"The class order halls overwhelmingly favored Alliance"

You make stuff up and use out of context quotes to make your claims, just like you did with these 3 points, and throw insults at people when they have not been doing the same.to you, just like you did.

You need to do better.


That’s not a fallacy because being playable has no impact on the topic at hand.

It’s almost like individuals can make up their own minds about things and the entirety of a species doesn’t need to believe one thing.
There’s vrykul in Dazar’alor as well, what does that imply?

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It does have an impact. You can’t attribute things trolls do to nelves because troll players must be tended to. Vrykul have no players to tend.

Nevermind that night elves themselves don’t recognize their origin from trolls.


The whole “all Vrykul hated Humans” argument is silly and shows people just don’t pay attention to the story. Which… yeah, that’s pretty common these days.

In Wrath, the expansion the Vrykul were introduced, Alliance had a Howling Fjord quest that shows not all Vrykul hated their “deformed” children and risked execution to protect them and take them “far away”.


Ancient Male Vrykul says: So then we too are cursed?
Ancient Male Vrykul points to the infant.
Ancient Female Vrykul sobs.
Ancient Male Vrykul says: The gods have forsaken us! We must dispose of it before Ymiron is notified!
Ancient Female Vrykul says: NO! You cannot! I beg of you! It is our child!
Ancient Male Vrykul says: Then what are we to do, wife? The others cannot find out. Should they learn of this aberration, we will all be executed.
Ancient Female Vrykul says: I… I will hide it. I will hide it until I find it a home, far away from here…

So, no retcon. Legion and BFA merely expanded on what “far away” meant, how that gave rise to the Human race, and that not all of these Vrykul went back north; instead choosing to remain in the south to raise their children or make their home in Stormheim and Drustvar. If all Vrykul hated Humans, there wouldn’t have been a Human race to begin with. A no-small number of Vrykul defied their King’s orders and took their Human children away because they couldn’t bear the thought of killing their own children. Doesn’t sound like hate to me.

Wow, people are seriously arguing Vrykul aren’t an Alliance-leaning race? They share human lore lol.

I think Blizzard is really sleeping on a “battle of the progenitor giants” patch. Vrykul for the Alliance and Ogres for the Horde. Gimme.

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The battle of those that cant get inside half the buildings in the game.

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And trolls share night elf lore(considering night elves were trolls before). So by your logic, is all troll lore Alliance lore as well?

No Darkspear and Zandalari trolls share no lore with Night Elves, other than the Lun’alai.

Dark trolls, sure, whatever.

Nelves didn’t exactly pop out of the Sandfury or Frostmane.


Out of the 8 main characters 4 are elements, 1 orc, 1 Tauren, 1 broken, 1 dwarf. So 2 alliance, 2 horde guess who the leader was it was Nobundo. Ya it’s not a stretch to say alliance leaning, it is odd this should of been an class hall that was horde heavy.


It was a lot more than 99.999% Kil’jaeden had more than one interaction with Ner’zhul and Kil’jaeden was the one to empower Gul’dan to be able to do it.

For sake of the argument say it was 100% Gul’dan. Even than the horde did nothing against him. Kadghar charged him around and Illidian killed him. The horde was still absent.


Most shaman races are from the Horde yet Nobundo is the high shaman. This is just wrong on so many levels and it should have been a Tauren or Orc as our main questgivers here.

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Nobundo is not THE leader, at best he is A leader. Muln was the leader before Thrall took over and nothing has ever stated that Nobundo outranks Muln.

Muln is also a high Shaman!!! Its like people ignored that the shaman manga that was dedicated to him showing that MULN was the leader before Thrall took that position.

Yes that is why it was odd that he wasn’t the leader in legion. They gave that position to a non playable race.

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It’s almost like Alliance is the main faction of Warcraft and the Horde is just kinda there…odd.


No it wasn’t, it was the player character. I gave him commands the entire expansion.

Nobundo has never appeared with that title anywhere. I don’t know why you keep running with that head canon.

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Its almost as if that shift happened during the period most people think the story was utter garbage… odd.


Odd, pretty sure Legion is one of the more favorable expansions. Hell, MoP is also well regarded and well we know what happened to the Horde.

They actually fought against the racist villains in their ranks unlike the Alliance which gave Twinbraid and Rodgers big ol promotions for murdering the helpless?