
So I have a very straight and simple question.
Why the deserter debuff is on dungeons, raids, bgs, arenas, etc and not on mythic+?
Why isn’t there a sort of penalty for people who deliberately go in and leave, just with intention to destroy keys?

Thanks for reading.


How do you make a system which understands context?

If someone joins a group and it’s a complete mess, with seemingly no chance of success (success defined as timing the key), is it right that they should be made to stay, until what point? Do you not get the punishment for leaving if the key is untimed? There’s a lot of ‘what if’s’ here.

How do you apply this for premade groups. Presumably it cannot exist at all for people who have everyone else on their friends list or in their guild, but if a group of 4 has 1 pug in, how should the system behave then?

What is preventing someone from instead just going afk until the group falls apart? We all know how poorly the rules of the game are enforced so reporting people for non-participation, whilst in theory useful, is unlikely to yield much result.

Ultimately, Mythic+ is not automatically matchmade content which has penalties for leaving (RDF, Random battlegrounds etc) you unfortunately have to take a risk that you might get screwed over. It sucks, but I’d rather have it the way it is now than people being essentially held hostage because they’re not ‘allowed’ to leave without incurring a penalty. It’s bad form to leave when keys are timeable, and if you sign up to do something, you should stick it out, but the game soft-enforcing it? I don’t know about that, and I don’t think there is a system possible that is able to understand different contexts for leaving keys.


Perhaps if someone leaves, the key does not get depleted, but is on a 1-2 hour cooldown. This way only some of your time is wasted and not your key. Sure this can be abused, but a 2 hour cooldown on the active key makes that less attractive.

I do think that there should be a system in place for multi offenders of leaving a key, it’s too easy to do now with 0 downsides for the person who left.

I honestly have very little sympathy for people leaving when a key does not go their way, they decided to join, they should be ready to face the consequences if it goes bad.

There are many ways where Blizzard can implement that you’re able to leave without pentalty, like if the timer reaches a certain amount of time.

And for full premades, they could add a /ff command to forfeit the key, where everyone (or 3/4+) has to agree to forfeit it. If you leave otherwise, you get a penalty.

If the key doesn’t get depleted if someone leaves, doesn’t that leave the system wide open for abuse by people using that as a method to reset/reuse the key if the run isn’t going well? I don’t think that would be a good thing either. . . .they see they aren’t going to time, it, well have someone leave, regroup and try again?

I rarely run mythic+ unless it’s with my guild or friends because frankly, some of the people listing them are just downright hateful.
Now I can take hateful, I’ve worked two decades in casinos, but I
shouldn’t have to, and a whole lot of other people are just going to leave. Seems to me, if timing the key or not having people leave are that important, have some reliable friends or guildies to go with. If you are listing in the public group finder, you may get someone who bricks your key.

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If there is a 2h cooldown on the key, I don’t see how the abusing would be terrible.

Just get friends shouldn’t be a solution for leavers in my opinion. As guildies and friends don’t always have to be on the same level of keys you’re running.

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I think that would be cool to implement even outside of premades. If 80% of the group doesn’t want to continue, should be no penalty. And maybe only allow proposing that once per minute per person… can see it being griefable if not lol.