The cat mount

I love it! When i found out about it i sent a messege to my boyfriend just to show the kitty and then he goes and buys it for me. <3

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This cat is the type of animal/mount you would see in a Harry Potter universe.

I"m a cat person, so I really like the new kitty mount. I think it might be the second mount I ever paid for. I got one for both of my accounts and one for my GF’s account.

Also makes me even more curious about the next expac…

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Anything I have of what you listed was from back before I had 2 jobs.

And this is a game. Games are meant to be enjoyed. It sounds like you have fallen into the “job” aspect of the game. You don’t need to do all this stuff to enjoy the game. As I said I spend a lot of my time just running around doing random solo things. Or I get with friends and we see what stupid stuff we can come up with.

One of my friends does what you are trying to do and she doesn’t make much gold. Instead of doing the things that are more like a job just have fun and do random stuff. You might enjoy it more and get more out of it honestly.

We jumped that shark with motorcycles.

Meanwhile the Legion Timewalking mount is… a 9th recolor of a hippogryph.

This mount is nothing more than a “We’re hemorrhaging players - how about a cat mount? People love cats right? Just slap the model onto the existing Shu-Zen rig. And hey, lets put it on the store for $25 so we can fill our pockets at the same time!”

And of course it flies… meanwhile many achievement mounts are still grounded.


Maybe. We already had mechanized player mounts (Mechanostriders) in Classic, a flying machine mount in BC, and few other mechanized mounts coming in during Cata along with the mechano hog.

Ya… people would probably hate on the store mounts a lot less if they gave all new achievement and loot mounts the same treatment with using new models, flying, and special summon animations.

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It’s a rubbish mount with low rez fur texture, I assume anyone saying it’s a good mount are saying it to get a reaction from people because it’s so terrible.

I saw maybe 2 people with it so far and they looked as stupid riding it as I thought they would.

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lol, the release video is now “unlisted” because it was getting ratio’d 10 to 1 negative:


Since I hate cats no I won’t be getting this horrid looking thing.

Motorcycles that don’t work in the maw.

Apparently the maw puts out an emp pulse from hell…until we reach korthia.

I’d get alliance horse mounts not working. they are scared you see. IF motorcycles weren’t working in the maw…how were mechagnomes walking?

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We jumped that shark with vanilla shoulders bigger than the rest of the armor.
No reason to keep on jumping though.

Are people really complaining about a cat mount in a fantasy world where we can turn animals giant if we REALLY wanted to.

What would you order?

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I’m surprised people are pleased with this money grabber. It literally looks like they took a tiny image and scaled it up, it’s so terribly pixelated.


WoW doesn’t have some raise bars very high lol.

You settle for close enough as its all you are gonna get. I learned to separate my expectations. Now in fallout 4 or skyrim mod-ville…I am way more picky. Even though terabyte drives are a thing these days…if weapons or armour mod x is like 500mb…it needs to earn its spot on my load order with nice textures. and animations. Don’t be giving janky wonky vanilla. Reached out to famed animators like hitman? That adds some +1 cool points. Worth the added data in that case.

Still blows me away that people get this upset about store mounts.
-no one forces you to buy them
-nearly every store mount looks better than dropped mounts
-no, you can’t do better, if you could you would but you can’t and you aren’t. shut your pie-hole.

My country has a Angus BLT burger, so I tend to either get that or the spicy chicken burger (we call it McSpicy) and if I’m feeling particularly in the mood for more fats than I get a frappe.

But you know what I just realized I should get Carl’s Jr…