"The class order halls overwhelmingly favored Alliance"

Seriously. Give the Belves/NB their own magical org, one that rivals but does not hate the KT, stop making SI:7 the only spy org one bothers to use when the shattered hand exists, etc.

No, Staghelm was explicitly mad about Hyjal and the loss of immortality, you’re mixing it up with the DF druids of the flame.


It’s a night elf lodge… And night elves make frequent use of wood.


I’m not.


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It’s certainly not a Night Elf lodge… Night Elves don’t kill trees for their wood and that lodge is made of dead wood and has virtually none of the Night Elf aesthetic.

I’m deeply sorry to inform you that it’s the night elfiest lodge that ever lodged.

Just pay a visit.

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Staghelms motivations were pretty cut and dry though. He was an elf supremacist and demanded immortality back, and that was his general pitch. He and most of his supporters had been going against Malfurion’s will long, long before Cata kicked off.

As a side note, Poor Runetotem was brought to the brink of death twice in Cata.

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So it’s interesting how you think that Trueshot Lodge is an Alliance hub just because of the aesthetics, but you simultaneously believe that Dalaran is also an Alliance hub, even though it doesn’t resemble any Human kingdom and has a massive Elven influence in its aesethetics.

Oh, by the way, there’s no confirmation that Trueshot Lodge is a Night Elf building. Evidence suggests otherwise, in fact:

  • It is in the heart of a Tauren region;

  • There’s a tauren watch-tower nearby;

  • Night Elf lodges are not made of lumber, but of stone, as Night Elves don’t like using lumber for their buildings, for obvious reasons.

According to the wiki, when Staghelm became a Druid of the Flame, his only desire left was to destroy the planet. Immortality didn’t seem to factor into it. The other druids of the flame were described as, ‘disillusioned with the Cenarion Circle,’ and then there is Leyara, who lost her daughter to the Horde onslaught while the Cenarion Circle did nothing.

I’m not calling them alliance hubs, I’m just saying I empathize with them feeling like alliance hubs, considering they look like those.

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And Acherus looks like Undercity (Undead-themed fortress).

Uncrowned looks like Undercity (dark sewers beneath a city).

Fel Hammer looks like Outland aka the Orcish homeworld.

Dreadscar Rift looks like Outland aka the Orcish homeworld.

The Heart of Azeroth is full of Orc/Troll/Tauren shamans.

FWIW, Trueshot Lodge doesn’t feel Alliance specifically to me. Honestly, I can’t tie it aesthetically to any particular race or faction—it’s just kind of bland.

But lumping any and all undead (or undead after Legion) characters under Horde is just wrong. There is absolutely nothing Horde about Meryl Felstorm, for example. The guy was a hero of the Troll Wars, ferpetessake.


Remember that Teldrassil itself was his attempt to steal back immortality, it didn’t work because the dragons saw it for what it was and didn’t even partially bless it until Cata, and that blessing did not include immortality.


I do remember. I also remember he was trying to kill Malfurion at the same time. When that was discovered, he was imprisoned, and once disillusioned from the whispers promising him his son’s resurrection, wanted nothing more than to burn down the entire world for revenge.

Thus, Druid of the Flame Fandral.

Also, some of the follower halls were more unbalanced than others. The rogue hall, for example, had to pull in Lillian Voss and Garona—neither of whom was technically Horde at the time—to keep from being 100% Alliance/neutral.

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I agree? Staghelm’s villain arc started a millennia before cata when his son died, becoming a druid of the flame was ultimately because of his plans to get revenge on Malfurion and take control of the nelves failing, not the Horde.


Indeed, that was his motivation, but not the motivation of the Druids of the Flame at large.

Leyara shows us another motivation, which is absolutely driven by the Cenarion Circle’s inaction to defend the Night Elves, and we know the other Druids of the Flame were, ‘Disillusioned with the Cenarion Circle.’

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I mean kinda?

Uncrowned just looks like the sewers of the human kingdom of Dalaran to most people.

I’m not sure if you’re serious about the rest of those.
Orcs are associated with mud huts and spikes, not apocalyptic green space rocks. lol


Which still seems bizarre to me, because the 2 incidents in question… weren’t malfurion’s fault. I guess she’s Staghelm’s in-law and would hold a grudge because of that, but still…

Tyrande chose the aggressive options both in WC3 and Cata as far as any nelf shares blame for it, and ultimately its the Twilights she’s now allied with that really kicked off the Cata ashenvale invasion

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The orcs literally turned their world into a bunch of apocalyptic green space rocks.

In Darkshore, Malfurion abandons the defense of Darkshore to rush to Hyjal to defend it instead. The Cenarion Circle follows his lead, and he kept it focused on Hyjal and away from the war with the Horde. He deemed nature more important than the lives of his people.