The Community Council is Right. M+ Leavers Should Get Penalized

Continuing the discussion from Deserter/penalty:

Unlike other forms of non-queued content, M+ is the only one that directly punishes people by downgrading keys. If someone leaves during a raid, cool, you get to find someone else and keep going. If someone leaves during M+, GG. There’s a distinct difference and I agree with the Community Council’s view that M+ leavers should receive a penalty of some sort.

IMO, the penalty should be disablement of LFG for M+ for 60 minutes for the leaver. I also do not think the key should downgrade (keys should have 3 charges imo).


So to avoid that what if I just do nothing?


You mean like just climb over the wall?

How would this system tell if someone just up and leaves, or the group leaving amicably over a failed key? Big fat no to holding people hostage


I agree that you should be able to benignly report people who leave with nothing happening to them.

It should take multiple reports for anything to happen. There’s too many variables and life can happen unexpectedly. Rather than a punishment, perhaps have some kind of grace period Where the key won’t break within a certain amount of time. But even that could be abused


EVERY system can be abused.

Debuff if someone leaves the dungeon? Fine, invite people, start a key, kick them. Boom, they get a debuff.

It requires 3 people? Cool, team up with 3 friends to grief people.

Oh, it doesn’t happen if you get kicked? Fine, join group, do nothing. Wait to get kicked.

Like, once upon a time, the consequences were natural. If you did something on your server that was sketchy, people told other people on the server. People wouldn’t group with you.

Nowadays, you have the whole playerbase to play with! Grief with impunity. What are they going to do, tell everyone? Like on the forums? Hah, they’ll get banned.

The game worked better before cross-realm.


Good thing nobody cares about the community councils terrible ideas.


I have a hard time believing this is happening often

Not leaving but malicious leaving


I have a hard time believing people leave keys often. I’m just saying, there’s no system that’s abuse-proof.


Well… All they have to do is sit around and do nothing. And not only are they going to break the key. They’re gonna waste your time in addition to already wasting your time.

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The simple answer to this question is that in any queue content, blizzard is responsible for forming the group, therefore blizzard is responsible for ensuring the success of the group (This is also why queue content has things like luck of the draw or determination, in addition to be hilariously undertuned)

In manually formed groups (M+, N/H/M raids, Rated BGs), blizzard plays no part in forming the group, therefore has no reason to take responsibility for anything that happens in that group.

If people are leaving your M+ dungeon, the blame goes to everyone in the party (mostly evenly, but some extra goes to the leader/inviter), for not doing anything to set expectations up front.


Well that community poster isn’t very smart. The deserter debuff is on qeueued content such as casual BGs, solo Q arena, normal/heroic dungeons, and LFR.

The debuffs for leaving ARE NOT on rated BGs, real arenas, mythic dungeons or M+, or on real raids.

The leaver debuff has no place in the higher levels of gameplay. If you want cheesy queued content where people are forced to hold hands, play w/ training wheels, and have easy access to random groups, then stick to the Dungeon Finder. If you want more challenges and rewards, make/find a group and play the game. It’s really that simple.


I believe Mythic plus is to toxic of content to continue in the game for that reason and also the unhealthy meta that everyone tries to push on lower to mid keys isn’t helping the situation either. Let it be a challenge mode and remove any gear attached to it and promote cosmetics for it instead.

Now that Microsoft owns the company and with the strict of policy they have for there gaming communities that they will have to make some big changes to the game now.

I’m looking forward to see what gets announced at Blizzcon and I’m hoping to see something about the way gearing is going to change in the game going forward.

Perfect example of why the community council was a horrible idea.


Do you get kick-backs for posting topics?


Only if he uses a different alt


The only things the community council is doing is (a) showing they don’t read the forums and (b) being irrelevant.


I wouldn’t say it’s a horrible idea in theory, but I will agree that the implementation has left a lot to be desired.

Elevating someone known for picking fights then crying victim when someone asks why in the 1st round didn’t help.


You’re joking right? Microsoft is going to police groups in WoW because players get their feelings hurt about someone bricking their key?

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I really don’t understand why this is an issue.

Of all the keys I’ve run in the last two expansions, probably well over 500 pugs, there’s been maybe 8 keys where someone left a group that wanted to continue. Probably had more keys ( especially in Karazahn ) where I wished someone would leave and no one did.

I’m sure peoples experience may vary, but if it’s happening a lot it may not always be the group that’s the issue.