"The class order halls overwhelmingly favored Alliance"

oh come on, what about the sword of troll genocide? thats gotta count for half!

(it should have been brox’s axe.)


Only problem with that is the axe is presumably lost somewhere on Argus where Brox died. Not sure how anyone would have gotten their hands on it before Illidan opened the portal for us to get there

Well, the blood elves’ answer to what we got (the Kirin Tor, Dalaran, and the Hall of the Guardian) would’ve been the Magisters, Silvermoon, and probably Magisters’ Terrace.

With the proper setup that could’ve worked. Say, if the Horde’s magi once again putting themselves at Dalaran’s mercy was conditional on the Tirisgarde entrusting itself to Silvermoon’s. They actually explored this partnership very, very thinly with the Esara Verrinde mage champion.

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I’m sure they could have found a way. Maybe through the Caverns of Time—the PC could be sent back to retrieve the axe right after it was dropped.

Actually, that would have been rad, IMVHO. And no more of a rear-end-pull than some of the other stuff they came up with.

[ETA: Apparently that’s not even necessary, per the post below this one. It’s been too long since I read the WOTA series, apparently.]


The axe came back with Rhonin and Krasus at the end of the WOTA series and was given to Brox/Varok’s niece. Find a reason why she can’t use it or wants to lend it to the player at the end of whatever questline, and you’re done.


Everything related to the warrior order hall is a joke.

You work for odyn, you get lame weapons, class fantasy is a mess, the cool part was the class mounts, but nowadays you can have even cooler proto drake mounts via customization.


Hm. My best take on Warriors would be:

Setting: a Vrykul hall full of the best warriors, where the PC warrior has to defeat their leader in order to take charge and be able to direct the rest of them against the Legion. Maybe the vrykul there are focused on fighting the best of the best in order to impress Odyn, but he’s not directly the boss of the Order Hall itself.

Faction heroes: I’d set it up with Saurfang on the Horde matched with some equal-tier Alliance hero (Thargas Anvilmar for Mountain King rep, and exploring the dwarves’ beliefs in the Titans by having him speak with the hall’s Odyn enthusiasts?) who are each strong enough to keep the rest of their own faction warriors in line and focused on the Legion.

I’d hope to build a sense of faction cooperation similar to that seen in the early Wrathgate cinematic - Bolvar and Dranosh nodding to each other, not because they are friends, but because they recognize a fellow warrior and a shared enemy.

Maybe even have a recurring event where a brawl does break out, and these two heroes each grab the offending NPC of their own faction, drag them over to the PvP ring, and toss them inside to have their fight there instead. Perhaps that’s even made the lore source of the regular dueling pit prize - keeping the forfeited spoils of the warriors who chose to start the fight?

Warrior class hall could have been a literal palisade wall ringing a bunch of tents and a fight pit and I’d have been happy as long as it was mostly about rowdy Horde/Alliance boys.


Huh? There literally were.


Also going back to this.

Vrykul, I think, can be called an Alliance-related race. Humans are descended from them. Humans got their reverence for Tyr from them. Odyn is a Titan Keeper, and titans are mostly revered by Alliance races, etc.

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I wouldn’t call them alliance simply because not one of Odyn, his Valarjar, or the Vykrul give a half crap if the Alliance lives or dies.

They have a shared history but otherwise its like saying a void elf is basically a troll.


The thing is I still think Vrykul as a whole can be called Allianceleaning, the same way nobody would expect most troll tribes to join the Alliance.

I’ve had this conversation about races and their faction leanings multiple times. Imo, what makes a race lean towards one faction, is how close they are culturally to one faction, and how related their lore is to a particular faction’s race.

For example, even before Highmountain Tauren became playable and before they joined the Horde, they were still Horde-leaning. They’re a Tauren tribe with a similar culture as regular Tauren.

Well… at least the Elemental and Enhancement artifacts have Troll-themed alternate appearances. That’s at least something…

But I totally agree with the sentiment of your post.


Y’know what would’ve been neat?
A skin for Strom’kar that was an uprez of “Jin’rohk, The Great Apocalypse”.


I loved the fact that you accessed it through secret doors after showing the lodge ring.

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Fury could’ve easily been Zin’rokh, the Destroyer of Worlds and Jin’rokh, the Great Apocalypse.

Alas, Blizzard loves the Alliance.


What do you mean troll artifacts? They needed to make sure there were enough human and night elf related artifacts.

Somehow shamans got a night elf artifact and night elves can’t even be shamans. Also a titan one because you know, shamans and titans are super connected.

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The Kaldorei is the one race I loathe blizz for creating. They shove that race and the Borewind Humans down our throats every chance they get


Yes and we can not escape it. Every other race get the shaft wheenever something important happens in the story. I am tired of seeing Jaina and Tyrande everywhere,


Yall cant compete against tall and jacked elves.

Of all the order halls i did there isnt a single night elven artifact besides the druid ones.

Tell me where is the blood elf artifact?