"The class order halls overwhelmingly favored Alliance"

Well for the most part I have gotten what I wanted even to the detriment of what some people wanted of Warcraft.

For example I recall someone wanting Amirdrassil to end as a purely night elven victory with no help from the Alliance and voila, I got what I want instead and all the Alliance leaders(admittedly all the Horde ones as well) were there to defend the tree. Same with Gilneas. It was an Alliance win filled with NPCs from all Alliance races.

As for Jaina, well, we will see soon enough with Chronicles. Based on how TWW is treating her I dont think she gets the villain bat from the Purge. Maybe Aethas will finally get her that music box :grin:

Quite the way to put that.

You mean you hope it gets retconned, that would be a change as opposed to it sticking with what actually happened in game. And frankly, with how the story has treated it recently, I don’t think you’ll be happy there.


What other way is there to put it? I want the story to go a certain way even if other dont want. And for the most part I am ok with the story while others will remain unhappy over it. It was a zero sum game and I am just glad I got what I want and I didnt get the zero.

I have shown you even the game shows she actively avoid killing people. She specifically says she jails anyone who doesnt resist and would only kill those who resist. Yes, there were SC who likely went on a murder spree but if Aethas(and the Horde) should not be blamed for bad actors then neither should she.

Post squish, and she’s still trying her damnedest launching fireball after fireball at cowering civilians, but scaling interferes. You’ve seen plenty of times how even right before the squish she’s killing them just fine.

He had no idea what was going on until after it happened, she gave the damn orders, big difference there.


I have literally show a video from MoP when she does it. It was not a post squish thing and was a live thing.

Even in MoP Aethas knew something(hence his whole figetting thing during the Thunder Isle finale). Now we will get the “canon” version from Chronicles.

Yes. That was based on him having run into someone teleporting into Dalaran after the fact and getting threatened in a bugged quest that didn’t make it in. Again, knowledge after it already happened. And we have a story dev who has explicitly explained that.


From what we are told is it was him being threatened by Garrosh and him remaining silent less Garrosh kill him and the other Suneavers. That was suppose to be the original idea.

Regardless as I said we will get the canon version in Chronicles 4 and before you say “retcon” it wouldnt be a retcon because up to now there is no official version. Whatever Chronicles makes up will likely be the official one.

No, it was being threatened by an orc who was on the theft mission after they teleported back to Dalaran after stealing the bell, there’s a post by Sarah Pine talking about MoP that explains the lost content.


People keep showing that video when we have video from 5.1 itself showing Jaina teleports the Sunreavers:

The video where we see maybe 30 seconds of Jaina before the dude runs away to do the quests so you can’t see what she’s doing?


And your video is so much better because it edits out the fact Jaina does teleport the Sunreavers?

Look, Jaina is a program. Its clear the program is suppose to be “damage sunreavers, but teleports them before they are suppose to die”. As a program she normally only fails this if there are too many sunreavers thus taking her forver to teleport before they die from her Blizzard.

That video shows that she does kill sunreavers (while shouting some pretty ugly stuff), and since that’s my argument, not that she doesn’t teleport any of them, it does show that that happened.

You’re arguing that she didn’t kill ANY sunreavers, and try to prove it with a video that doesn’t stick around to see what she does. Your 10 minutes of following her are what we would need to show that she didn’t do that before the squish (and the fact that she’s repeatedly fireballing kinda speaks to the fact that she wasn’t just teleporting)

Only through massive doses of headcanon. She’s fireballing the hell out of civilians.


She yell some ugly stuff because a SECOND ugly stuff happened to her.

Unless you can make time machine no such video will exist. But pretty sure as mentioned that because Jaina is s program that is what she does, teleports them after fireball or two. And i would point out we have done this with our quests numerous times. We go and hurt NPC specifically so they can be captured. Which is par for the course with Jaina.

We are one month away from seeing how Chronicles treats the purge. My best guess is while Jaina wont totally be blameless, she also wont be as guilty as you make her out to be.

Yes, because she is a program, when it changed from one shot kill to needing way more, it took long enough that the teleport got to them instead of them dying like intended.

Ok and? Still goes to show she’s not exactly in a forgiving state while yelling “Dalaran is better without your kind”

I feel you’re ignoring or lalala I can’t hear youing all the stuff that says they have been content to keep with the existing story, even if it’s downplaying the severity of the action massively and lets her off with forgiving herself.


Only Zerde would claim the centaurs are somehow the good guys lmao.


All though Legion did the horde dirty it was still a great expansion. This expansion unlike the previous WOD had good patch release and continuous content updates. It did do the horde dirty, we followed around alliance characters saved alliance cities etc, heck horde went back to dalaran without so much as an apology(Instead Aethas was apologetic) . It would of been a lot better if it include the horde a bit more.


It wasn’t supposed to be. In fact it wasn’t the afterlife for mortals at all… it’s a rest and recharge spot for nature dieties between lives. In fact the Winter Queen is shocked when they start showing up. In fact in early planning, Ardenweald was supposed to be a section of Bastion. Elune attempts (and fails) to divert night elf souls to Ardenweald in response to her sister’s plea for help, more evidence that Night Elves were not supposed to end up there. Yes it’s nature oriented, but Night Elves don’t have a lock or monopoly on nature. In fact for the bulk of their history prior to the Sundering, they pretty much held nature in contempt.

There’s also a distinctly Loa section of the Realm although it’s pretty short shifted story wise.

The only gods that seem to have anything to do with Humanity’s origins are the Chaos Lords who inflicted the Vrykul, Earthen, and the original Clockwork Gnomes with mutation and degeneracy.

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Watching Aethas grovel at the Council’s feet and selling off a part of his people’s legacy still leaves a bitter taste in my mouth. I didn’t much care for the character before, but man that quest made me dislike him even more.


I stil lthink its weird how little it mattered to her story that Jaina chose to bail from fighting the Burning legion in Azeroth’s greatest hour of need just because her victims were being allowed back by the council she ignored when she booted them the first time.


It is said she fought the legion, but in other places.

The legion invasion was an worldwide event, so a lot happened off screen.

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