The Community Council is Right. M+ Leavers Should Get Penalized

How about we just get rid of LFG altogether so threads like this go away?

If you guys insist on relying on random internet strangers for your gameplay experience, then accept the consequences. Or - here’s a crazy idea - don’t rely on internet strangers for your gameplay experience.


Maybe Blizzard could have a service where they phone the person who leaves and get their side of the story before any type of action is taken.

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Solid reasoning

I don’t. I just think it’s a small group of people it happens to and they just don’t understand why people are leaving.


Well that sounds like a bummer if true.


Ion wrote me a note himself. I don’t have to go to school be in this key anymore.


Even though it’s not direct, there is a penalty. The penalty is that they made the world they live in, which is also the only one they have right now, a little bit worse.

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Sadly there is nothing that cannot be abused to ensure someone who wants to leave is not punished. There is also no system that cannot be used to punish someone for leaving without punishing innocent players.

Say you have a vote system, 3/5 vote to end the key early, if one person wants to leave they can hold the group hostage until they vote yes, they can purposely ruin the key, pull more and more mobs and force wipes until the group votes yes.

On the flip side, if they have a vote system that allows people to vote someone as the problem child of the key so the rest are not punished, what’s to stop players from voting the worst performer,? Or a 4 man premade voting the 5th person just so they can end the key early and one person is punished thereby not affecting the key level or anything else.


Reminded: M+ is the only form of content in game where the owner is punished and this is by design. Be your absolute worst if you want to, because you cant be punished. Go wild.

Maybe if enough people just purposefully ruining other people’s keys Blizzard will provide some form of protection instead of listening to the mouth breather excuse of “should have vetted better” lol

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Or change the way scoring is accumulated in M+ as to not waste your time.

Hear me out.

Say a complete run of a timed dungeon at difficulty 10 is 100 points

M+ should instead score you on:

Boss 1: 25 points
Boss 2: 25 points
Boss 3: 25 points
Boss 4: 25 points

Finishing fastest lets say you get a bonus point of 25
mid range clear within time, 15
almost out of time clear within time 10

But these are all accumulated as you run, so if your group can’t get past boss 2 lets say, you at least got 25 points.

Now, you cannot accumulate points by running the same dungeon, the key difficulty either has to go up past what you earned the points on, similar to how it is now on how a score is credited.

Now if only there was a way to score someone based on personal performance as to avoid getting grouped with boosted people

I don’t need to leave a group to brick a key.

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This simply isn’t happening. People might think that’s what’s happening, but it’s not. People left for one of three reasons:
-something irl came up or maybe their guild needed them, etc (this is extremely rare.)
-the person leaving does not believe the key will be timed.
-the person desires to play the game cleanly, and the person encounters tactics or behavior that is not clean play.
There absolutely is not players purposely wasting their own time going into keys and bricking them.


So you want more points for failing?

M+ already allows people to fail up a bit too much as is.

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Oh I’m aware.

  • Something IRL comes up, sorry key holder your key is fudged.
  • Person leaving the key because it will not be timed? Was it decided the key is doomed 5 minutes in or 5 minutes left? Don’t matter key holder you are fudged.
  • The person wants to run clean and decided everything was going to pot in the first pull or in the middle of the run? Key holder, your key is fudged.

I know most people on the forum get off at the idea that they don’t have to suffer others, which is why I’m mostly advocating some sort of protection for the key holder as opposed to the leavers. As stated they already get off scot free so they don’t need any more incentives to just leave keys.

But some sort of protection for the key holder will be nice. I don’t know maybe if 50% of the timer didn’t pass, the key isn’t bricked and the instance can be tried again with a different group or something.


I keep seeing this “Community Council” being talked about. Who are these people that appear to always make really bad decisions?

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To say it absolutely does not happen is incorrect because that can be reason enough as well. People go into raids to intentionally sabotage groups for fun, to say it absolutely never happens in M+ is putting a lot of faith in the good will of players. If you think that is made up? See: Echo of Neltharion, on more than one occasion have I joined into pug groups who end up with a player (sometimes even a group of players) who go out of their way to kill players during the MC phase.

As for the OP subject… One underestimates just how hard it is to pug Mythic raids. You kill a few bosses, you lose someone, now anyone you invite has to weigh the options of automatically losing any chance of loot from the killed bosses that week (as well as vault progress) versus the potential of killing the boss you’re on with that group. Mythic raid lockouts are incredibly pug-unfriendly and losing someone (especially someone who performed well) is an easy way to lose 10~40 minutes of time in a raid night.

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But but but I’m too abrasive/antisocial/socially anxious to make friends!


“The community council is right”

…literally one guy asking a question.

lemme ask.
what if its a toxic run? people caps locking and throwing mud at one another.

Bad key holder keeps bricking his key until he makes a group that can carry him.