The cat mount

I’d say its following the trend set by other more recent store mounts. They’re definitely leaning into more colorful / animated mounts. And something about the way they’re doing t he eyes on them makes them seem more “alive” (exaggerated, but still) than standard mounts.

But you only see it in store mounts, so it’s really weird and feels like it’s from something else entirely.

I think recolors are definitely possible. It’s got me thinking on how we saw the veilwing mount in the cash shop and then in shadowlands as creatures. I wonder if we will see those cats around in future content?

Talk about making immersion!

This cat mount is just cringe. Its like a mage polymorphed a house cat into a mount that can fly.

I mean I get it some folks love cats but there is a level of cringe here.


Great mount. Reeks of desperation.


No it reeks of lazyness. And unwillingness to fix this expansion. There idea of fixing is to throw a new mount on the shop.


that’s not the point genius

the average person just clicks S T O R E and clicks on the mount and uses 25$ to purchase it


At least no one made the ban-worthy comment they made about the Celestial Steed. So still not the worse that could happen.

Lord folks if you don’t like the mount just forget about it and go about your business…store mounts are to make money for blizzard any simpleton can understand that now…add in fact these mounts are designed by a marketing team not game team…doesn’t effect the game one bit other then in your own mind it seems. And if your damn jealous of a store mount its about time you grew up esp if your a so called adult now.


I would pay $25 to fly around on a big mac or box of large fries. Maybe have a WoW/Mcdonalds promotion, just send in 50 big mac proof of purchase.


I think the mount is pretty cool, but I think the timing of releasing it for cash in the shop is really, really bad. It’s not a good look at all. I’m honestly surprised people are buying it.

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Before Mists they gave us a Yellow Dragon mount that sort of opened the door for that style of expac so do you see something like this with the new Cat mount? As it looks completly out of sync with anything other than a critter. Which just doesn’t make any sence to have a critter mount.

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The cat looks great. The saddle looks completely ridiculous and out of place. It should be re-werked and made to look what it should. A leather saddle.

We summon mounts and pets from thin air. How the hell is that “immersion”?


You know that point in an aging sitcom… when they introduce a cute lil baby? Could there be a better example of “pandering to your audience?”

This feels like that. We didn’t just get a mount tied to the lore, story, background, context, and/or development of this game… we got “a cute lil kitty! DAWWWWWWW!”

It just feels weak. Appealing to the lowest common denominator of people most willing to part with their cash over nothing.

Just… doesn’t sit right.

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They pushed out a nice mount right before their shareholders are going to see the number from the last quarter. This was a last ditch effort to gain some ground with the shareholders.


I would have. But I am eyeing token buys of Ah to keep sub running longer to let some things brew in tbcc land. that will be 200 to 400k.

Except the major flaw in your logic is that you have to spend gold for a wow token to buy you a STORE MOUNT, thats $40.00 versus just buying it for $25

Should be free to those with 6 month sub. I can’t help but feel like I’m sinking all kinds of money into Blizz and am not thrilled with the product/services I’m receiving.

The devs seem concerned about mundane issues, like adding fruit bowls to the game, instead of adding engaging, substantive, and FUN content. I feel like the new game content has been a boring grind to season reset, basically just eating up time. I never see any outcome that I expect, e.g. spend 6 months trying to gear for PvP but still can’t rank by end of season…which I think is in part to the non-effort on devs end to make the game actually competitive. Instead we get P2W competitiveness: season starts, buy your gold, buy your gear, pay for carry, etc., pay for character boosts bc you don’t have time to level a new class since they nerfed the OP class and boosted a different one to OP status…it’s a racket.

With that said, after SL expac done, I’m done too. Never wasting money on an expac again because I can play the content for free afterwards, plus more bugs will have been worked out the content by then. Also, buying expac really only benefits a small fraction of hardcore gamers who put in 12 hours a day every week who actually get to earn seasonal rewards. I have a job, no money for boosts/carries, so I’m forced into the world of casual not being sponsored for E-sports.

So no, not wasting money on a BS cat mount. IDC what it does. Now, if this was put out by a company that actually cared about the quality of their product, were trying to improve it, and I saw progress, then I’d happily drop the money to support that kind of company…but no, not paying for a cheap animation that probably took a work day to create to help Blizz recover their $$$ from their settlement.


Oh yeah?? How do you get all this gold to spend willy nilly on something so useless?