The Cata survey is why Cata is coming

I havent seen anyone post this interview so here it is.

Cata was more popular than the anti cata people would have you think. Interview with Holly Longdale, executive producer for World of Warcraft.


Honestly, just surprised they read the surveys in general.


This is what i have been saying and its in the survey.

"Recalling some data from the surveys, Longdale notes that players called Cataclysm’s endgame content “some of the best raids in WoW,” noting that there “wasn’t really anything that players identified that they didn’t like at all. Even classes themselves – we were expecting that to be an unpleasant response, and it wasn’t.

“I don’t know if we were coloring things with how hurt we were by the loudest in the room,” she laments. “And when we do surveys, it’s not the loudest in the room.”

Which i have been preaching the raids were actually great and the classes are way better with rotations because they are all more fleshed out.


Oh I am Pro Cata-Classic. I was vehemently against it when it released and basically treated the whole process as self-flagellation. Didn’t help none of my friends/Guild mates stuck around.

This time I am interested to see it without the jaded eyes of an edgy 20 something and a guild fully planning to continue as well.

I hope that this survey leads them to do more, I only received one of the few sent out but I am happy my input was at least looked at.


I got that survey. They ignored everything I said. :+1:

At least they didn’t follow through with adding the Trading Post to Cata. That we know of yet.

By the way, they can say whatever they want. Who knows if f there’s any truth to it.


To me the biggest thing that hurt cata was how long dragon soul lasted.
It wasnt the best raid but it wasnt wotlk naxx or togc bad, to me it was average with some good boss’s and one pretty bad one.
Firelands was pretty good and i wished my guild at the time had gotten to do sinestra.


It makes me wonder what they would have done / will do if/when the next one up for revival (not mop but for example BFA or shadowlands) has a more negative survey sentiment. For example, with what she’s done with EverQuest, I wonder if they’ll eventually start more fresh progression classic servers that go from vanilla through where player sentiment becomes negative in the majority and then repeat.

I think this is a good example of a lot of last raid tiers in WoW over time. The only real thing to come next is usually an entire expansion and we all have to play the waiting game. That being said, DS lasted way too long. The spine was I think the only fight in there I though was just plain bad, the others were fun.

Easily the best raid in the expansion for me. The area was cinematic, the fights were interesting, and the gear was some of the best looking if you weren’t a hunter.

“I choose to live in constant negativity”
you can’t have it both ways.


You think a survey not sent to most players, containing irrelevant/useless questions, had any kind impact for whether cataclysm would be hosted? That’s just foolishness. Obvious reality is they wanted to do cataclysm and were going to do cataclysm, one way or the other.

Edit: This is a thread that would have been better to mass flag instead of mine. Just FYI. The creator is even trolling my thread. At least put your trolling nonsense in your own thread, and you can have the other trolls as well.


She cites the expansion’s length, as well as “all of the circumstances surrounding Cataclysm” as the aspects that likely left a bitter taste in players’ mouths, admitting that the expansion’s first run “could have been better.

I like this. It shows that the devs are more cognizant of what they’re working on than it feels like sometimes. Cataclysm gets such a bad rap for being so bad, when in reality most people’s perceptions are skewed by the lackluster final raid that went on for way, way too long. Minus Dragon Soul, Cata was actually a pretty good expansion all around, and maybe with these changes they’re talking about we’ll see some improvements to the raid, and with Classic’s naturally shorter life cycle it won’t go on for so absurdly long with nothing new to do

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Learn what a sample size is.

Clearly you didn’t get a survey.

I mean, yea. It’s how many businesses’ figure out next moves and demographics. It’s not a new or unique concept.

:axe: man grumpy just to be grumpy.


That and they probably aren’t sending surveys to people who don’t play the game to behind with. For good reason.


More than likely the truth for sure.

Funniest part about that clown is he literally has no dialogue or conversations with anyone all 8,000 of his posts are his 1 liners and axe and he disapears from the thread for good.

He only has bad takes and is so insecure he needs to always have the last word before he leaves.

Dudes a joke.


His arrogance is pretty unfounded and hilarious for sure. posts his :axe: like he making some definitive final comment then leaves. Bad energy tbh.


Just my own narrow view, but personally I feel like you’ve hit on one of the big issues with Cata was it was the first time that Blizz’s server management (or lack thereof) was really deeply felt.

To that point in time, almost every server was growing if not already full. Come Cata, if you were on a dead/dying server (and there were quite a few) it didn’t matter that the raids were great because you were not likely to experience that part of the content.

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idc if it’s coming, everyone knew it was coming and if you think it wasn’t then lol. still should have tbc and wrath servers all i say.


I have yet to get anyone to point to anything that horrid with Cata (other than they destroyed ma old world (of which they spend no time there anyway)).


I will stand on any soapbox and loudly declare that Throne of the Tides is the worst dungeon they’ve ever designed.

Oh I remember that one… That brings back memories
I don’t think it is the worst one… I think the one I hate the most is the one w/the orange, purple sides – I get lost as all get out in there and it is long and boring.