The Cataclysm Survey

So it would seem that a lot of people got a survey asking things about Cataclysm. I think Cata most of the way around was a pretty decent expansion, most people seem to want to view it as bad because that’s when Activision bought out Blizzard and it became acti/blizz. Sure there was a drop off in player base but the thing people dont realize or honestly even think about is that most of those players left not because the game wasnt good anymore, its just simply because the story to Warcraft 3 was over. We beat kil jaeden, took down illidan, pushed back the scourge and killed the Lich King/Arthas. That was it, with the death of Arthas, Warcraft 3 was over, people didnt feel much of a need to keep playing.

I would say, if Blizzard decided to release Cataclysm Classic, I personally, and I think quite a few people would stand with me on this, would be just fine with it HOWEVER, theres gonna need to be some changes made. The first change is probably the most important and its obviously the elephant in the room that pissed off A LOT of people, and that was the zones that were changed by the Cataclysm. I believe Darkshore being destroyed hurt the most out of all the zones, at least for me it did, I used to love hanging out there. Blizzard would need to implement a feature here that is actually on retail, that would be adding Zidormi, to be able to go back in time and play in the zones BEFORE they were destroyed by the cataclysm. I think that one single change alone would make the majority of people really happy man lol.

Another change that could be done is Vashjir, I remember when it released and holy crap man, the amount of unhappy people was unreal. I dont think ANYBODY liked that zone. Ill admit, at first even I was like “oh yeah, an underwater zone??? seems kinda cool, I might like it” but then you actually get down there and its like “oh my god man, cant stand being in this place” I think for me personally it was just the way the quests were laid out, it was really slow, didnt feel like any of it meant anything, and I dont know it just wasnt fun. I’d honestly say do some work on Vashjir, maybe change up the way the questing is done or something, MAYBE release that raid tier that was supposed to release for Vashjir that got scrapped, and see how that goes.

One last thing right off the top of my head I think would just be to make the leveling experience better for people starting fresh toons. Maybe increase the experience gain by like 25% or something up to lvl 80? Just a thought, but the Leveling experience would just need to be improved a little bit.

That so far is all I got right off the top of my head, I’m pretty sure ill think of more stuff later. What do you guys think?? What are some changes that Blizz could make to Cataclysm that would make the experience better for players?? I personally loved the PvP so thats what id be the most excited for in Cataclysm anyways.


I don’t need more expansions of classic, I just want more fun variations of it. One server with instant max level, one server with 10x xp, rep, and drop rates. One with unlimited mana! A hard mode server where the xp rates are double but only white/green gear drops. A solo classic server where you summon npcs for everything. Just some examples of things they could try out.


I’m gonna be honest, Vanilla Classic used up all my nostalgia. Didn’t even touch TBC and probably won’t touch Wrath. Despite being hardcore addicted to both back in the day.


The main problems I had with Cata were the removal of blood DK dps, the addition of holy power for paladins, and the most serious one was the tuning of mobs in the world.
A lot of people might not remember this, or remember it wrong, but Cata is when mobs out in the world for questing and daily content started to become more damage spongey. Not very dangerous to you, but taking way longer to kill. This really hurt my enjoyment of Cata, and if there were to ever be a “Cata classic”, I would hope that mob scaling is more comparable to WoTLK.



^ that’s my reaction to Cata Classic.


Please god I hope they don’t do cataclysm classic. I want classic+ with cut content from vanilla-WOTLK.

They need to follow the steps of OSRS


No. That is why they keep the older Classic servers.

I would enjoy Cataclysm Classic. And then MoP Classic.

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MMMMM CATA Bears can go back to Blocking with Face

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People who viewed it as bad did so because they didn’t like the changes that were made to gameplay, the world, etc.

Some did. But the idea that this was the only reason anyone left is wishful thinking intended to make Blizzard’s development decisions appear good.

We hear this a lot. “Those people were leaving anyway, because [fill in the current trendy reason why people left that absolves Blizzard of responsibility]”.

So the thing to do it hammer new players into end game, right? Just like how Shadowlands did, and how devs are doubling down on that in Dragonflight and pushing those new players even faster into end game.

I’m sure if Blizzard sends a survey filled with loaded questions to a hand-picked sample group, they will get the answers they want to hear.


They must have not sent me one because it’s the only expansion I’ve unsubbed during. They already know my thoughts.


