The Character Menu is a Disaster

so… you shouldn’t be allergic to change at this point.

sounds like this is just a learning curve issue.

a thing looks different, and it’s sent you into panic.

calm down, and take a minute to look at all the options which are right in front of you.

then have a nice cup of tea, and laugh about how silly you feel for over-reacting. :slight_smile:


literally just realm drop-downs would have solved everything.


it makes it worce, even more so on bigger screens. i always shove the fount to as small as possible


Why on earth shouldn’t I be able to sort the character list into any order I choose, as we all could when we could only access one realm’s toons at a time? (And no, don’t tell me to just use the freaking search box.)


you can.

use the little arrows.


Or just drag and drop in any order you desire works too.

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And when I have 16 characters of the same class on 16 realms all wearing the same xmog with the same name, how do I order / distinguish them without hovering over them and looking at the annoying gray text to see realm name?


that’ll work too.

the only issue i’ve got, is that i have characters with of the same class, with the same name, across various realms… and i have to try and read the fine print to see which realm they’re on.

i might have to start color-coding mogs so i can tell which ones are on which realm just by looking at their clothes :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

it’s kind of cool to see all the long lost characters which had been forgotten about due to not being logged into for so long. (this wasn’t an issue when they were showing numbers next to the realm)

yep, feeling your pain on this one


Does feel like Blizzards classic motto rings true.

“Fix it until it breaks”


It will, albeit poorly and only after I’ve taken the time to do so. It also looks significantly worse now. Just one long, stupid list devoid of the tools and context that made server-side lists ideal. Any current solution is just cope. Even just GAPS to distinguish character clusters would be better than what we have now


My guesses are they designed it for:
7 year olds (BIG shiny buttons!)
77 year olds (need to SEE buttons!)…


You can search by faction as well- I have 28 Alliance toons on one realm, 21 Horde toons on another realm and 5 misc. on 2 other realms- so if I want to play my Horde realm, I just type Horde in the search bar etc… Makes for a easy work around until they hotfix better search options.

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Is it Hoard instead of Horde in another language? Confused by this typo (3 times).

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i’m a mix of the two, and it still smells funny to me.

i mean… i’ll get over it, and it’ll give me a chance to do some spring cleaning, but…

/insert “urghhh brotha… urghhh” meme


Horde/Hoard- you knew what I was saying…

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I think this must be broken. There is a ‘menu bar’ at the top of the character load screen. Three buttons; SHOP | MENU | REALMS

When you click realms it works as expected and brings up the old realm selection list showing how many characters on each realm. But when you double click or select a realm it says it is logging in to the game server, but nothing changes on the character load screen.

Hopefully a fix is planned that will bring up just the characters from the server lists you selected.


Also, when you click a character on the screen that’s on another realm and choose login, it first switches to that realm (which I have seen fail), and than logs you into the game. And also if you type /quit, you see a screen showing “retrieve characters” before it logs you out. Some really weird half baked stuff going on here.


It sets your active server, in case you decide to create a new character.

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That’s great for you. I have two horde characters.

I have 20 Alliance on a US realm. Twelve on one oceanic, three on another, five on a third. All of them are copies of my main realm. I’ve got the same warlock on 4 realms, the same warrior and shaman. Similar, if not exactly the same names. The search bar lacks the ONE basic filter it actually needs. Realm.


that’s how i was hoping it would work :grimacing:

really have to wonder about some of the nonsensical choices they make.

i don’t want to have to put glasses on so i can read the tiny font which shows a characters realm.