But since it’s the main source of “progression” for casuals asking for its removal without a replacement system by default means you are taking something away. And plenty of the anti TF posts end with “why should someone get heroic/mythic level gear for doing casual content”
It the same thing as me wanting the removal of raids because blizz has gated some quest chains, ARs and heritage armors behind them.
remove TF/WF and maybe even sockets given theyre worth about 30ilvls, give back ML, and the vast majority of the raiding population will shut up and be happy and everyone can coexist.
Those are completely different things than one the person I replied to suggested and titanforging is not exclusive to casuals. It impacts raiders too. Acting like they don’t deserve an opinion on it and then feeling attacked when they have one is silly and tribalist.
You could always raid lead your own pugs or join a guild that works with any disabilities you may or may not have or time constraints you may or may not have.
If you’re doing lfr to see the content there’s plenty of streamers out there you could watch to see them do the content you’re either unable or afraid to do.
Hate to burst your bubble, but people, gaming, and markets aging is a very real thing. Denying it just makes you look blatantly ignorant. If aging isn’t a real problem as you claim, more than the tiny minority of super hardcore fans would still be playing EQ. WoW has done amazingly well in the “keeping up” department, but even it can’t avoid the passing of time forever.
I’m going to assume if you can’t see it then you never read what you’ve typed.
People who played MMO’s before WOW probably had an idea what raiding was. I remember 72 person raids from Everquest on dial up connections and typing as your only form of communication. Was always someone Disconnected and it was usually a key class.

The guy who has killed 3 bosses total on LFR this entire expansion.
This is exactly why people hate on raiders. The elitism and the whining.
I like raiding don’t get me wrong, but I don’t like the idea of them gatekeeping all the best stuff.
Then you should find another game. PVP and Raiding should be the only way you get gear. If you don’t like that do quests and pet battles while leveling. There’s no reason to have gear if you don’t do those two activities and only hurt people that enjoy this content by undermining their hard work.

I don’t recall the community being like this in earlier expansions such as BC and Wrath
Well, you memory is not as good as you think. Drama & a$$hats have been always a big part of raiding.
“Community” died with introduction of LFG and LFR but forums were alwasy toxic.
Some raiders are nice. Some raiders have spent the last 15 years making other players feel like crap. Raiding has become a dirty word thanks to the latter group. People are just sick of all the raider elitism.
To the nice raiders, I’m sorry your favored activity is being tarnished in this way. If it makes you feel better, Ion is obviously a proponent of raid or die. So, calm your weary heads. The endgame will still be raiding with him at the helm.

To the nice raiders, I’m sorry your favored activity is being tarnished in this way. If it makes you feel better, Ion is obviously a proponent of raid or die. So, calm your weary heads. The endgame will still be raiding with him at the helm.
No its not. Being awarded mythic ilvls from doing world quests is not in the best interests of raiders and only super casual people that feel entitled to good gear because they pay a sub.
354 bits of …
Eternal Palace is the current endgame. That’s a raid. The endgame is dedicated to raiding. You should be grateful. If I had my way, the last patch would have been dedicated to vulpera and bee mounts. Then you would be really upset.

Hate to burst your bubble, but people, gaming, and markets aging is a very real thing. Denying it just makes you look blatantly ignorant. If aging isn’t a real problem as you claim, more than the tiny minority of super hardcore fans would still be playing EQ. WoW has done amazingly well in the “keeping up” department, but even it can’t avoid the passing of time forever.
Hate to burst your bubble, but gaming has been a hobby of people of all ages since it’s inception. You act like the only age group that plays video games is ages 10 to 35 too. Gamers of all ages since the days of Pong have always been able to manage to balance their play time with real life.
EQ is a terrible example too. That game’s graphics are super dated and a lot of players are graphics snob. WoW has been updating their graphics regularly over the years. I wouldn’t be surprised though if EQ had more players than WoW now these days.
I think WoW would have retained way more players if it didn’t try to cater to people that can only play 20 mins a week.

Eternal Palace is the current endgame.
If you want a decent weapon maybe and some trinkets maybe but everything else is worse than random titanforged or mythic+ gear.

I think WoW would have retained way more players if it didn’t try to cater to people that can only play 20 mins a week.
omg this—^ SO much this. just because you pay a sub like the everyone else it doesn’t entitle you to gear. I feel like all this communistic bs with the game has been directed at bringing in a certain audience that would rather just buy the best gear than to work for it but that’s just my slant.
Stop poking the non-raiders and they won’t have the urge to poke you back.
EAP! I spouted logic again, forgive me it’s a dirty habbit. (slaps hands) I shall slink away now.
Turkey Bacon Furters? Sounds tasty.
The bacon is collected off the backs of male human paladins. Tasty indeed.