I started in Cata, so of course I’m really hoping they do a Cata Classic. If I’m thinking of changes, I think my own biggest want would be something to maintain the relevance of dungeons through the expansion. I really, really love the Cata dungeons, I’m not sure how much of that is simply nostalgia, all I know is I loved running them and continued running them even long after I no longer needed to, but it’d be cool if there was incentive to carry them forward through the expansion. I’m not sure how that’d be done exactly… you wouldn’t want it to be a chore, or required for raiders. I wonder if backporting ideas from future expansions is on the table, because I feel like challenge modes could be interesting to bring back.

I’ll echo that Zidormi would be an amazing addition. I’ve only started going through Classic to be able to play Wrath, but I have to say… these old zones are much nicer than Cata’s. I had no idea. I was leveling an Undead, and was shocked when I got to Brill. It’s a little township! Nothing like Cata Brill. It’s strangely comfier, as wrong a word as that feels to use for an Undead dwelling lol. There’s just something about the vibe, I instantly loved it way more. And I’m feeling a lot of that as I explore this old world. I never got it when people would talk about how much Cata ruined things, it always sounded like hyperbole to me, but taking in this old world, I get it man.

I do understand how “Classic” would no longer feel like Classic if it does move on to Cata, perhaps if it does, would also be the best time to restart new servers from Vanilla? And as those eventually advance to Cata, restart again. Always have a run going. Seems like that would work for the Classic diehards?

That’s just what makes most sense to me in any case.

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I feel like Cata is the defining line between classic and current wow.

The questing was streamlined, dungeons and pvp were both queued cross battlegroup content that had vendors in SW/Org that meant people were idling there to spend their currencies between queues, LFR was added, CRZ was added, the timeline started to go weird with Cata : BC : Wrath : Cata storyline questing…

The things people generally want from classic that they can’t get from retail are almost completely gone.


i want classic cata

i really liked how hpal played in cata and loved running end time. really enjoyed the quality of life it had over wotlk, and ofc reforging/transmog

I’d argue that wotlk was the last ‘classic’ expansion and the revamp from the cataclysm is specifically when it ended.


Can we skip Cata Classic and go to straight to :panda_face: MoP Classic :panda_face:, please?

If we get Cataclym Classic, I’ll probably quit playing Classic for that duration like I did for 3/4 of Cata the first time around. It’s the only time I disliked the game enough to cancel my sub, and only the Annual Pass promotion brought me back.


Exactly as you say, WotLK is a sequel not only to Warcraft 3, but to WoW and the conclusion that came from defeating Kel’Thuzad.

Which, unlike TBC, which was an extension of exploring the Warcraft universe further, Cataclysm and MoP is a new theme, something that is repeated and does not give a reason to continue the plot knowing that the previous one already concluded the plot, something that it may have the same Dragonflight fate by lore as the same gameplay or gameloop.

Thing that after MoP the continuation of the conflict caused by Garrosh continued in WoD, then with Gul’dan in Legion, Sylvanas and a bit of the conclusion of Cataclysm with N’zoth in BfA and finally the conclusion of WotLK and what happened in BfA with Zooval, the last 2 expansions were bad but they gave the player reason to continue the story more.

Cataclsym is not bad, but the reason it failed in this expansion is that it is a victim of the circumstance of cutting gameplay content and abusive and meaningless retcons that ruined the expansion just like WoD, not forgetting the LFR, which was much worse. and bad experience that the RDF has when it comes to socializing the game without the use of elite players.

That’s why I say that Cataclysm may be bad for some with experience but seeing WoD, BfA and Shadowlands and soon and probably Dragonflight, as Raiden says:

Perhaps it would be the only solution that the news devs are going to do, but not at the request of the community together with Legion.

But I would have liked that before the calm the storm was enjoyed for a while, although very passive and pleasant of what Cataclysm is, as I already said there are worse things than hating an overrated expansion, and believe me even the experience is not bad enough to have TW Raid in retail.

Cata was the best expansion all the way until Dragon Soul, and I will get impaled on that hill

Gonna be really upset if they just stop at wrath.


I would argue the world revamp is not the end of Classic and that Cataclysm still had some of the older talent system. People also want MoP Classic.


I would rather skip MoP than Cataclysm if given a choice. I do not like the idea of skipping an expansion. There are those who wish for Cataclysm.

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What’s the point of Cataclysm Classic ?

That’s literally just retail with a lower level cap.