The Cata survey is why Cata is coming

Someone did mention the guild system would be changed to help smaller guilds and not promote big massive guilds that exist just to thrive off the perks.

rofl, yup, that definitely wouldn’t crater almost immediately. IEveryone wants to kill the lk forever

they’re fixing the guild lvls.

I don’t want to have to raid 10 and 25 on the same char. If I raid again I want to play an alt.

That’s fine however the end result of how it was done in Cata was pretty bad for everyone who didn’t want to do progression 10 mans.

So we’ll see if that gets addressed in some way.

idk I heard 25 was far more popular. more loot, better loot distribution

It wasn’t, by the end of Cata most guilds had switched to 10 man. By the end of MoP virtually everyone was running 10 mans.

You only need 1 loot to drop once or get the achievement once(there’s also of course more people wanting loot so that’s a non bonus), increased raid hassle from 25 mans vs 10 mans is every raid all the time.

Really? This is going to turn into a Cata vs anti cata thing?

Like WoW needs another us vs them issue.

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Source on this?

Even if you looked at the world first which methods site has it was literally all 25m raiding.

It also bears mentioning that Wrath Classic WASN’T as popular as those same people would have you believe. There’s a reason why they introduced the token into Classic so early in the expansion cycle, and that was to justify the costs of running the servers.

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Because it sucks and everybody who was playing the Classic servers quit in Naxx25 lmao. It’s a snoozefest expansion for sure. Can’t wait til all these people go back to privates so they can huff their own farts about how much fun it is to raid log 6 hours a week.

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Not all that unexpected. Antagonism has been hardwired into the entire game from the start, and that inevitably spilled over onto the forums. The idea that opposing views could both walk away winners is an alien concept. Even to Blizzard it seems.

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For sure some guilds particularly at the world first level did but by and large guilds switched to 10 man.

It was bad enough blizzard switched to 20 man for WoD.

I mean most of the people who hate Cata cant even be bothered to get their facts straight about why they hate it. It’s just “retail man bad”

And yet vanilla classic turned into a wasteland as soon as TBC came out. The only thing that brought life back to it was HC.

But that’s because of the novelty of the game mode not because people loved vanilla content itself. It’s not like vanilla wasn’t a raid log game at max level so that’s a weird complaint.

That it was a big departure from vanilla - wrath design is a fact, the number of people who didn’t like that is also a fact.

Trying to brush that off as it was just circumstances outside the game is fairly naive, but we’ll see what changes blizzard is actually planning to make.

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Yet Vanilla Era blew up the second WOTLKC came out. Nobody cares about your hyperbole or made up head canon that HC brought it back when the servers were booming in prepatch with little to no HC addon users(they were all still on turtle)

Vanilla had better leveling, better PvP, and a more vibrant virtual world environment that hasn’t really been beaten for what it’s good at by any expansion since. Wrath is just overall a mid retail-lite that doesn’t do what Classic does good or what retail does good, but is a weird hybrid of mediocrity. A transitional expansion at best.

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It’s not a big departure from wrath, thanks for proving my point

No, HC era blew up, vanilla is dead lol.

You can make up whatever you want, but we were filling 40 mans ezpz last October.

Wrath is a massive departure from vanilla and basically craps all over what made it good lmao

And you can pretend a single guild means anything. Era was dead.

I’m not a classic Andy, you’re just spreading false narratives to troll. Troll on sis. Era mid GDKP Wrath club now anyway.