The Community Council is Right. M+ Leavers Should Get Penalized

The entire dungeon is supposed to be a single encounter. By that same logic, you should get loot in raid every time you beat each phase of a boss, not just when you kill it.

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Not great either. But i find this an acceptable risk as opposed to the just the keyholder holding the bag exclusively.

You could always, you know, make friends?

Then there is no bag holding unless your into that.

Community council is just something for the devs to point to incase anything goes wrong.

I have recently made a post about this suggesting a Vote to Quit system.

People have alerted me about alot of ways these systems can go wrong and I have agreed with them.

The fairest conclusion, in my opinion, would be to just not downgrade keys anymore. Or make the key have some sort of 3 charges you can use or something like that.

Terrible idea. Hold people hostage in keys? Cmon. If you have problems chesting anything below 20s it’s because YOU could be the problem. The easiest way to avoid all the “leavers” is to make friends and group with people you know. Join a guild. M+ community. I swear people act so helpless and then they wanna impose rules on others like this. I’ve had literally 1 person randomly leave my key out of the last 200 ish runs. It’s NOT an issue.


Having a solid knowledge of the game is nowhere on the skills list for either position.

(With the huge exception of the tech support MVP’s, who are smart and wonderful people.)

If this thread, and many threads people post here honestly, has taught me anything the Community at least wants to make an attempt to make the community better as opposed to pearl clutching at the idea that someone won’t be punished for someone else’s decisions.

And yes I am aware the irony of this when the only good counter this thread has provided was to “make friends”. Really why I’ve just started to devolve to passive aggressive insults. Why pretend anymore lol.

Your attempt to make the community “better” actually makes it way worse.

Get friends. Stop being anti social.

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I think the debuff should last a minimum of 24-hours for a first time offense, proceeding to get worse every time, 72-hours for 2nd offense, 1 week for 3rd, so on and so forth.

I think the counter of “things will get much worse” is a good one, tbh.

People will make your life so much worse if you force them to stay in the group.

I hope this is joking.

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I agree, it is the only good one.

Everyone else has effectively just been “fudge you got mine I don’t care” using more words to try and sound smart lol. The easiest way to not make friends it be a dick, and this board wants to reward that so much that even a suggestion to not punish someone as hard is met with “fudge you get friends let me leave when i want” lol

Is the solution. Don’t know why ypu are so upset over that fact.

Not in the least, it doesn’t make my life worse
 I actually get the last laugh. I love when people throw hissy fits about not getting their way. At the end of the day, I win
 and all I gotta do is go from a 15 to 14? LOL. That’s easily brought right back up.

Because it’s a stupid reason that stupid people love because it frees them of all responsibility.

If I was able to go into a raid and constantly wipe the raid and suffer no repercussions everyone would agree that is bad right? There are means to prevent that, which everyone loves.

But we can’t have that for Mythic+ because people are just selfish and stupid. Like I said, even suggestions to minimize the punishment of the only person who has to suffer repercussions is met with “fudge you” responses.

So instead every couple of weeks we get posts like this, pointing out the issue and instead of at least attempting to think of a real solution, the only one received is “just make friends lol”. Which is a great suggestion, I won’t lie. But stupid as Holy Light that it’s the only solution.

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People shouldn’t be forced to carry your sorry butt.

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This describes every solution given so far and the people suggesting them.

For progression keys I think this would be a fantastic idea. I’m not entirely sure on the loot side of things though. It would probably be fine with your 3rd item (more on that later), but absent a lockout this would make it far too easy to farm specific items.

How does this help with anything? We hear nonstop from certain camps in WoW that rewards should match the difficulty. Doesn’t that make more sense to offer more granular rewards for more granular difficulty?

This is absolutely not a good idea. I will 100% get behind a change to how lucrative end of dungeon loot is in M+ because it is very out of whack when comparison to any other form of endgame. However, being locked to a single piece of gear per week in each dungeon would be a disaster.

Many people focus solely on gear as a reward when discussing WoW loot systems at the total expense of gear as a means to an end. M+ progression at the start of a season is gated by the gear you have. It will be truly impossible to survive many of the damage events at much lower levels than will be possible by the end of the season making progression essentially a waste. This means once you’ve completed your 3-4 hours worth of M+ for gear for the week, you’re done until next week.

Contrast that with raid where gear is also required, but the experience is tuned around spending much longer on each boss once you’ve reached your group’s current limit. It’s rare that a raid boss you can reach will be limited by how much health your group has; if you need more gear, it’s because you won’t have the damage or your group simply isn’t at the level to execute at a level high enough to kill it with less gear than would technically be required. It’s expected that your raid group will spend multiple hours working on a raid boss before it finally falls over.

Additionally, in most raid tiers, the end few bosses of one difficulty are harder than the first few bosses of the next difficulty. This means even when you reach your wall of a certain difficulty, you can make progress at the start of the next difficulty. If your raid leadership identifies that you don’t have enough gear to kill a boss, you can jump up to the next difficulty and see success at the earlier bosses there, which will also get you even more gear to work. It’s very rare that normal bosses at the start of a raid tier require much gear at all to defeat.

This would just make people who aren’t in progression raiding guilds M+ log after their max of 4 hours is up.

While I don’t think the vault is that problematic today, I wouldn’t be opposed to this suggestion. Forcing variety especially if the randomness of keystones goes away seems like an okay plan to me.

The current state of raid also drives a lot of players away, though. Nobody has any data to suggest why players do or don’t play a given game mode (or the game itself) and we’re just guessing. We all have our anecdotes but never anything substantial or independent enough to count as statistically significant.

M+ came after 12 years of raiding being the only endgame PvE option in the game. The expansion immediately preceding its release was the only expansion to be cut significantly shorter than 2 years AND had an expansion-wide feature that enabled players to mostly sit in their garrison and get all the materials and power they needed for raid. It has been deemed by many as the ultimate raid log expansion.

I openly acknowledge I cannot prove even correlation much less causation as it relates to the poor reception of WoD or its relation to the state of raiding at the time or the creation of M+. But there is a lot of circumstantial evidence here to suggest that M+ was Blizzard’s response to waning interest in the raid or die mentality.

There are a lot of players who like M+ as it exists today beyond just the speed by which gear is obtained. Turning it into nothing more than 5-man raids would remove that game play experience for the players who currently like M+ all on some promise that the sum total of players who like this new game mode as much or more will make up for those that are dissatisfied losing M+ as it exists today. There are players who have no interest in raiding and removing the current endgame PvE mode that is different from raiding in favor of simply a smaller sized raid will not go over well with these players.

Except then people won’t leave. They will make you wish they did.

In the end this is a very rare issue that, once again, is happening to one constantly one needs to look within.

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Key charges are selfish and stupid? :clown_face: