The Character Menu is a Disaster

Yes, it’s a disaster, and the search bar is completely useless.
I tried typing in the realm name, to only show the characters on that realm, and that doesn’t even work.
They need to hire better programmers. I don’t know how something so basic was missed.


I’m having similar issues and I’m not sure if it’s because my monitor is older.

The right-most warband char is cut off on his image and name. I only see half of it as the character select column blocks out the other half.

If I change the UI% in-game lower than my standard 85%, it fixes this issue on the login screen, but then all my fonts/item hover window/spell hover window/reputation font bars are extremely grainy and difficult to read.
So I’m just keeping it as is for now.
It’s so massively big though and it’s annoying.

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I guess their logic was since they fired most of the QA testers there was no one to tell them it was a bad idea and that the UI was :dog2: :poop: :P.


If someone finds an addon in the next hours or days that fixes all this, please be a hero and share it here.


I believe that offering a character list with multiple pages that can be navigated left/right (with the number of pages and characters per page chosen by the user) would prevent complaints like this. I checked and found that I have 27 alts, and displaying all of them in one long list feels a bit inconvenient.

This is my problem too! I do not want my alliance toons with my horde toons. I need them to be separated by realms. We should have a campfire for each realm.

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Yeah, it is a disaster - like how this got through design much less implemented without someone saying ‘this is totally crap’ and stopping this trainwreck is beyond me.

At a minimum, we should be able to toggle back to the old screen, filter and sort characters by realm / faction, and have the realm displayed underneath the character name.


I don’t agree, I love the new warband logon screen. All you have to do is click your toon and it logs on. No longer do you have to exit the existing realm and go to another realm then find that toon then click it to play it. It’s much simpler in my opinion. If you hover your mouse on your toon on the new screen it gives you what realm it is in.


Some filters would be nice for the long list of characters that are not your top four, like Realm, Faction, Class, sort alphabetically, that sort of thing.


I just want to be able to hide characters and then I would be happy

I want an option to auto-collapse/hide the Warband list.

Oh, and also fix all the clown-level UI scaling issues and disparate font sizes.


Was off the game for a few months and this character crap is worthless. Sure, It may work for those who have a few characters or all characters in one realm. Those who are like me that have multiple characters across multiple realm and some have the same name is a DISASTER! This is NOT a learning curve, this is a POS work! Bliz needs to add the option to configure and/or have a dropdown to organized character per realm or just remove it totally.


Had to spend about an hour rearranging my characters by level and faction last night. It was a total mess…

Though I realized that I can make the favorites include only druids named Sorelai.


This is an outrage! I see what appears to be vegetables in the cooking pan. There will NOT be anything other than meat in my camp.


looks pretty simple to me. you just use the up and down arrow on the character name to move them up or down into your warband. you can only have 4 characters shown on the screen at once. it’s just new.

Also, just hover your mouse over a character name and it will show you not only the realm that toon is on but what zone you’re in.

Will just take a little time to get use to.

I am going to work on grouping my characters. I think you’ll learn to like it because you can make favorite groups. Now we don’t have to change realm all the time.

This all looks like a good idea in theory and terrible in execution. But I liked the changes to small interface elements, tooltips, arrows, and such, but not the scaling scaling disrupts gameplay.

If it’s not noticeable on your monitors, on my laptop, the interface barely fits on the screen. I don’t know how I can play things like M+ because the interface elements cover my void zone.

Don’t tell me it can be adjusted I’ve tried shrinking the interface, but it also shrinks the fonts, and I have poor vision.

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Maybe it’s the UI scaling in the options?
I think a lot of people use it and it seems to affect the loginscreen and the menus now.
If it’s turned off, the size is halfway acceptable again.

Downside: Everything else in the game is going to be too small, so you have to adjust all the bars and scale everything manually up again… :neutral_face:

Nah, I’m not going to do this.

This was horrible for me since I was bored and fishing through alts to find some valuable trasnmog items I was sure I had. I found them, on one of the last characters I could have checked. My list was almost perfectly upside down. Would have been nice to know this before yesterday haha. :dracthyr_crylaugh:


Naturally this feels like a selfish waste to me. No one else feels that way? I guess that’s just the norm these days. I know they’re letting you do it but wouldn’t it be better that someone else actually plays the character with the name instead of you holding on to it forever unused and creating more clutter?

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