The Cataclysm Survey

Except better in essentially every way

Cata was the peak of WoW. Straight up. Better than Wrath, Better than MoP, better than everything else.


No, it’s literally retail. Like go to any zone in Cataclysm, the same zone with the same quests is there on retail.

One of the selling points of Classic WoW was the old world pre-cataclysm.


Definitely didn’t have different class play styles or talents or anything.

The gameplay experience has not changed in any capacity since Cataclysm

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Not only have they said they absolutely will not do this, but they absolutely should not do this.

This would split what little player base they have left until most of them end up quitting. It would not be a benefit, it would be the final nail in the coffin for this game.


This is said every time before classic dropped and since.

Bro Classic is better than retail nothing can compare.
TBCC announced
Dude TBC was where it was at. Fixes everything from vanilla.
Wrath Classic announced
Guys this is where the game is actually good.

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I’m talking about the world though.

Yeah, it got better.


It’s almost like, lots of people have lots of opinions and/or preferences

BFA and Shadowlands are the worst iterations of this game and it’s not close.

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You must be smoking the copium hard today.

That’s not even a thing. Wrath and Legion alone beat out Cata by a Dalaran mile.


Ill stand by my opinion that the only reason people don’t look back fondly on Cata is solely because of Dragon Soul

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Cataclysm to me is what was needed real change to the world and real revamps to questing and implementing flying into the old world and look at it now on retail it’s so outdated because people like you don’t want actual change to anything.

For reasons unrelated to classes and their skills. Things that are also fully gone now in current retail and not coming back for Dragonflight.

Difference between you and most people is we base our opinions on some form of reality.

Cata was a terrible expansion.

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I honestly do not know why Blizz doesn’t use zidormi to allow retail to visit the removed vanilla zones. Cheap and easy way to add content back into retail. Even if just for mog purposes, and this isn’t even an excuse to have naxx40. I’d like it just for simple questing or mindless farming while enjoying a show.

Oh yeah, changing Redridge from a nice village stuck with an Orc invasion into a Rambo Parody was peak questing.


Cataclysm in what way was terrible besides dungeons were horribly hard and made hard to appease those hardcore.

The questionable constant pop culture references in the “updated” questing.

Kinda immersion breaking playing an RPG and jumping from Indiana Jones to Rambo to whatever other mumbo jumbo they shoved in there.

The whole detective story thing with the wagon in Westfall… ugh…

Nah classes are worse too lol

Being permanently tied to borrowed power leaves the base classes and specs as simply incomplete shells with insane amounts of whiplash between expansions.

Nah. Amazing raids and dungeons, (sans DS), modernizing the world, far and away the best iteration of rep we’ve ever had, classes were fun, the legendary quest lines were amazing, so on and so forth.

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And the irony is I knew this would be the first kneejerk response.

I said what I said because I see enough of it to know that large swaths of people do not have varying opinions.

Also known as entertainment.

Nice little nods to popular culture are not the end of the world.

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Honestly don’t feel like my class plays much different between BfA and SL.

No, they’re immersion breaking and cringey.

Especially the Rambo parody in Redridge.