The crusade against Raiders has to stop

Do you really think that’s what the casual player wants?

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Yes? There are plenty of guild members who have explicitly stated this and they’re some of our most active from a /played perspective and their necks are 58+

Like I said, don’t make the mistake of thinking that, because you’re dissatisfied as a solo casual means most people are. Come in with stats to back that up, or I’ll remain unchanged in my presumptions.

That doesn’t sound too casual.

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Casual is the type of gameplay, not the amount of time. The most casual players I find are often times the ones playing the most, just standing in br0alus looking up mount farming guides.

If you think casual means /played, then I’d say I’m casual because I try to minimize my /played as much as possible. However, I’m ultra-competitive, and the entire reason I play is to raid, and that’s half my rub. I’m being forced to dump MORE time into playing than I ever have before to remain as competitive as I was in the past.

If casual means someone who sucks at the game AND also plays 1-4 hours a week… again, provide stats proving that’s what constitutes the majority you’re thinking, or I’ll continue to ignore it as an audience that actually exists in any quantity that deserves attention.

Speaking only for myself, I am not dissatisfied with BfA at all. I am currently having the most fun I have had in WoW in years. I just think the game could be even better by dropping raids and adding even more development time to things like world quests, warfronts, new zones, mini-games, etc.

Maybe you need to start providing your references for your made up statistics. Both of us are simply presenting our opinions. In the case you mention, these people are endlessly grinding to have the best stats on their neck pieces. That doesn’t sound very casual, just your opinion of what is casual which differs from my experience.


But, if you’re satisfied, why should they do anything differently? They wouldn’t get more people like you by eliminating raids and making your type of content better. They would lose 30%. Wow isn’t going to ever get back more players than it has now. It can either sustain or lose, that’s it.

They aren’t endlessly grinding for best stats. They’re simply clearing the entire WQ map and doing nothing of actual difficulty. No m+, no raids, etc.

As for trying to convince you? Nah. I don’t care to. I’m not the one whose argument hinges on the feeling of “because more people do this, I think it deserves more dev time!” If your argument hinges on a stat like that, however, I’ll demand you back it up.

Majority rules is always a dumb design.

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I’m not sure how to understand how designing more of the content that most people are doing makes anything other than the most of sense.

I think it just ruffles you a bit as it’s not the content that the minority such as yourself, would prefer. Which is understandable.


Straw man

You keep quoting stats and using them to justify your ideas. I’m just stating my opinion, not giving some made up number.

I definitely agree with this. I think they need to diversify, put more effort into PvP (for example), remove solo elements from raids, tec.

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Because it’s not a minority. There’s plenty of evidence to show this off being, WoWProgress, WarcraftLogs and many other sites. There’s a clear interest within the playerbase to have raiding be a part of it. I have not seen any rankings or mass talk about killing a few mobs in the WQ that you already did yesterday. But lets actually look at raiding right now within the current tier.

So within a week and 1 day of the raid coming out, we already have 21,625 guilds who have stepped into Normal and Heroic. That’s a lot for week the first week. But yeah that’s kind of early. Lets look at the previous raid tiers while they were relevant. These are the numbers for guilds that have at least stepped into the raid.

Normal / Heroic BoD: 46,385 guilds
Mythic: 11,376 guilds

Interesting. Lets look at Uldir.

Normal / Heroic: 76,612 guilds
Mythic: 16,253 guilds

Again keep in mind that this isn’t even referring to people who use the Group Finder. So…sorry dude. Numbers don’t lie. There’s a clear want within the community to raid. You take that away and the game falls apart.

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Here is where you say something that requires stats to back up. You can’t say “minority of players” when it’s not been proven statistically. I suppose it’s not necessarily your argument and you might have been just explaining, but I assumed you also felt this way. My b if that’s not the case.

Those are not given context.

You’re the one that gave the 30% number.

BTW, it is an RPGmmo… this game used to be an RPG game first. The solo crowd just wants more RPG elements added to the game. And, MMO does not and should never mean forced grouping.


I mean if you have numbers yourself then by all means post them. Otherwise saying they have no context with one another is not really a conversation I’m going to try and convince you on.

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Again, this is a business. You do the minimum necessary to keep your customers happy. You don’t go above and beyond just because. That’s a waste of money.

Ergo, if you’re happy like you say you are, and lets suppose you even are the “majority” why would they care to make you even happier? It’s unnecessary.

Prove I’m the minority. It could entirely be such that 30% is the largest single group of segmented and labeled players that exists. “How?” Like this:

30%: care exclusively about raids (as in raiding is the reason they play the game)
25%: don’t give a dam
15%: care about perma grind progression and nothing else (time sink is why they play)
15%: care about world quests and nothing else (solo play, enjoyment similar to someone who plays an actual solo RPG, is why they play)
15%: care about pretty pixels (farming unique things is why they play)

You can say whatever number you want but without knowing the overall pool it’s not a meaningful statistic.

EDIT: I’m not arguing against raiding. I think it is a sizable portion of players and should receive a sizable resource for development. I just think that it shouldn’t be to the exclusion of other aspects.


I think it is. Putting away that thousands of guilds within the game is doing the content that is supposedly a “small portion of the playerbase” and “resources should be put elsewhere” is really silly. And if you can provide numbers in the game that clearly shows that resources could be put in another place then I’m all ears err…eyes.

" |Heart of Corruption|Achievement|44.56%|"

You don’t have the numbers to assert this. In the context of millions of players a few thousand does not necessarily represent a significant number. All it demonstrates is what I’ve said, it’s a sizable number and resources should be provided but I represent an opinion that it should not be pursued to the exclusion of the rest of the player base.

What percent of that was done on LFR and, as a raider, do you think LFR is actual raiding? <50% is a minority, a significant minority for sure which is why I’m not trying to advocate removal of raids.