"The class order halls overwhelmingly favored Alliance"

I decided to see how true this is. So I made my list. My final tally is there was 30 Horde ones(or as close to Horde representatives based purely on race), 38 were Alliance and I count 40 neutral(this is a more subjective one in that for example, even if Noggenfogger is a goblin, he shouldn’t count as Horde, similarly neither should Ravenholdt even if he is human)

So while the Alliance was favored, the Horde wasn’t too far behind ignoring the neutrals it would be a 55-45 split.

Koltira Deathweaver
Minerva Ravensorrow
Kayn Sunfury
Belath dawnblade
Archdruid Hamuul Runetotem
Loren Stormhoof
Halduron Brightwing
Nighthuntress Syrenne
Esara Verrinde
Meryl Felstorm
Aethas Sunreaver
The Great Akazamzarak
Lady Liadrin
Aponi Brightmane
Calia Menethil
Zabra Hexx
Alonsus Faol
Garona Halforcen
Lilian Voss
Muln Earthfury
Rehgar Earthfury
Ritssyn Flamescowl
Jubeka Shadowbreaker
Shinfel Blightsworn

Thoras Trollbane
Asha Ravensong
Altruis the sufferer
Kor’vas Bloodthorn
Jace Darkweaver
Sylendra Gladesong
Broll Bearmantle
Thisalee Crow
Emmarel Shadewarden
Addie Fizzlebog
Hemet Nesingwary
Huntsman Blake
Archmage Modera
Archmage Vargoth
Angus Ironfist
Sylara Steelsong
Lord Maxwell Tyrosus
Justicar Julia Celeste
Vindicator Boros
Delas Moonfang
Arator the Redeemer
Nerus Moonfang
Maximillian of Northshire
High Priestess Ishanah
Natalie Seline
Vanessa VanCleef
Master Mathias Shaw
Princess Tess Greymane
Stormcaller Mylra
Farseer Nobundo
Zinnin Smythe
Kira Iresoul
Kanrethad Ebonlocke
Lulubelle Fizzlebang
Lord Darius Crowley

Matron mother Malevolence
Lady S’theno
Keeper Remulos
Beastmaster Hilaire
Archmage Kalec
Ravandwyr(maybe Alliance?)
Magatha Grimtotem(maybe Horde?)
Arcane Destroyer
Millhouse Manastorm
Li Li Stormstout
Taran Zhu
Chen Stormstout
The Monkey King
Brewer Almai
Yalia Sagewhisper
Mariella Ward
Lord Jorach Ravenholdt
Fleet Admiral Tethys
Marin Noggenfogger
Duke Hydraxis
Avalanchion the Unbroken
Baron Scaldius
Eredar Twins
Finna Bjornsdottir
Ragnvald Drakeborn
Svergan Stormcloak
Dvalen Ironrune
King Ymiron


Now count how many them are heavily based on the lore of one race.

Warrior: Well, Vrykul aren’t playable, but it was Odyn crap nobody wanted.

Rogue: Human I’d say. Ravenholdt and the Defias are heavily featured.

Hunter: Night Elf

Mage: Human

Warlock: Thankfully it’s pretty diverse here.

Priest: Human and Draenei

Paladin: It’s literally the Silver Hand. Human.

Shaman: Not sure. But Nodundo is a bit too prominent imo. Why does he get to be a main leader?

Druid: Night Elf.

Death Knight: Pretty human-themed. Too many humans on the Four Horseman.

Monk: Pandaren.

Demon Hunter: Night and Blood Elf, mostly the former.


How many times must this be said, he is A leader, not the leader. If anything, it was eithe Thrall or Muln. And he gets to be a prominent leader in the same way Runetotem is a prominent druids, because the other faction needed a representative leader and he was always the Alliance shaman stand in.

The lodge was a joint effort between night elves and highmountain tauren.

There wasn’t any particularly night elven theme to it, aside from their hero worship of Illidan.

It was as many as it was in Vanilla. Which I am guessing they were trying to reference.


I must say a lot of the Horde characters on the list are either not Horde or become so only after Legion. Same goes for some Alliance ones I suppose.
Kayn, Meryl, Akazamzarak, Calia, Alonsus, Garona, Voss, Ritsynn, Jubeka, Shinfel.

