"The class order halls overwhelmingly favored Alliance"

The first mortal soul?
Have you forgotten the ancient night warriors?
Have you forgotten the moose?
Have you forgotten the myconid network discussing moving mortal souls before the winter queen even entered ardenweald?

I don’t even like nelvenweald and I paid more attention than you.

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Only a truly stupid post could possibly unite them.

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I saw you in a Spongebob episode before.

The story of the first mortal soul showing up to Ardenweald, is completely irrelevant to the afterlife right now.


Actually the afterlife itself is completely irrelevant to the present story.

Oh wow, I had no idea. What’s next Junior Soprano? You gonna search for Johnny?

If anyone gets the reference, have a cookie.

The back story is prima facie that Ardenweald was not intended for mortal souls although there are some there now.

We had absolutely no congress where the bulk of mortals went tot he afterlife just the four service realms and WOW’s version of Hell.

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That doesn’t erase Ardenweald’s current Night Elf themes.

I can’t believe my son said no mortals went to ardenweald, when the entire plot of ardenweald is that they’re going through an anima drought because the arbiter isn’t sending them mortal souls.

Paying attention indeed.

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You do realize that Wild Gods/Loas/similar creatures etc still produce anima right? And while it was never explicitly explained how the Dream Trees can presumably absorb anima(maybe from the anima streams created when souls cross the In-Between) that is where the greater bulk of anima needed to resurrect the spirits came from.


All we know is the mortal souls only ever started showing up in Ardeanweald long after the dream trees and the Night Fae were in existance.

It was indicated that some mortal souls went to Ardenweald, starting well after Ardenweald was first established but also long before the burning of Teldrassil, but they were supposed to be unusual cases where the individual soul had a uniquely powerful attachment to Nature by which the Arbiter judged that they belonged there. The timing when it started could just reflect the timeline of reality, with Ardenweald existing ever since primordial Nature started spawning Wild Gods on worlds, but mortals only figuring out things like druidism enough to merit some reaching Ardenweald in death many eons later. In the grand scheme of creation since the beginning, mortal races haven’t necessarily existed very long, and have probably mastered Nature magic for even less of that time.

It’s why there are pre-Teldrassil mortal souls there like Kivarr (the ancient Thornspeaker who trained Ulfar) as well as the Night Warrior and his husband from a whole different planet. Mortals going there was also the basis for the Winter Queen creating Soulshapes to aid them with a tangible form for their duties in helping the natives tend the Wild Gods regenerating there.

That said, yeah, Shadowlands had no playable or even viewable representation of the sorts of places where most souls go. Which was frankly a disservice to the whole affair; at least some limited contact with or visions of some places where normal souls rest would have better established and personalized a sense of stakes concerning who’s at risk in the realm of Death besides just the “professionals” who keep the gears of the place turning.

It’s hard to care quite as much about a place when the only inhabitants that seem to exist are the “staff.”

Additionally, the Winter Queen is who sends the player to Denathrius expecting him to provide anima, so it’s possible that Ardenweald in particular may have been more actively reliant on Revendreth’s reserves than the other realms, since even before the drought it seemed to be understood that under normal circumstances, the Venthyr already regularly stockpiled most of what they extracted rather than needing all of it to operate their own domain.

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Denathrius was capable of sending back up anima to other realms in times of crisis via his statue network.

Mortals could and did choose animal forms in nelvenweald. That’s why the two night warriors are deer.

Speak with Moonberry:

I am pleased to grant you this boon. If you would follow me?
Gossip Lead on.
Lady Moonberry heads toward the Heart of the Forest. A Conjured Image of a soul follows behind her.
Lady Moonberry says: Long ago, after the trees and the Night Fae arose, the first mortal soul appeared in Ardenweald.
Lady Moonberry says: Our Queen met it at the gateway. “You are neither spirit nor fae. Why have you come to my forest?”
Lady Moonberry says: "I have been sent to you! For in life, I devoted myself to serving Nature."
Lady Moonberry says: “Then be welcome in my realm,” replied the Queen.
In the Heart of the Forest, many Tranquil Souls are gathered.


Anima is the essence of mortal souls that enter the Shadowlands,[2][3]
^ WoW: Shadowlands FX Concepts
^ a b Blizzard Entertainment Blizzard Entertainment. Shadowlands - Home. Retrieved on 2019-11-03.


Reject the Shadowlands.

Do not become literal fuel for the system.

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Guess it’s time to tear the system down and replace it with something more useful


No it’s because Denatrius cut them off.

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They collected anima from mortal souls via dream trees.

Denathrius did not normally feed the realm.

Again, how do I know more about ardenweald than you when it was the realm I hated most?


The lodge it self is a NE building sure it has some changes to it but it is primarily NE architecture. Is there a tower that looks to be High mountain tauren ? Yes there is there is also a night elf tower as well.


Maybe you should have paid attention to the Revendreth part of the campaign where Denathius revealed how he was holding back anima that was supposed to feed ALL FOUR realms in order to feed it to the Jailor.

That’s why the dream trees stopped yielding their harvest.

Yeah, he held back up anima for times of crisis that he wasn’t delivering in this time of crisis.

Revendreth produces anima from it’s sin harvesting which supplied all four realms. Denathrius held it all back, even from the people in his own realm. It was Denathrius who was causing the crisis especially in Ardenweald which does not normally receive anima from souls but instead uses it in it’s rejuvenation gardens.