The crusade against Raiders has to stop


Sounds like pretty boring requirements, really.

I don’t see your point?

That’s the requirements for unlocking all heritage armor sets.

Except the Tauren one. Which is why its a problem.


I don’t see why different requirements for different things is a problem.

Because it’s not a different thing.

It’s the exact same thing.

It’s the heritage armor for a race. All heritage armors for races have the exact same format requirement.

Except for Tauren Heritage armor.


I think you’re saying what I’m saying. Making something a necessity like that turns a carrot into a stick. How is heritage armor tied to raiding? If heritage armor is in some way tied to raiding, why are Tauren singled out with a requirement to raid for it?

Just one example. It’s not really a crusade against raiding, it’s a crusade against feeling forced to raid to gain unrelated goals.

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Okay. And that’s fine. Not all heritage armor has to have the same requirements.

I agree, this has nothing to do with anything about being against raiding.

It’s due to the fact, this is the exact same system many other races have gotten and gone through, and suddenly it’s different for no explainable reason.

Actually, yes. All heritage armor should have the exact same requirements, simply flavored to whatever the flavor of the heritage armor is.

It makes no sense to give gnomes their heritage armor the moment they hit 120 and exalted with gnomergeon, but force Tauren to have to complete a war campaign (Which will eventually become obsolete content) and a raid (Which is already obsolete content) to be able to unlock theirs.

Especially since all the other allied races before hand that had heritage armor have the exact same unlock requirements the gnomes did.


Why, exactly?


That is why.


Because it’s an RPG, not a combat simulator.

Heritage armor requirements don’t have to be consistent.

I agree with both of you, but there really does need to be a line.

This is an mmo, if you want to play solo that is fine, but why do you need heroic level gear to do that? Normal raid tier ilvl is plenty to do world quests and solo content.

The system is the same in most games and was ruined by blizzard BECAUSE of people against raiding which is what the OP is getting at. Raiding/higher mythic + is the hardest/endgame content so it SHOuld reward the best gear, trinkets etc.

Instead they let someone get to heroic level of gear without much effort and can keep pace with even mythic raiders without stepping foot in a raid.

I started fresh on a server with no other toons, got to 120 and sent him a full set of benthic gear. Saved up pearls from doing easy content, bam he’s on level with my main and is heroic raid ready without any effort put in. There is also the fact that benthic gear is waaay better then most gear you get from a raid, so my somewhat fresh 120 is probably better prepared then my main who has aotc every tier and dabbled in a couple tiers of mythic.

I feel like at this point your literally just being argumentative, simply to be argumentative.

Consistency should be something people strive towards. It makes zero sense to make everything uniform, except for one of the group, make that one different.

All the Heritage armor requirements should be consistent with their requirements.

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I did too recently hit 120 on a horde server and derped around and now can tank the raid on heroic. Gear is far too easily got and needs to be culled in the next expansion. Remove the world quests from the game and quit giving out free epics.


World quests are fine. Catch up mechanics have been a thing in WoW longer than they haven’t been.

If you want hard to get epics, that only the people who dedicate more life to WoW than their actual lives can get, go play Vanilla when it comes out.


Wrong and if they give out welfare epics it should be a max of maybe 3 to help get you started. Everything else should be greens or blues.

World quests drop blues. The only epic gear being given out now is the benthic gear, which is mean to be an alternative gearing method to dungeon spamming or raiding, and World bosses, which you can pile on sure, but hey those have been around since Vanilla.

Further, I’m not wrong, there have been catch up mechanics in wow since BC.


You haven’t given a reason for this. Why should all the requirements be the same? The answer is because you think it should be. Really, you’re just being argumentative.

There is no reason why the requirements should not be consistent.

And there’s no reason why they should be.

Blizzard decided to make this one different. And there’s nothing wrong with that.