for the reasons I already stated.
You are definitely part of the problem. Why is it so bad to have someone play the game and progress towards gear? Instead of getting it so fast.
Catch up mechanics should get you to NORMAL level raid ready, with maybe a few outliers because of WF/TF to help you get to heroic quicker. In no way should catch up or basic world quest get you heroic level raid gear.
Are you MISSING the entire point? Why do Tauren have to go through Raids for heritage armor and others don’t?
Instant gratification? Have you ever obtained Heritage armor? It isn’t something you get instantly.
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Me and him are having a separate conversation from the heritage armor, no wonder you think things are hard you do not pay attention at all.
I don’t give a fuc* what they do with heritage armor, make it available at level 1 I do not care. There are way more issues than a xmog set going on.
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What would happen if they required raiders to win a BG to obtain gear they considered necessary? This isn’t a hypothetical, it happened and they complained loudly and frequently.
Did they put an effort into it? Did they go to Isle of Thunder to farm honor so they could contribute? I’m sure some did, but mostly when I got temple people complained rather than work to support objectives. I ran it on an alt, it was the 1st BG he participated in, I was the highest damage on the team.
I asked them why they weren’t fighting for objectives, protecting orb carriers. Why were there 3 people who sat at the spawn point waiting for someone else to win the game for them? They said they felt they shouldn’t have to do PvP to raid.
Exactly. They want the exclusivity they already were granted for years and years.
And once Blizzard realized they were abusing it and attempting to get new players to give them a chance to raid? They complain too.
It’s not about a community.