The crusade against Raiders has to stop

Keep in mind again. That I stated that that doesn’t even represent the players who jumped in through the Group Finder. Which there are % numbers out there for raid completion.

BoD Alliance: 20.2% completion
BoD Horde: 31.1% completion

And for Crucible, 36.4% of the playerbase has completed the raid. It’s not a minority. And if you don’t want to look at any kind of numbers then that’s fine. I think it’s short sighted but it’s within your right to do so.

Also who is being excluded?

<50% is a minority.

I could question the stats like how many are alt accounts but, again, I am not of an opinion that significant resources should not be assigned to raid development. I think we’re not as far off in opinion as you might think, but I simply feel that they need to diversify the offerings for everyone (which includes things raiders can do when they’re not raiding).

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Yup, I have no idea what OP is talking about.

The only anti-raiding I have ever seen are complaints about carries. Personally, I think paying gold for a carry makes total sense, and is a way for a raider to make some gold for their effort.

I watched ‘raiders’ destroy several guilds because of their lack of loyalty and jumping ship to a guild that has slightly more progress at every opportunity possible then complaining non-stop about LFR even though it has zero impact on their play, since they won’t let ‘casuals’ be in their raids anyway. But know one is against raiders that I have ever discovered.

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And that’s personal opinion more so than fact in my eyes. This is during an expansion that’s not really well received. I question what the numbers would be if the expansion was well received by a large portion of the playerbase.

I’d be right there with you on the in between part. Part of what made the game feel more RPG was the prep work you put in between raids. Which has been modernized to the equivalent of going to a drive thru, ordering your meal, and leaving. The process should be changed to cater to more of an RPG setting in my opinion.

But I also hold the opinion when it comes to raids is that we’ve catered to 2 wrong audiences. That being that we made raiding way too easy (LFR) and we’ve made raiding way too freakin hard (Mythic). I’d much prefer a 2 or even 1 difficulty raid. This way they could focus more time on making the raid much more up to scale and have meaningful mechanics that not only are fun but engaging the players.

I personally think back to Ulduar when having this conversation. The mechanics for the most part were fun. You started off in a freakin tank like. So awesome. And when you take a moment to just look around you can tell that entire structure that they made was massive and took a lot of time. I still love taking the tram to Mimiron because of just how massive everything is.

They once said that they wanted to focus on making sure that the player feels that they have a role in each encounter as well as giving them meaningful mechanics that are fun. I don’t see that in LFR because they’re just target dummies. And I don’t see it in Mythic because for some bosses require hundreds of wipes before you can kill them. Which from personal experience is pretty horrid.


poor casuals

Lol my group has taken in 3-4 brand new raiders this tier alone that wanted to experience it. So maybe our personal anecdotes dont tell the whole story. Also most raiders dont care at all about the existence of LFR. A small handful of forum posts dont really equate to the entire population

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I never see casuals ask for the “death of rading”.

I CONSTANTLY see raiders complaining about casual content: LFR, Benthic Gear, WQ rewards.


You need to read more, then. There’s a constant “Mythic should just be removed, not enough people do it” drumbeat, for example.

Mythic SHOULD be removed. Mythic isn’t raiding, Mythic is wasted dev time on .01% of the population.


Well, there’s the “crusade against raiders” in full force, which so many people in this thread deny exists at all.


Oh they exist as shown. They just pretend to be above what they hate so much

Within 10 minutes of each other, these posts were.

How can people deny this is a thing? :roll_eyes:


There is literally a black dwarf with white hair not 10 posts up asking for the death of raiding so resources can be re-appropriated for overworld.

My first post in this thread is a link to a post saying to remove all raids and focus on transmog, mounts and other things

“i NeVeR sEe cAsUaLs AsK fOr ThE DeaTh Of RaiDiNg”


this game probably shouldn’t even be an MMO anymore, as much as they’ve empowered the do-less-for-more crowd


I think that’s fair don’t you guys?

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I think we’ve found common ground :smiley:

Why is it that people play these silly percentage games as if they represent a majority?

You being a casual is one thing. Casuals make up a large portion of the sub pool.

Casuals that go on anti-raider tirades calling for the removal of mythic raiding and spend all day crying about things on the GD are another, and make up an even less percentage of the sub pool than Mythic raiders.

Every raiding guild has DOZENS of active casual players that coexist just fine with raiders, participate in guild events, and have absolutely no problem with mythic raiding or what raiders do or want.

The people who incessantly whinge about raiders on the GD are a completely separate subcategory of “casual” that do not represent the majority of casuals. Stop playing the percentages as if you are in any sort of majority.

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People extremely exaggerate things to the point of it being absurd.

If you have half a brain and find enough people with at least half a brain you can clear heroic mode without too much effort. It is not that hard, the threshold is not that high…It is actually very, very low depending on the tier.

If you’re mildly competent raiding just throws gear at you at a far higher rate than other methods except mythic plus but the quality in mythic plus will usually end up being lower. Especially if you can’t tackle a 7 or higher.

People also need to stop trying to max and min and then demand everything be changed around that mindset when they aren’t even doing CE.

Mechanics overwhelmingly matter far more than numbers if you’re half competent. It’s usually only the last 3 or so mythic bosses where you start hitting hard walls where that extra 1 or 2 percent will matter.

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The issue isn’t how simple raids are, it’s that some people don’t want to deal with the drama. Similarly, reasonable people are not calling for the removal of raiding, they just don’t want to feel compelled to raid.


It’s unavoidable even if it is rare like in chill games, the best guilds just know how to handle it well.

And again you don’t need much to clear heroic raiding every tier. You really don’t.

Lastly that is just the unfortunate truth that has been around forever. Just wish people would stop feeling the need to demand the game is changed around their self-driven impulses.