The Character Menu is a Disaster

In addition to drag and drop, there are the good ole up/down arrows we’ve had for some time now. Neither one sticks for me, dagnabbit. Ah, well.

As someone who has always been a one character player till very recently, and now only has like 8 max lvls… This update is amazing also my one warrior that was in a realm I barely remembered is now just with everyone else. This is great. I do understand this being a problem if you have 50 character but holy moly at that point… Maybe, I don’t know, do something else?

With 13 classes in the game, I have one of each on two realms and around 6-7 characters spread across different realms for professions. The new setup, which shows all my characters from every realm on the right side, has made things pretty tricky.

Not being able to search by realm is a big issue. All my characters are named by their class, so my Draenei Jewelcrafter could be a Shaman on one realm, a Hunter on another, or even a Paladin on yet another. On top of that, I have a Goblin with Alchemy who is a different class altogether, which just adds to the confusion.

I’m having a hard time keeping track of which professions I’ve covered and which ones I still need to. With the MOP Remix coming up, I wanted to level up more characters, but now I can’t even figure out which ones I should create or which ones I’ve already made. The limit of 4 characters in the “favorite” section isn’t helping either. While I liked the new visuals and music at first, the current system is making things more confusing than helpful.


Ooh, I may have found a solution to my problem (changes not sticking) . I don’t remember this ever being an issue before, but – I tried moving a character to a desired position in the list, and then logged in on them. Logged out, they were still in that position. Tried it with a 2nd toon. That worked too. Exited the game altogether and started it back up. Both toons were still where I’d put them.

As I said, I don’t remember ever having to log in on a char. to get a new position in the list to stick.

Edited for an embarrassing gnome-sized typo

You’re a ruminant. You will, literally, die if you don’t eat enough roughage.

In the old UI, I did notice that you needed to change something server-side to solidify the list, be it logging into a character or switching servers. It didn’t register to me that this was you issue, sorry. Since switching servers isn’t technically a solution in the new UI, logging in might be the only way, now.

It’s not an overreaction to be annoyed by how difficult it is to find your own characters in a very long list. Some which have the same names.

No one should have to use a search bar, when it was easy and less cluttered before.

They also seem to not want to utilize a better listing system or even both sides of the screen for the lists.

If someone only has 5-10 characters, this probably isn’t a problem. I have over 50 right now. And that list is a disaster.

I don’t want all my characters from all of my realms in one list.

That’s not the complaint, though.


Just let us not use the Favorites, and let us sort by realms.

Easy enough.


This was my gripe too before i found the minimize button in the upper right :slight_smile: I hope this helps!

I’m just happy to have a way that seems to work. For now. :grinning:

Yes the character screen list is a consolidated eye sore of both alliance and horde characters from all realms.

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weird statement

but i absolutely agree about the thing with character names.

i have the “same character” class/name on multiple realms, and (whips out the disability card) it causes horrific eye-strain trying to read which realm they’re on

MSFT laid off most of the QA testers (you know the people whose entire job was to say “this is totally crap, you should fix it”)


I never questioned some of these changes because you would assume they’ve tested them out and made them efficient. But that is definitely not the case. Definitely some trash that’s got to be fixed.


Near as I can tell, this game has no actual QA, just individual devs checking their code before things get pushed. Blizzard uses PTRs and betas as their QA and a lot of things end up not being fixed likely because - in my experience with software devs - a lot of them are up their own backside and take feedback about broken features as an insult.

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I found a few toons I’m nearly positive I never made! terrible, terrible names.

LUA code wont load at the character screen, so not possible.

Delete some characters dude

My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined.

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Tell me about it! When I first logged in there were two of the four characters from a server I don’t play on! My two 'main server" characters were beating the ish out out of them because they thought it was a hack attempt.

The intruders were thwarted and my gold reserves were secured thanks to me and my Druid alter ego.