Sounds like she’d make a great guild/raid leader for a guild of other older people. Maybe they should make their own guild and recruit to do content together as a community.
That’s another line commonly used. Except that a person who gets bumped from too many pugs for bailing in between will develop a reputation and word will spread. Wham, decent pugs won’t touch the player anymore for things that are not their fault.
Is LFR perfect? No. Never claimed that. But it DOES fill a purpose.
I’ll refrain from any further commentary on her as a matter of courtesy. The fact is, she’s called herself a “grandma player” who just isn’t “up to speed”. So I don’t feel bad about referring to her as such in such topics.
Again they can make their own guild and recruit people like them and make their own community. It keeps the game social which has been going away since LFR and LFD have been added to the game. Blizzard likes to champion these tools but they’ve only hurt player engagement in the game.
I don’t see randomly chatting with random people on the Internet in a random group versus a random guild group as being that dramatically different in terms of the “social” aspect.
10+ IRL friends and family members? Sure thing. Some guy Joebob was in a PuG with last week who Joebob thinks is the schizzle? Not so much.
While it is definitely true that some people could communicate better and be more polite and civil, the fact is, the opinion that the game could and would be made far better with the removal of high end raiding is valid, and possibly correct. Focus could be better shifted to the other 99% of the player base.
You just proved Siyara’s point.
30% of players clear at least normal raid, so your “other 99%” is bunk.
Also, if you think they would cut raids and give better content for the normal players, you’re wrong. You’d get more garbage right in line with what it currently offers. If that’s okay with you, we fundamentally disagree what the baseline premise of a game is (something to challenge you and make you feel good when you win because you struggled). The normal content in wow offers no challenge, and only casino rewards, ergo it’s the same “feelsgood” as a slot machine, which is bottom tier “fun” IMO. Same thing that feeds people addicted to drugs looking for an easy escape from their crappy reality.
We certainly, fundamentally disagree on what defines “game” that much is certain. Even if your 30% is accurate, that’s still 20% away from even being half the players, doing the easiest non-LFR version of the content. To the rest of your points, so what?
You’re making the mistake of assuming that 70% are unhappy with the system as it currently is or were severely unhappy with how it was before forging existed. Prove that and we can move the discussion forward. The silent majority argument goes both ways. Until you give evidence to support your supposition, I’ll go on continuing to think that a majority of people would play wow regardless of how boring or bad the content and rewards are, because they’re effectively No Man’s Sky transplants. Anyone who did care about that stuff enough to get upset has up and left at this point.
I think their point is that the majority of design is for a minority of players.
If you think the raid took anywhere near as long to develop as the rest of the stuff we got in 8.2 you’re hugely mistaken.
Im not assuming anything. Just that in my opinion, and in the opinion of some others that have stated in the past, the game would be better if there were a lot less resources focused on raiding. It’s okay if you don’t feel this way. In a lot of way I really feel like raiding is outdated.
What should the game be, then? Something like a solo game where we all just happen to exist inconsequentially in each others’ world? Something entirely non-competitive?
Also, don’t act like your opinion has more weight by saying things insinuating raiders are smaller than the number of people who feel the way you do, then. Speak as a single person and don’t use ANY rationale besides “It’s just what I personally want.” If you’re telling yourself in your head “well, I do think this!” without any evidence, you’re still being dishonest about your reasoning and the validity of that behind the scenes, so I won’t accept that, either.
There’s always PvP…
It’s not that people are saying that raiding should be eliminated, it’s just a focus of the game when only a minority of players actually partake (in a meaningful way). Also, you seem to be extrapolating heavily from your experience as well.
I personally would prefer that yes the game be more solo or small group oriented. Instead of a raid, make another zone or even two like nazjatar and mechagon.
And if you don’t think there are far and away more non-raiders than raiders then I’m not sure there is any point to a discussion not grounded in reality anyway.
Ehhhhh. That would probably kill the game for good. Raiding has been a conerstone of WoW since Vanilla. The game is already pretty solo and that’s part of the reason why BFA is disliked by many.
How can something participated in by such a small minority be a cornerstone? Just keep something like LFR if you have to have something with lots of people. It’s just a 25 person scenario anyway. Normal apparently is still only something 30% participate in with heroic and mythic being far, far less.
And yes, the point is “why majority of development for the minority of subscribers?”
I personally would prefer that yes the game be more solo or small group oriented. Instead of a raid, make another zone or even two like nazjatar and mechagon.
As for “game should go more solo” then why even call it an MMO? MMO used to mean “play with friends” and solo was secondary stuff you did to soak time between. Like I’ve said before, wow as a solo game holds 0 interest for me. At baseline, the combat without any need to move/interrupt/do any mechanics… JUST spamming spells and doing damage… is boring AF. It is probably the worst game I’ve ever played in that regard.
And if you don’t think there are far and away more non-raiders than raiders then I’m not sure there is any point to a discussion not grounded in reality anyway.
I already covered this. Most people in the game are entirely happy as it exists right now and would play it AND be happy in any incarnation it took, meaning they should be removed entirely from the discussion since they simply don’t care.
50% dev to raids? 90% dev to raids? Wouldn’t matter. They’re off right clicking herbs with a big dumb grin or doing that WQ for the 100th time with wow on the 2nd monitor while watching netflix.
Bombarding? That’s 3 posts.
Each person pays the same amount for a single account so they can post whatever they want.
Blizzard knows that if they stop building raids they’ll lose the interest of the entire raiding community. No matter how small it is, they’re not going to do that.
And if I’m wrong, then that’s fine. I’ll just quit the game and find something else to do.