The Community Council is Right. M+ Leavers Should Get Penalized

I recently helped a friend on an alt go from fresh to 2700 io. We pugged the rest of the group. From starting at 2s all the way to 20s. In about 100+ keys over two week had one group where someone just dipped

How are y’all having it happen this often?

If you are regularly and constantly having people leave your key…look within.

Exactly what this fine gentlemen said. If people are leaving your keys with any frequency, the common denominator is you. Figure out what you’re doing wrong, whether it be gameplay or simply not picking people carefully enough.

You don’t want people to be forced to stay in there - they will just screw up things anyway if they are forced.

The title to this thread is blatantly disingenuous.


Tbh, as a pvper, I love MC in pve stuff so I can let loose.

If pvers had some know how to them maybe y’all wouldn’t be such victims during it.

We could just allow everyone to enter a dungeon at whatever level they want to without keys. If you get it down in time you win extra stuff, if you don’t you just win regular loot. Just put a weekly lock out on the dungeon level you did.

Having the key system is what’s allowing this toxic behavior.

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It’s incredible how people still believe this nonsense.


Lmao…I wouldn’t count on it

When had this bunch of randomized elitists ever had any good ideas?

Is general discussion just with fewer people. Those who complains about leavers are just too bad to see it’s most of the time their own fault

Under this suggestion everyone will just do the highest key that gives loot. Who cares if you do it in time. You get mythic raid loot for free.

And a lock out? No thanks.

The comments in here only prove how this is the current state of things which basically come down to this;

“me me me, me me me oh wait me me me… and more me”

Hey you wanna do some teamwork YOU signed up for as well as four other actual players?

“no because me me me me, me me me and me me… me!”

It’s like a whole group of people who want all of the benefit, none of the sacrifice and if even the slightest thing doesn’t go their way EVEN though they signed up to it … nope, it’s all about ME! I don’t care about anyone else but myself because it’s just me me… and me.

Then people come here and post an actual human thought about how teamwork actually works but it’s a wasted effort on a bunch of people who are greedy, selfish and all about.


And here’s some proof to my point.

It’s usually someone from Tichondrius or Illidan who was incompetent in PvP and decides to kill lowbies or sabotage PVE groups.

If I wanted to delete people who weren’t there to PvP, I would just turn on War Mode. Going out of the way to sabotage groups is just being dumb.

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Most BIS comes from M+? I’m sorry, what?

There are certainly gripes with gearing from M+ in terms of the speed with which you can get close to BIS item level gear. There are some M+ items that can be BIS, but those are much rarer than when a raid item is BIS. In the current season, there are no fewer than 6 items from raid that are BIS for nearly all (if not all) specs that item is intended for without anything coming close from M+ or crafting for those players. For most healers, the LFR version of the healing trinket off Rashok is better than the best M+ trinket they can get at the max item level by a country mile.


Me signing up and agreeing to do the dungeon I signed up for does not mean I agree I should stay in a run that is going No where or the individual(s) in question being a detriment to the group’s run (i.e making mistakes that would cause wipes or just dying consistently).

Its not about greed man.

I’m fine with going for completion but if its not worth to go for completion because were hard stuck on a boss, no matter how hard I try to guide the group to kill the boss, someone ends up making a mistake, we wipe and its the 5th wipe we had on him in the run, I would rather do something else at this point or just agree that the run is borked.

There are sometimes that there are people that are detrimental to the run, sometimes causing wasted time, if I care about timing, I would try to help him but if he is still continues to be detrimental then I’m out. At high levels I’m not obligated to carry your friend/guildie.

How about fixing the bigger issue first ? Evokers, Mage and Shadow Priest having priority in getting invited above everyone else.

Oh look 3k IO BM hunter. 1.2k Aug ?

Aug gets picked

Being on the community council doesn’t mean you are knowledgeable, doesn’t mean you even know how to play the game. There have been members who were outspoken about not even playing the game. lol

That’s the thing… that is the exact premise of teamwork and that IS what you are signing up for. Teamwork. The way you want to sign up for something is “me me me” and not teamwork. You have to take the good with the bad and if the key holder says “Ok, this is bad, it’s over…” then you split but until then that is the premise of signing up for something that involves 4 other people. You take the good with the bad.

If you don’t… YOU are the “me me me” people who don’t care what others want or need and you just want what you want. You don’t care about teamwork either you just want everything to go YOUR way because it’s all about you. That is the entire concept of me vs. teamwork.

Watch any team sport… if you lose, do you quit the team and just go find another team… or…

Ding ding. Welcome to teamwork.

They need to remove the key system entirely AND re-design the M+ loot system to accommodate that design.

  1. remove keys entirely, let people start the dungeon at whatever level they want

  2. reduce the total number of M+ levels and have essentially 4ish tiers of M+ for loot purposes and then some higher ones that are just for leaderboard chasers, but have no gear advantages

  3. have M+ drop loot once a week per tier per dungeon

  4. vault would then only count each dungeon/tier combo once so you’d be encouraged to do multiple dungeons a week and not spam the easiest one for vault

Basically, a more raid style loot system for 5 man content would make the entire thing less obnoxious and grindy. The current state of M+ drives a lot of players away.

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What’s wrong with bringing M+ in line with how the rest of PvE gearing works?


Key holder feels the second place DPS isn’t doing enough to sufficiently carry them, kick before 50% timer and replace, fudge you got mine. Right?