The Cataclysm Survey

The loss of azerite traits, corruptions, and whatever the neck powers were called are vastly different than covenant and conduits.

All of these things change how classes are played, and losing them every expansion objectively makes you weaker when you lose them

Cata was a horrible expansion, had nothing to do with Blizz being bought by Activision. I have zero nostalgia for it. Really have no interest in any iteration of Classic. Made a DK in Wrath Classic, got the mount, deleted the toon and uninstalled. Felt no nostalgia at all doing the DK starting area.

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Most were just passive effects and % gains here and there. Don’t really change the rotational feel of the classes.

Both these don’t alter classes and how they play.

I absolutely believe anyone who thinks Cata was a bad expansion has just jumped on the hate-train of Cata.

Cata was not nearly as bad as how people on here talk about it, it had complaints early due to the difficulty of dungeons in the first few weeks and newer players and some of the raids were a little undercooked.

I’m guessing at some point Asmon or something said it was bad and people just ran with it.

Honestly, I think if they releases Cata today with those same dungeons, players would probably shrug them off.

The thing with dungeons being “hard” in Cata, is you had a community trained on trash with 0 mechanics and bosses that did nothing. These days, you have M+ veterans running dungeons, so probably Cata Heroics would be massively easier than what they’re used to.

It was a timing thing, not an actual problem with the dungeons themselves. Imagine if instead of BWL, the second raid ever in WoW had been Tomb of Sargeras. People going from bosses you do nothing on, to fights with novel length mechanic descriptions.

They better not send me a survey. I will answer every question with “remove Colossal Smash.”


You can in Dragonflight.

I’d like to see Cataclysm done right.

  • Finish the Worgen content. Don’t just act like it didn’t get cut. We aren’t that stupid.
  • Tune the dungeons better, rather than massive overtuning followed by huge nerfs.
  • Include the raid that was cut.
  • Battle for Gilneas battleground.
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This. The original zones and quests are what Classic means to me. Alot of people are looking forward to Cata Classic and beyond and from the tone of the survey, that’s what Blizz is planning. The end of Wrath Classic will probably end it for me. For all it’s faults, Live is a more engaging game than redoing Cata and beyond.

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I have no idea who Asmon is, never watch streamers at all. I played it and I hated it at the time. I probably played less during Cata than any other expansion before or since. It just was not fun.

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infinite piggehs and I’m in. :thinking:

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Wait are they forreal?

Yeah, just don’t take the Colossus Smash talent. You can spec totally avoiding CS :

They are definitely not going to put any actual development time into a classic server.

What we get is what we get

Add the races, and new class combos but keep everything else Wrath, and add more content to Wrath Classic.

If they do Cata classic, it will be to prove that all the changes they think should have been made to make it harder and less convenient after wrath will restore the game to its previous peak playerbase and a “community” that has never existed.

And they will prove that, like with Shadowlands PvP gearing, a system that has failed in the past should not be re-implemented. Because it will fail again.


Then I’d rather they put the resources into retail rather than make the same mistakes again.

Cataclysm was the last expansion that used the old talent tree but was also when LFR was added on the last patch. From MoP onwards you have the talent tree we had for 5 expansions and it pretty much is retail with varying differences in content.

I suppose you could say Cata was the last classic expansion in a way, but it was the beginning of the end for classic as it was. New zone revamps, class overhauls, tanking and healing overhauls, and by the end all the dungeons were nerfed pretty hard.

We’d likely start on the last patch where all the nerfs already happened and it’d probably feel an awful lot like retail on launch.

Agreed. Blizzard should just give us their version of Ascension already.

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Oh that one is so creative! I would probably try it out.

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