"The class order halls overwhelmingly favored Alliance"

The only Night Elf contribution was Jarod Shadowsong dropping in for beer night. There are no Night Elf aesthetics in it’s construction. It’s main mode of transport was an Eagle Network which is very much Highmountain Tauren.

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I missed that. What are you referencing?

I think that’s one of my main criticisms with the story-telling in both Legion and BFA. Both expansions were supposed to be about these global-spanning events, but most of it was done off-screen in either a book or mission table or short-story. The in-game content was all restricted to the Broken Isles, Zandalar, and Kul Tiras.

If they had, like, a handful of daily quests or something where the players were sent to phased version of other zones to fight off the Legion or the opposing faction, it would’ve really made it seem like a global event was happening.

Like, you showed up to the Class Hall and there’s a quest to go to Westfall and fight off a Legion assault force; or you showed up at the ship in Zandalar and there was a quest to lead a recon team into Stranglethorn Vale; or Wyrmbane had a quest to lead a strike force into The Barrens.

I think that would’ve really made it feel like it was global event.


Aethas had to grovel on his hands and knees to be allowed back in, and had to give up a family heirloom (the fire mage artifact weapon) to be allowed to actually choose to help with the whole demonic apocalypse going on.

In a vacuum I don’t think it’s a bad thing that he was the bigger person given the stakes, but with the context of how they villain batted another magister for being mad at Jaina and had Aethas continuing to be the one to apologize to Jaina even with him being the clear victim as of DF… it sucks.

Thats cool and all, but it would have all fallen apart if we didn’t seal the tomb, Killing demons in an area the Legion wasn’t even prioritizing is a massive waste of her plot armor powers.

We also know the only reason she wasn’t a part of the Kirin Tor’s efforts was due to this, it was a prolonged tantrum, not a calculated choice. Though still far better than what Genn did, to be fair.


I am getting old if I don’t remember the fire mage quest.

tbf I think it was just the intro to the expansion when khadgar is bringing you into Dalaran to start the expansion campaign.

But yeah, Legion is almost 8 years old, what the hell.

As I recall that sword wasn’t much good when Arthas paid Anastarian a social call.

I don’t know, Frostmourne and Felo’melorn were described as evenly matched in their second clash; rather, in both instances it was the Sunstriders who fumbled the ball, with hands respectively withered and frozen.

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The building itself is quite literally the night elf lodge building that’s been in the game since vanilla just with a few extra walls. Even has the same interior stairs up to the open balcony thing.


It’s coloration indicates that’s made of deadwood and the sides are steeper, perhaps the Night Elf design is a copy of this lodge only with living wood. but Night Elf roofs aren’t that steeply sloped. The interior is also very different having dead animals strung on the walls. That’s much more a tauren thing.

I’d say more other races than Tauren, not sure of much in the way of straight up trophies in Tauren areas. You’ll see kodo heads on some of the big tents, but I believe they’re done in a way that looks like it’s meant to show that the tent uses the whole hide with the head still attached, and most of the other trophies are hides used as rugs, or you’ll see hides on stretching racks around too.


Then there is both Illidan and Sylvanas that also almost killed him as well.

Frostmourne on itself is not as powerful as the full lich king set.

Without it, Bolvar was just a pin cushion for Sylvannas.

Pretty sure the Warfronts were supposed to be that, but they were unpopular, so most of them were canceled.


People ask why I think the game is alliance biased.

Then I show them the trade post event where Aethas tells you he has to apologize to Jaina and say them that is why. For some reason writers pets like Jaina and Vereesa get handed golden spoons in their mouths why the Horde keeps being shamed for just existing.


Dude none of the Tauren building even remotely look similar. It is a night elf building with a few modifications.


And the entire story of the lodge is about how the night elves and high mountain taurens are working together. To the point that 2/3 of the old elven towers were replaced with Tauren ones.

It’s stated to be the afterlife for nature loving mortals.
Elune let’s the magic sorting hat sort her souls because she knows where they would naturally end up normally.
Tyrande states it’s time to rejoin that cycle.

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  1. Quit with the patronizing. I’m not your child. I’m old enough that you could probably be mine.

  2. Redo the Ardenweald Campaign if you have forgotten the story of when the first mortal soul appeared and the Winter Queen’s reaction.


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What is this devilry