I’m not asking for raid level rewards, I just want them to stop with the sticks trying to get people to raid. Things like locking pathfinder or heritage armor behind raids. Also note, the ability to find a good raiding guild is very dependent on server activity, which is why I’m a big believer in cross realm guilds for people who want to pursue raiding.
I don’t think there should be any phasing or sharding of realms and that low pop realms should be condensed into one realm. Server identity needs to come back.
Let me give you a new victim card, OP. It looks like yours is getting worn out.
I would agree with that, my assumption is they’re committed to sharding. What we had before on low pop realms is that we were able to gather more effectively, rare hunt, etc since we lacked progression guilds. Sharding killed that.
I never once asked for the death of raiding. The death of Mythic perhaps, and far less resources dedicated to developing raids, yes. But not that outright removal. But if we remove mythic I can concede to the removal of LFR as well, if we bring raiding back to the difficulty levels of WotLK that would be about perfect. Two difficulties, one totally puggable, the other quite hard but not modern mythic hard.
“I nEv3r SaId RaIdS sHud DiE”
Odd thing to complain about considering they’ve never done that before.
Pathfinder has been pretty much just quests, exploration and rep grinding, as well as completing the campaign from Legion onwards.
I don’t think you need to clear any raids for any allied races either. Like with pathfinding, you might have to do a dungeon or two, but raiding has never been strictly necessary.
Legion required a raid boss to complete pathfinder, Tauren heritage armor requires a raid.
Long live LFR!!! because when it goes so will I
And this is totally wrong to force people to raid to complete quests or storylines! even sending them into dungeons to complete things is wrong!..
We raid and dungeon because we love it! and it’s fun! but being forced isn’t fun!
If it’s wrong to “force” people to do that stuff to get what they want out of the game, then it’s also “wrong” to force raiders to have to go out into the world to get what they want (anything that makes them more competitive in raiding).
TLDR: There isn’t a crusade against raiders, just vehement disagreement with the way they want their perceived issues solved.
I dont disagree that Mythic raiding/high-key M+/rated PvP are the most difficult challenges in WoW and I applaud those who do them, but the game cannot succeed if its solely designed to cater to them. If all of those things were removed today my game experience wouldn’t change in the least. And I’m reasonably certain, based on posts from blizz about participation and the systems they have in place that most players would have the same reaction.
I’m not saying at all I that I want that to happen, but I also won’t accept any changes to my current experience to appease the raiding community.
Secondary stat scaling means sockets have an abnormally high effect. If the raiding community were clamoring for the scaling to be fixed I would agree. Makes the game better for everyone and solves the problem for raiders.
But they’re instead clamoring for Benthic gear to be removed because deity-forbid it might have a socket. Fixes the problem for raiders but screws everyone else over. And they tend to do the same thing with every issue they have.
Once they stop demanding that things be removed from others to solve their issues, others will stop fighting back and maybe the community will get better.
(Not holding my breath but stranger things have happened)
Do you actually like the amount of RNG that exists for gear acquisition?
The way I see it, blizz thinks they’ve provided 3+ paths forward:
raiding: high guaranteed min ilvl, time gated on raid lockouts
m+: high guaranteed min ilvl, not gated at all… currently best bang per buck for gearing
questing: low guaranteed ilvl, gated by bliz calculating the average rate of acquisition. Some people get bloody lucky and some get starved, but on avg it works.
I hate. Hate. HATE. The last system with a passion and I don’t understand people who do like it. Benthic was a good change in that direction IMO.
However, blizz is missing the biggest point. There aren’t 3 different paths of acquisition for people who want to be as competitive as possible. There is now 3 paths you must do. Tripling work needed to remain competitive versus years past.
I don’t mind multiple paths, but I don’t want to lose competition because someone else out there doesn’t mind doing literally everything. Just because they’re fine lowering their standards to sub-par content doesn’t mean they should have an advantage over me.
And that’s why we’ll never agree. I also like the Benthic system better to a point, it still has a cap and when I reach it on enough alts I’ll unsub, costing blizz money. And if it takes too long I’ll also unsub, so it’s a balance I admit.
But there will always be a no-lifer willing to suffer burn out for that .5%, and blizzard shouldn’t limit any groups path because of that.
Who is talking about limiting? I’m saying segment them. Bring back resilience pvp gear. Make special procs that are disabled in raids for WQ gear. Have raid set bonuses that are disabled out of raid world.
If you like raiding, then you’re actively raiding I assume, so you’ll get your raid gear. If you like WQing, then you’ll be doing that, so you’ll be getting WQ gear. Same for pvp. So I don’t see any issue.
“but I don’t want to have to take the 2 seconds it takes to switch gear for my activity!” I’d rather you take 2 seconds to switch gear than necessitating everyone else who wants to be competitive at JUST raiding have to do 1296651231 hours worth of grinds. Only fair.
“but what if I want to dabble?” Good news! The stats on the gear would still be in effect and you could still be effective enough to dabble.
Segmenting would be fine, as long as they’re clever about balancing it. Iconic class gameplay being limited to one path would be bad, but having differing effects based upon location would be cool.
So LFR then.
This sky screaming, hyperbolic thread is still a thing? How pathetic.
Maybe if you were enjoyable to be around you wouldn’t have such problems…
I might have to make this my new guild name:see_no_evil:!!