The cat mount

I don’t get a lot of playtime due to having 2 jobs. I don’t do any gold farming, I don’t sell anything on the AH. No raids, mythics. I just do random dailies and/or just mess around. I’ve made just over 1mil gold and I’m a casual player.

Cat mount mania is here!

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Off 1 char alone you can clear 12K easy off callings alone a week.

run several alts…12K times X . x being how many alts you care to run.

5 alts reasonable…that is 60K a week.

and wait…there is more. if you hold for day 3 of bubble fill you could bang out 2 to 3 quests callings with one activity,

I personally bank up 100% fill quests to see if dungeon quest shows up. Like this week. 1 ascension runs was 3 quests completes. 2 callings (100% aid bar and the dungeon quest), 1 broker quest.

here let me explain it step by step for you

Step 1 - buy two tokens from AH

Step 2 select Bnet balance for you tokens - this adds $30 to your battlenet account

step 3 - go to shop and buy teh mount - the shop uses your Bnet balance before asking for money .

The only thing you cannot use Bnet balance for is to buy tokens to sell for gold . any other Bliz service can be paid for with gold this way

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I admit, I got the cat mount for my mage, I’m a sucker for cats…


Stop being a fool, No way did they drop this mount with the expectation to save the game.

If anything, its a risky and ballsy move to drop a new store mount during everything going on… but like every store mount release ever. you get folks like you and then folks who just want the next cute mount, like every store mount. they look better than mounts dropped in the game and aren’t just constant recolours of already farmed mounts.

I wasn’t gonna get it, I lasted less than a day before I caved.


I looks out of place in WoW. Lie some sort of Japanese Anima or Cheshire cat from Alice in Wonderland. Maybe it’s a hint from Blizzard at the next expansion’s theme.

You can not buy 6 month subs with Battle Net balance anymore now if it includes a mount…Blizzard only allowed it once when the Ship was included if you brought 6 month package…the next packages with mount was not allowed to be paid by Battle Net balance…

Good for you.

I’m actually trying to play the game and don’t have anything to show for it. I don’t have lots of gold, don’t have keystone achievement, raid achievement, pvp mounts, etc. I can’t help but feel like I’m literally wasting all my time in game without anything to show for it.

Just dumb like how you need to play a particular class/spec/tree/cov to “git gud”, I guess you need to do the same for gold earning. Really wish I would have researched the game more before sinking hundreds of dollars in it to play. My ignorant self thought it’d be fun to just play the game and learn as I go, just like any other normal video game. But in WoW, you have to look everything up AND there is only one viable path that is literally just what everybody else does. BORING!

It meows when you summon it and when it takes off from the ground

What are you even talking about lol

Its cringy and doesn’t fit WARcraft, looks like some cringy disgusting thing that came out of a disney movie.

How bad of a game WoW is despite all the money they rake in. Their product is like that of a small indy company while they make money like one of the largest video game developers.

…and how sad it is they’re charging people $25 for an animation they can throw together in no time…and that people are actually buying it.

Yea dude but it meows

I love it! I bought it immediately. :hugs::heart:

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Hard pass for me. I think it looks completely silly.

I speak only for myself.

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Nice to know people still defend this company. I’m not sure how much longer I will put up with this company failures. I’m already depressed that this game took a nose dive into the maw itself. My loyalty is fading pretty quickly. I keep coming back in hopes Blizzard would start caring.

And the best Blizzard can do is throw up a store mount. Pathetic.

Don’t care.

But dude it meows

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