The Cata survey is why Cata is coming

I think that was Stonecore? I actually didn’t mind that one. It did have a lot of trash.

My issue with throne of tides is most of the boss fights are the worst gimmicks of the game all combined in one place:

  1. Boss with MC
  2. Boss where you fight waves of adds for 3 min, then boss spawns, pop hero, boss dies in 30 sec.
  3. Elevator which half your pugs, and definitely that one person in your guild will consistently miss so you stand around waiting.
  4. Trash gauntlet

I’m sure I’m forgetting something.

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Would be nice!!

I will stand with you. I very much disliked that dungeon and I think it’s gonna be a wake up call since most focus on Grim Batol and the Floating sky dungeon.

Throne of tides is actually just badly made.
Goblin Hallway GOBLIN HALLWAY.

No that sounds about right…
Is that stonecore?

It is one of the lower level ones. I thought it was Maraudon. And then there was the one in TBC that 95% of the crap that dropped from the mobs were weeds that just filled my bags lol.

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Looking back, I actually kind liked all of the Cata dungeons. It’s such a shame they might as well not exist anymore in retail - they’re the dungeon group with the smallest level range to access them out of every expansion, and they’re scaling is permanently broken so it’s not worth trying to do them anyway

I think Vortex Pinnacle might’ve been the worst of it, and that’s just because the atmosphere of that dungeon makes me sleepy

Blizzard: We took a survey and everyone loves everything we do.



Bingo. You nailed it.

Yea it’s easy money to fund other projects. Doesn’t matter if Cata fails they got money off it. You really can’t blame a company by creating some package to make money. That’s why Cata is coming. Everyone knows Cata isn’t popular or going to retain players but that doesn’t matter.


Yeah 12 months long DS really does suck indeed.

But people forget that ICC lasted 13 months :smiley:

Firelands is pog

People forget that Ruby Sanctum even existed. :wink:

nah im sure people remember.
BIS trinkets yo. Super powerful trinkets.

I would wager that they are lying about the survey results. It was probably very negative overall, but they must have calculated that enough people will still play it to justify the small amount of investment it requires from the dev team.


There were two big reasons Cata lost subs. The content drought, and the difficulty. Both problems will be remedied in Cata Classic as Blizzard has mentioned releasing the content at a faster pace, and the average Classic player is very sweaty and capable of clearing the content this time around.

Should be a fun time.

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Y’all say they lie everytime they say something that doesn’t fit your narrative, y’all are funny lmao.

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That’s how it goes. Anything they don’t agree with the devs are lying, and anything they do agree with the devs have never been wrong about anything ever


This. Right here.
A lot of people do not understand it or refuse to.

Very few people actually enjoy really HARD content. It’s not fun not being able to prog with your friends.

Even look at Naxx vs Ulduar. The drop off during Ulduar was HUGE. Ulduar was also a massive guild breaker.

And Naxx was fun. Live logs and refresh it instantly to see shiny pink numbers.

Retail has this issue too. Very few are really interested in pushing high keys or doing endless mythic prog.


Yes, the content drought the can address.

But the difficulty problem they’re making even worse by adding Mythic dungeons. It’ll be another toxic gatekeeping mess. They’ll drive the masses of casuals from the game…yet again. If any are even still around now.


I hope they do not lock “current level” gear behind the dungeon difficulty. In Wrath, it is not a fun experience to try and gear a new character through dungeons. You need to get the 245 gear so you can get invited to ICC, but then you get vote-kicked out gamma dungeons for not being equipped with 245 gear, but you need the gammas to get the 245 gear.

I hope that with each content patch, they make normal heroics drop current level gear. Achievements and titles should be locked behind the hardest tier dungeons, but not gear. If gear is going to be locked behind dungeon difficulty, at least make it still possible to achieve current level gear with the normal heroic dungeons and just make it take longer to farm.

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Basically you cant cope there is evidence that the survey was positive and highly in favor of Cata so obviously since the vast majority of players disagree with you Blizzard is lying!!



You mean like wotlk era servers?

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Well the first two tiers were great then the last one was a hot mess.

But sure we’ll see what kind of changes they have planned.

And not just raids but if she’s trying to gloss over the damage merging 10/25 mans did or guilds perks did she really wasn’t paying attention during Cata.