The Community Council is Right. M+ Leavers Should Get Penalized

say it louder for the GD sock puppets in this thread.

much louder.

no it’s not. It’s just one facet of completion.

Blizzard has stated that they consider 1 entire M+ dungeon to be equivalent to 1 raid boss; this is why they changed it so you cannot change gear during M+, because you cannot change gear during a raid boss fight.

It’s rare but people absolutely leave mythic plus groups for whatever hell reason they deem worth leaving about.

It happens in any key level and can be for any reason. It’s rare but been doing keys since Legion and have seen people brick keys for the most idiotic reasons without a care in the world.

Best case scenario you can do is put them on ignore and move on though it has helped create a more toxic environment unless you have a dedicated group of friends you can run with weekly or guildies.

Also people really like to overestimate the damage a measure of punishment would bring to the mythic plus system. Pugging really is toxic sometimes in mythic plus.

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The game would be better off, in my humble opinion, if they killed all M+ content, but i fear it is too late. The negative impact of the run and gun play style across the whole game will be difficult to ever overcome.

This is what happens when you try to turn an MMO into an e-Sport.

You wouldn’t have a game to play.

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Sometimes Taco Bell knocks on the back door, your kid sets the goldfish on fire again and your wife needs to talk about the relationship all at the same time.
Sometimes a good group is not enough.

Life happens.

exactly. if people are leaving your groups multiple times per day, you need to examine your play, your attitude, or your group vetting process (or some combination of those three items).

Walk outside of instance. Change gear or spec. Walk back in.

An obvious exploit that should be fixed, but the community has gotten so used to abusing and exploiting it that likely nothing is going to happen.

Then make a bug report about it if you feel it’s an exploit. Considering it’s been in the game for 7 years, I’m leaning towards “working as intended.”

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It’s interesting how many people are defending toxic behaviour, when a PuG key group is being formed, it is everyone’s responsibility to check if they’re happy with the group comp, the overall gear and people’s rating, if you make a misjudgement, well
 here comes your own responsibility back.

Sure, you shouldn’t be held “hostage” in a group, and I am sure there can be ways to track when it’s reasonable to leave, for instance when a key has a 45 min timer and you’re on 1 hour already.

The system shouldn’t only help conserve your “precious” time, but everyone in the group.

To people who say “I can brick keys without leaving”, remember what your actions can do to a game :slight_smile:

You couldn’t even stick to the character you made the thread with?

I know within 10 minutes if a key is gonna be a nightmare. Now, I don’t leave because I only do those with long time friends, but I would have no problem leaving from randos #274629 that makes this key a nightmare. You’re not paying for my consumables.

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The most dangerous thing about this system is that it gives strangers power over other people’s property and time. Who the heck thought of this and was drunk enough to think “no way this will cause a problem”.

It’s logistically built to drive a wedge between player types.

Keys were a bad idea. Mythic plus can work

but we need to find a better system then keys.

I think this is the risk of joining a PuG, as well as making a PuG m+ group with your key. Obviously, my idea was just an example, but there has to be something done about repeat offenders who leave keys.

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why? Shouldn’t something also be done about people who don’t kick enough? Don’t do enough damage? Don’t heal enough? Don’t pull enough? All these people contribute to making groups bad or wasting other people’s time. You can’t just single out one type of ‘bad’ player.

The way I’ve worded it before is that key leavers are a symptom of an illness, bad play is the illness itself, and any good doctor will tell you to treat the illness, not the symptoms.


maybe they joined multiple bad groups in a row?

Gear and IO only goes so far.

I’ve seen people in 440+ gear pull some REALLY un-optimal dps.

So until we know the reasoning for them leaving, there’s no way to really band-aid the situation.

You can’t penalize leavers because its a player-made group and RL stuff happens, how will we differentiate?

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I feel like there are a lot more repeat “victims” than there are offenders.

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If you encounter a “Leaver” add them to your ignore list and never encounter them again. This is your “doing something about repeat offenders.”

M+ is/was designed for those that know how to play their class and want the challenge of beating a timer with other like minded and like skilled players. Yes even if it’s a +2.

What I see looking at these threads is “the random queue champ’s” that don’t really know their class, but out gear heroic dungeons and LFR, and then want to continue doing “queue’d content” in an M+ progression, thinking it’s about the gear reward so timer/deaths/group play doesn’t matter them, they don’t know the route, they don’t know the packs, they don’t have the right talents chosen, causing the above types to leave because we are not interested in teaching you how to play or carrying you. You are supposed to know this before you apply to a key. It is Mythic content, it is endgame content.

So lets talk about responsibility of these players, not the rest of us who get it, and have no problems with leavers.


I don’t think you should expect top play in an m+ 15-16, not sure how it is on NA, but in the EU, those keys are most certainly the most toxic, and you do not need to play 100% correctly in a +16, and the most optimized routers are certainly not needed.

I guess in the end it’s about expectations, which go both ways.