The cat mount

What nonsense are you raving about? Do you not know how the tokens work?

I paid 0 cash. I used about 400k gold to buy two tokens. Converted that to Blizz balance. And used the Blizz Balance.

I purchased it entirely with Gold I earned in game, and 0 cash on my part. As can any one else.


Literally been playing SL since launch with many alts doing mission tables daily. I have maybe cumulatively earned 400k gold since 9.0. I’m going to go out on a limb and say that the only people that have that kind of gold to spend on tokens to buy a store mount are those who run farm bots and those who sell carries.

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I don’t do that.

I just make use of the mission tables and garrisons. The free gold. Hexweave bags and swapblasters are cheap to make and have been selling well since WoD. Medallions of the Legion are an easy 4 to 5 k, and I have a few Alts with the Garrisons that are progressed. And I usually raid heroic on a few Characters. Heroic BoEs sell well.

I definitely don’t sell runs - I can barely get invited to pugs, much less sell runs. And I wouldn’t know how to bot. I just take advantage of the pretty passive gold streams Blizz has.


You do realize that like the Vulpine Familiar this is just content they are already working on for 10.0? The vulpine familiar was 9.0 content that they sold as a mount, this is just 10.0 content they are selling as a mount. :wink:

Ya know what . . . I kinda like it to, call me crazy but it gives me some Norse vibes for some reason . . . Ifin I recall correctly the Norse goddess Freya had two cats that pulled her chariot around.

Might get it for a Norse themed alt or something.

Yeah, it is a long talk.
But if it was one of those games in which you had to have a place to leave your mount, and it might be killed by mobs or other players if left unattended, there would be no end to the list of people complaining about it.
Specially if it was a bought mount, and even if you could revive it like hunter pets.

They keep changing the DK horse mount. Sometimes it does that, sometimes it doesn’t. Its frustrating when it does.

I also cant use any of the raptor mounts on any character except taurens. The bounce motion messes with me. At least on Taurens they are bigger so the bounce is slightly less and slower. Not as upsetting but still sucks.

Yes the priest mounts are pretty bad as well.

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If you like the new mount I’m giving one away this weekend!

PS> there is a separate option if you’ve already bought it or want something else

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Mounts are cool, I’m waiting for something mechanical besides that boat, or a cool warrior/rogue esthetic mount.

All we get is these glitter mounts. Purple, pinkish blah. I would feel like “I wanna break free” if I would use one of those.

It’s on my to do list.

And how did they get the millions for spider and brutosaur mounts?

Mission tables are not that great for making money this time. Emissary boxes etc make more. And at 80 renown weekly anima pays 1600.

I said it.

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Every time I hear it meow, I wonder what happened to my cat. It’s “I’ve been hurt” in cat-speak.

I had about 6 million, from years of questing and gathering. I could have bought the Brutosaur, but that would have left me with only one million, and I couldn’t stand the thought of being poor.

So lemmie get this straight…

  • We can drop a fireball the size of a meteor on people WHILST INDOORS.
  • We can stab a dragon as big as the Chrysler Building with toothpick-like daggers and do immense amounts of damage.
  • A gnome a small as an overweight chihuahua can swing around a giant, two-handed sword as big as Dallas, Texas easily as if it were made of balsa wood and wet cardboard.
  • A Pandaren with Corgi-like legs can out run a Night Elf with a runner’s body, even in platemail.

And the one thing, THE ONE THING, that bothers you is a cute cat mount?

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Getting it on Monday. Been dreaming of a giant housecat to ride. :heart_eyes_cat:

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Never said it is one thing …


-Dropping a fireball indoors: There is nothing which prevents it. The Fireball you drop does not come from space, or the sky. It is a conjured item. It happens to be conjured from above, but as a roof will not prevent conjuring food, it will not prevent conjuring a fireball either.
-Stabbing a dragon with a small weapon: That goes without saying, as a puncture as little as needing one stitch in certain places can kill you.
-Oversized things ARE one of the other things that sure break immersion.
-Legs: You know speed of walking does not relate to length of legs in a direct way. It happens that some long legged animals run fast, but Rhinos are very fast runners, and short of a really fast car, everyone who went in a safari park knows you cant outrun a Rhino in one of those safari cars.

This new mount and how this vod comes to mind titled; Jimmy: The World of Warcraft Story 8th May 2007

"You buy cat, 50 msk? Very good quality!