Though the last three can atleast be argued to operate within the Horde even if they weren’t exactly established as anything but non patriotic cultists.


I want to highlight this portion. Yes, quite a few Horde characters are more after the fact, but so were some of the Alliance, and some on that list I am half incline to just put neutral but meh(like Natalie Seline is human, but she has never fought for the Alliance) in the grand scheme I think it was more balanced(or at least not as overwhelmingly Alliance) as some people claim.

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I believe the argument is more that the class halls’ themes and aesthetics generally fed off factions and races of the Alliance, not that the Alliance tallied more followers at the mission table. The Sanctum of Light, the Hall of the Guardian, the Dreamgrove, Netherlight Temple; even hunters were consigned to a night elf lodge.


I always assumed most of people’s thematic complaints were more so about the Order Halls themselves, such as the night elf lodge, human tomb, human sewers, human tower, draenei temple

Edit: see post above me lol


This particular argument came from here:

Ya I have an issue you listing a lot of them as horde. If this is based on race than sure it’s fine but it still means alliance has a lot more characters.

Edit- I see you did address this earlier.


Alonsus was also not horde until bfa although even then its not really certain if he is or not.
Jubeka has never been shown as a member of the horde and neither has shinfel.


Voss also was not horde until bfa


As Airetam said, I addressed this. Some of these champions aren’t exactly Alliance/Horde and a good chunk of them I did specify as Horde/Alliance more because of their race unless if they have specifically had major lore that stated otherwise.

And I listed people like Lulubelle Fizzlebang, Kanrethad Ebonlocke, Kira Iresoul, Zinnin Smythe as Alliance even though they have never really supported any particular Alliance endevors(honestly, the warlock order halls tends more to neutral in this particular case). So yeah, I kinda fudged the number, but to both sides favors.

then they should be listed as neutral not part of the horde list


I could do that, but then I would have to do the same for the Alliance it would be more of a wash honestly(as I mentioned if I did that for the warlock order hall then its only fair I do that for Alliance ones as well, it would be alot more Alliance listed characters going neutral more so then the Horde)

edit: Then let me put the following in the “neutral” list based on a stricter definition of in order for someone to be considered Alliance/Horde they would have had to have helped either faction during/before Legion. My final count would be, 15 Horde, 19 Alliance and 74 neutral. With the following added to the neutral pile.

Minerva Ravensorrow
Kayn Sunfury
Belath dawnblade
Loren Stormhoof
Nighthuntress Syrenne
Esara Verrinde
Meryl Felstorm
The Great Akazamzarak
Calia Menethil
Alonsus Faol
Garona Halforcen
Ritssyn Flamescowl
Jubeka Shadowbreaker
Shinfel Blightsworn

Asha Ravensong
Altruis the sufferer
Kor’vas Bloodthorn
Akama(only joins the draenei in DF)
Sylendra Gladesong
Addie Fizzlebog
Hemet Nesingwary
Archmage Vargoth
Angus Ironfist
Sylara Steelsong
Lord Maxwell Tyrosus
Nerus Moonfang
Natalie Seline
Vanessa VanCleef
Zinnin Smythe
Kira Iresoul
Kanrethad Ebonlocke
Lulubelle Fizzlebang

I feel like the data not being flubbed is the true test of whether someone has a point or not


And the data would still remain the same. Yes, the Alliance would have a slight edge but not overwhelming. Which is the same with the looser Alliance/Horde dicotomy.

You are being dishonest again. The major themes of all orders are heavily tied to the alliance that is a fact. The only one that shows out is the shamans. Apart from that Legion was using the leaders of all alliance races to a certain degree.


I don’t recall him ever being horde until he appeared outside deblighted lordaeron gardens.


Faol has made no allegiances so far. He is still neutral.


They were though. Priest, mage, rogue, druid, hunter, and paladin were all solidly Alliance themed class halls with Alliance themed orders.

Warlock, DH, monk, warrior, and DK had neutral class halls and orders.

Only 1 class had a Horde themed order(but not class hall) and that was shaman.